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Where is all this hate and focus on Christians coming from lately??

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posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Awoken4Ever
Great philosophers have already said, it's impossible to have a society without religion.

I do not happen to agree with that.

Nor do I accept that religion and god are the same thing.

I specifically do not use the term "god" because of that reason.

IMO religion is the man made manipulation of god's power.

"god" would be the consciousness energy force.

If we lived in "god" consciousness - - - the physical act of sex (no matter gender) would be irrelevant. As the soul consciousness would be the measure of human.

"People are their heart"

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by Annee

Valid point about the difference between God and Religion. That I can appreciate a lot, and agree with you on. It is the same as being religious versus spiritual IMO. I consider myself very spiritual, but not religious at all.

I am not sure about the soul stuff though. I have come across a lot of entities (humans) in my time that I know for certain are without souls. I have also seen things that make no sense that you can relate to them as a human being. They spook me beyond anything on the planet. In what you said, their existence makes no sense to me then, nor would a method of dealing with them.

Like always, I appreciate your response. You now have me thinking again. Further down the rabbit hole once again

edit on 30-11-2011 by Awoken4Ever because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

I've done the spiritual thing.

Went through it and moved on.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I suggest you do real research rather than just throwing off names, especially concerning the history of Protestantism. The Whore of Babylon is Jerusalem.

We don't worship Mary. We believe in the communion of saints. The Mother of God has been respected all throughout history. It's only recently that people have an issue with her in religion. She was assumed into heaven by Christ.

Sola scriptura is unscriptural. The eucharist is scriptural. The fact that first class miracles only happen in the Catholic Church should move you, especially since Jesus said signs will follow His followers. The pope is not an antrichrist but he is the successed vicar of Christ, Peter being the first appointed. Until you do some actual research and read the WHYs of Catholic faith you are being blinded by propaganda.

Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon the great.

I've done all the research i need to do bud. Know how to tell a true believer from a fake one? Look at his works and how he does things. Does the Pope sitting on that mockery of God's mercy seat while people kneel before him and kiss his holy ring seem like something Jesus would want him to do?

It was the Roman Catholic Church that sanctioned the Dominicans and supported them during the Spanish Inquisition in which tens of thousands of protestant true believers were butchered and tortured on devices like "the wooden horse", "the wrack" and the "thumb screw chair", they also had rocks tied to them and were thrown into the water and if they floated then they were holy and pure and if they drowned they were "witches" and many were burned at the stake.

Do you think Jesus would want his church getting involved with the governments of the world? Do you think Jesus would want his church amassing matieral wealth and power the way the Roman Catholic Church has? All you have to do is ask yourself "what would Jesus do?" "how would he react in this situation?". Read the bible brah, it tells you how he is and who he really is. Thats all the research i need is in that book when it comes to flushing out anti-christs and the apostates.
edit on 26-11-2011 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

If we had to ask "what would Jesus do" almost all protestants would be in hell. Do research on its history.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

Where is all this hate and focus on Christians coming from lately??

I dont know.
But it seems to be somewhat proportionate to the amount of hate and focus coming out from christianity onto other religions.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to [url= by Awoken4Ever[/url]

Where is all this hate and focus on Christians coming from lately??

You mean the Christians who proclaim to love and worship an entity that they think will torture anyone who isn't a Christian forever and ever?

Not a very likeable group imo

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Look the false flag raising, fear mongering, anti-christian friends of yours have put up another announcement:

Funny how the promises of the aliens coming in the Autumn, and now that the clock is ticking down on them, the story is changing huh? Now it's only for those who specifically believe in them will be contacted. So I guess the rest of us 99.99999999999999999% of us are going to be left in the dark huh?.

I love this line, "they plan to land quietly and visit quietly with people in suburban cities, towns, parks, and the like. Simply have it in your consciousness, in your thoughts, that you want to meet & speak with them. This is all it will take." So I understand this, these nuts are announcing and advertising any place someone will let them talk that they are coming, and promising when they are coming, and now all of the sudden they "plan to land quietly and visit quietly" huh? Yes, nice back door folks for when your false prophecy doesn't come true, you can then say, "they were here, only those of us enlightened met with them."

They promised the cure for diseases, but now all of the sudden there seems to be confusion on our part about what this exactly meant, and then they go on into 4D existence. What a surprise, another failed prophecy with a back door. You think they would of cleaned up that confusion long before they put a ticking clock on their deadline and it is coming to an end don't you?

The part that really kills me though is how there is an intergalactic war going on in our oceans of them eradicating the reptilian bases, yet not a single sound, flash in the sky, mysterious sonic booms, a witness, or something registering on the Richter scale huh? Must be going on in the 4D world, even though these bases exist in our 3D world LOL.

But come believe us because we say so, even though we can't prove it to you at all. LMAO

You can't make this stuff up any better! I really feel sorry for anyone that believes in this crap!

Here is my prediction, after December 22, they will say they have been here, those that were going to be raptured into 4D have been (even though you won't find one single missing person in 6 degrees of separations missing from the planet), that the aliens have left for a little while and will return, and those still here like the clown of this article, have come back from 4D to save some more of us in the mean time.

