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Vaccinate your children or loose tax benefits

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posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:06 PM
And here is what one of the lead gardasil developers has to say: link

But I guess she is full of it as well??

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

Sounds like you are a fan of Janet Reno. We must kill the kids to save the kids. Do we kill the whole to save the one or kill the one to save the whole? Issues with vacinations are nothing new. The problem is there are just more and more being made and more and more bein forced in our bodies. As the number of vacines increase so does the danger. That is with out the discussion of what they are deliberately being tainted with.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by FurvusRexCaeli

Yeah man. Australia's gonna be waaaay better with him.

lol whooops

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 03:51 PM
if not tax breaks, they should lose the insurance coverage when the kids get a disease that coud have been prevented by a vaccination

you can choose not to vaccinate, but if you choose not to vaccinate, I'm not paying the bill

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by acmpnsfal

Sounds like you are a fan of Janet Reno. We must kill the kids to save the kids. Do we kill the whole to save the one or kill the one to save the whole? Issues with vacinations are nothing new. The problem is there are just more and more being made and more and more bein forced in our bodies. As the number of vacines increase so does the danger. That is with out the discussion of what they are deliberately being tainted with.

And worst of all is that big part of those vaccines forced on you are for diseases that very rarely leads to any complications for a healthy person.

And if you take a vaccine for some of those childhood diseases then you might be in much more risk once the vaccine wears out and you catch it as adult.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 04:58 PM
just stupid government ... even the studies about the flu vaccines only work for a few percent of those immunized. This is just stupid and another way to enforce economic slavery ... those who comply get benefits ......

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

Awesome to see this issue gain a bit more traction on here! Not sure which of us started a thread first, but mine died out pretty quickly which was a shame on such an important issue.
My views are of the doesn't matter which side of the fence your on, punishing you fiscally to the tune of $2100 if you fail to comply is a sickening precedent.
Good luck in your thread mate! :-D

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by budaruskie
reply to post by bluemirage5

I'm fighting, my children have no vaccinations or social security numbers. Everyone thinks I'm crazy and I can't claim them as dependents on income tax. Recently, my health insurance provider tried to tell me that a SS# is an absolute requirement for PRIVATE health insurance. The school district says both vaccines and SS#'s are requirements and the list goes on and on. It really makes everything a pain in the ass! But, it will be a cold day in hell when I sell my kids out to $$$ and it's minions! What's amazing is that everytime I face something difficult and ask the opposing party to provide me with a law that backs them up I either get silence or they reference laws that clearly do not state what they think it does.
Wow, congrats to you for fighting for your freedom! They have a way of making you need everything like insurance, bank accounts and everything else like that. Of course the laws arent there, or obviously there anymore; they have been slowly removing your freedoms for ages. Keep up the good fight

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by FurvusRexCaeli
Of course the original strands of these things have been around for ages, but there are plenty of new strands that were made by man. Not to mention the big diseases that kill the most, a lot of them have probably been man made. Plus every time we mutate genes in labs, we give these diseases the chance to mutate to something unstoppable and lethal. It’s a dangerous game, that we don’t know enough about to be forcing it on our kids.
Wether people like it or not viruses, diseases, germs and everything like that serves a purpose. Within the last half a century we have dramatically changed everything to do with health; this could backfire on us. So it’s important to be weary, and have the choice to be weary.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by swoopaloop

Don't like it? Vote Ron Paul 1% tax.
Uh this is in Australia? But I have been supporting Ron anyway.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Qumulys

Sorry mate, I did search but you know how hopeless that thing is. Whenever it happens to me, I’m just happy that important issues are getting more acknowledgment.
Exactly, its basic freedom. You cant remove someone’s right to their own body because there is no limit to what laws and restrictions that can take you to. Its a dangerous game.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
if not tax breaks, they should lose the insurance coverage when the kids get a disease that coud have been prevented by a vaccination

you can choose not to vaccinate, but if you choose not to vaccinate, I'm not paying the bill

Just wanted to point out that IF they had insurance... they were paying for it anyway (as is my understanding in America, Australia may be different)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 11:23 PM
I'm tired, really tired, after several years now of trying to tell people that vaccines do not, nor have they ever, prevented any disease. The "masses," however, consider themselves to be the most sane and informed. They believe in medicine, government and science, are often religious, but rarely believe in a real God, and none of them have a clue about the rigor and techniques that are required for sound, scientific inference. None of them have any academic credentials or real life experience with the casualities of vaccines. The best that science could offer, if the money was there for it, would tell you that vaccines do not prevent anything, but they do cause long term debilitation and set the pharmaceutical companies up to reap continued profit off of disease syndromes that never existed or were recently invented. And vaccines do cause autism in many, severe neurological damage in not a few, and agonizing death for many once vital children.

Alan Foos
BA Botany, MS Soil Science, 3.84 gpa, 4.00 major

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

The reason this is coming about is that we have turned our backs on God.

He is letting us have exactly what we wanted........we are reaping what we sewed.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by DissentFromDayOne
reply to post by bluemirage5

The reason this is coming about is that we have turned our backs on God.

He is letting us have exactly what we wanted........we are reaping what we sewed.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Is that what is going on? The wrath of god? What ever happened to the all forgiving god? This just sounds like karma, but you can call it whatever you like.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:43 AM
Reading through the comments here is just amazing. As someone who has been in public health for almost 20 years, all I can say is that anyone who honestly believes that the government is out to kill your kids with vaccinations is off their rocker. Vaccines save lives, period. I have seen children die from vaccine-preventable illnesses, including an 11 month old baby boy who died less than a year before the Hib vaccine that would have saved his life was available.

If you're under 40, ask your parents and grandparents about the horrors of smallpox, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, epiglottitis, and other diseases. Smallpox killed 300 MILLION people in the 20th century alone. That's 300 with six zeroes after it. My mother almost died of pertussis as a child--that was before there were no vaccines. Polio struck people of all ages.

But if you really want to go back to those days and put your children at risk, there are some countries in Africa and Southeast Asia that should be right up your alley. I invite you to go there and see what these diseases do.

If you choose to not vaccinate your children, keep them out of society here. They are a danger to everyone around them and you don't have the right to potentially kill another person's child because you can't see beyond what you perceive as infringing on your rights. Well, sometimes things are done, and should be done, for the greater good. And believe it or not, sometimes those things are done for the right reasons and with the public's best interest at heart.

If you doubt that, you clearly haven't done your homework. Turn off Alex Jones, get out of your bubble, and educate yourself. You are putting your children's lives, and the lives of others at risk.

You do have the right to not vaccinate your own children and put them at risk. However, you do NOT have the right to expose mine to your stupidity and selfishness.
edit on 11/28/2011 by HappyBunny because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by cusanus
I'm tired, really tired, after several years now of trying to tell people that vaccines do not, nor have they ever, prevented any disease. The "masses," however, consider themselves to be the most sane and informed. They believe in medicine, government and science, are often religious, but rarely believe in a real God, and none of them have a clue about the rigor and techniques that are required for sound, scientific inference. None of them have any academic credentials or real life experience with the casualities of vaccines. The best that science could offer, if the money was there for it, would tell you that vaccines do not prevent anything, but they do cause long term debilitation and set the pharmaceutical companies up to reap continued profit off of disease syndromes that never existed or were recently invented. And vaccines do cause autism in many, severe neurological damage in not a few, and agonizing death for many once vital children.

Alan Foos
BA Botany, MS Soil Science, 3.84 gpa, 4.00 major

No, they don't cause autism, and you should know better. There is zero evidence to back up that ridiculous claim. Also, dragging God into it just totally undermines your position.

Love how you felt the need to post your credentials. Appeal to authority. Nobody cares about your 3.84 GPA.
All you're doing is compensating for your lack of practical experience in the field.

If you have solid evidence to back you up, post it.

Now as to your assertion that people don't have "real life experience with the casualities of vaccines", I beg to differ. What YOU don't seem to take into account though, is that there is an inherent risk in any medical procedure or drug. You take your life into your hands when you take a Tylenol. A vaccine is a medical procedure. So why is the adverse reaction rate bar for vaccines set so impossibly high by you guys? You'll accept a certain amount of risk or certain amount of toxins in soil when you do your soil samples, correct? Even when you know those toxins are harmful? So why are vaccines any different?
edit on 11/28/2011 by HappyBunny because: (no reason given)

The pharma industry doesn't make a lot of money on vaccines. If given the choice between developing something you'll get in a series over a few years vs. something you'll have to take every day for the rest of your life, they choose the latter. If we had, say, an anthrax outbreak tomorrow, we wouldn't have enough vaccine for half the population. But we sure would have enough antidepressants!
edit on 11/28/2011 by HappyBunny because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

Thus I would not be giving you money and investing in a child at high risk for dieing yuloung.