God I love me a good false flag story!!!!! Bottom line is that if this Mr. Ed is still here writing articles in ANY capacity post Xmas, then you been had! If nothing else, hopefully he will go into hiding like Harold Camping just to mislead the public some more.

Happy December 1

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Yes and as His return gets closer the hatred and persecution will get worse but Jesus took my punishment for me the least I can do is listen to the world call me ignorant for my faith

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Awoken4Ever

You can't make this stuff up any better! I really feel sorry for anyone that believes in this crap!

So - - you believe - that I believe messages from man are correct and accurate.

You haven't paid much attention to what I've said - - have you?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

I've done the spiritual thing.

Went through it and moved on.

You can not move on from the spirit my dear sister...

It can't be done

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Akragon

Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

I've done the spiritual thing.

Went through it and moved on.

You can not move on from the spirit my dear sister...

It can't be done

Depends on how you define "spiritual thing".

My "guys" (guides) #1 warning to me is "beware of false prophets".

Are you referring to man teaching his version of spirituality?

Or - - are you referring to spirituality as energy?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Akragon

Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

I've done the spiritual thing.

Went through it and moved on.

You can not move on from the spirit my dear sister...

It can't be done

Depends on how you define "spiritual thing".

My "guys" (guides) #1 warning to me is "beware of false prophets".

Are you referring to man teaching his version of spirituality?

Or - - are you referring to spirituality as energy?

I would beware of all prophets honestly... though i would also beware of a guide or guru as well...

Im refering to every action you take in this life... it is a spiritual journey.

I suppose you can call it an energy as well, but everything is energy... or even a vibration.

Once one is aware of their own spirit, you can't "be done with it"... it was always with you before that realization anyways...

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Akragon

I would beware of all prophets honestly... though i would also beware of a guide or guru as well...

Oh - absolutely! I've been having "experiences" since I was born in 1946. I remember OBEs - - - floating up my wall and the ceiling disappearing when I was only 5. Long before the internet or anyone to discuss it with. I was literally on my own to figure it out as a kid.

I'm referring to every action you take in this life... it is a spiritual journey.

Not only action - but thought. Thought is creative energy.

Once one is aware of their own spirit, you can't "be done with it"... it was always with you before that realization anyways...

"with you"?

You are. What are you?

But yeah - I get it.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Annee

"with you"?

You are. What are you?

Sorry im not understanding what you mean...

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Annee

No I am paying attention. I just wanted to stir up some controversy and get the thread going again, because it got quiet
I never know when or where I am going to get my next message from and I have been a little stagnate the last few days in the message department.

I am glad I did say something, because I had flashbacks of some stuff I had forgotten about until you brought it up. Just out of curiosity, the OBE's you had as a child, do you remember if they were majority of the time during a specific time of day? i.e. morning, day, or night


posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Awoken4Ever
No I am paying attention. I just wanted to stir up some controversy and get the thread going again, because it got quiet
I never know when or where I am going to get my next message from and I have been a little stagnate the last few days in the message department.

I am glad I did say something, because I had flashbacks of some stuff I had forgotten about until you brought it up. Just out of curiosity, the OBE's you had as a child, do you remember if they were majority of the time during a specific time of day? i.e. morning, day, or night


No prob.

I think you have a good thread - - - and I really appreciate your own involvement.

I would like to contribute more fully - - - but am time challenged.
edit on 1-12-2011 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by Annee

"with you"?

You are. What are you?

Sorry im not understanding what you mean...

"With you" - - seems to present separation.

"You are" - - even if you have not awoken yet you still "are" and always have been the spiritual being.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Annee

First of all, I just wanted to say I haven't read the whole thread, but here is some thoughts to consider on whether or not the Bible offers proof that it is indeed from god.


Some interesting things to note from that include the fact that Isiah predicted a ton of stuff before it happened, but nobody talks about this because it all happened in the past so people just forget about it.

Also, in Job, God comes out and says a bunch of sciency things that people didn't discover until fairly recently.

Take a look!

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Awoken4Ever

I think you are talking in "absolutes." Absolutes is words like never and ever. In your case, "The world..." I don't hate Jesus, and I know a lot of non-Christians that don't hate Jesus at all. In fact, many of us dig the hell out of Jesus and what he stood for.

Very well said, Awoken4Ever, I do not hate anyone, and I don't hate a man sent here to tech people how to live. What I cannot stand is an establishment that is brainwashing people, and ripping people off, and raping and killing people in the name of their religious leader. I cannot stand seeing preachers riding around in expensive cars while the ones who paid for it drive rusty heaps. I also cannot stand people who think they know everything, and who attempt to get you to join their cult at every opportunity. And I cannot stand people who have a demonic label for everything not in the Christian Bible.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

"Aliens" as people know them today are not extra terrestrials. They are demons or the fallen angels (messengers).

I beg to differ. Are you saying Valiant Thor is a demon or fallen angel? I think he would be insulted. And I suppose you think the Pleiadians are demons too? And how about the men who were in the Alien/Human exchange program? They were demons also? And by this logic, I guess the aliens Philip Corso was talking about fallen angels? Do you see the flawed logic here?

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