My money you mean?
Investing in a child?
You got it all wrong mate, it's the people who elect and pay the government not the other way around.
(At least it's supposed to be that way)

Bottom line is this; they can't withold your money because you didn't forcibly let them vaccinate your child.

That's wrong and it's only happening because people have lost all sense of who they are and where they are.

It works like this; "you need a vaccine"...."I do?"......"yes you do"......"ok then whatever you say (shall I bend down aswell?)"

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by HappyBunny
Reading through the comments here is just amazing. As someone who has been in public health for almost 20 years, all I can say is that anyone who honestly believes that the government is out to kill your kids with vaccinations is off their rocker. Vaccines save lives, period. I have seen children die from vaccine-preventable illnesses, including an 11 month old baby boy who died less than a year before the Hib vaccine that would have saved his life was available.

If you're under 40, ask your parents and grandparents about the horrors of smallpox, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, epiglottitis, and other diseases. Smallpox killed 300 MILLION people in the 20th century alone. That's 300 with six zeroes after it. My mother almost died of pertussis as a child--that was before there were no vaccines. Polio struck people of all ages.

But if you really want to go back to those days and put your children at risk, there are some countries in Africa and Southeast Asia that should be right up your alley. I invite you to go there and see what these diseases do.

If you choose to not vaccinate your children, keep them out of society here. They are a danger to everyone around them and you don't have the right to potentially kill another person's child because you can't see beyond what you perceive as infringing on your rights. Well, sometimes things are done, and should be done, for the greater good. And believe it or not, sometimes those things are done for the right reasons and with the public's best interest at heart.

If you doubt that, you clearly haven't done your homework. Turn off Alex Jones, get out of your bubble, and educate yourself. You are putting your children's lives, and the lives of others at risk.

You do have the right to not vaccinate your own children and put them at risk. However, you do NOT have the right to expose mine to your stupidity and selfishness.
edit on 11/28/2011 by HappyBunny because: (no reason given)

Riddle me this riddler....if you and your children have taken the magic potion that protects you from disease, and I have am I a threat to your health? Isn't it the other way around? You seem extremely intelligent and detail oriented, judging by your post.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:50 AM
picture from the 1990's

Arizona's KPHO CBS 5 running nightly news series calling those who oppose vaccines "terrorists"

Vaccines: Pre-Industrial Age Quackery Posing As Modern Science

Some more history to put this into context.

Smallpox made its appearance in the midst of the collapse of Greek and Roman civilization, with their high standards of health, hygiene, and sanitation: public baths, municipal water supply, drainage, toilets, garbage disposal, spacious, well-aired, sun-drenched living quarters, and a simple, un-spoiled diet. These factors prevented smallpox from ravaging their populations at the same time it devastated Africa and Asia. How?

During the Dark Ages in Europe, sanitation, diet, and hygiene were frightfully inadequate. Noted hygienist and dietician Doctor Herbert Shelton describes the conditions:

According to Montgomery’s English History, the streets of London and other cities were rarely more than twelve to fifteen feet wide were neither paved nor lighted. Pools of stagnant water accumulated everywhere, heaps of garbage abounded and were only removed when it began to obstruct the traffic. There was no sewage and dead dogs, cats, rubbish, rotten vegetable and fruit refuse, human and animal excreta, and slops from the kitchen were all thrown into the streets. Surrounded by high walls, cities could not expand and people were forced to live in a slum-like manner. Holes served as windows, with little or no ventilation, whole families slept in one room often in one bed, and hundreds of persons lived in one building crowded in from the sub-celler to the attic. They rarely ever washed, had no bath tubs, no underwear and wore the same clothes day and night. They lived in utmost poverty, slaved long hours, even the children worked, drank heavily of alcohol, ate like hogs of spoiled, unnatural food and suffered from malnutrition.

So we see two cultural contrasts where disease was non-existant in one and rampant in the other. Did vaccines exist in Greece and Rome? But without them, how were they spared the ravages of this disease? Certainly the Roman Empire, which controlled vast portions of Africa and Asia, was not quarantined from the rest of the world. There was one simple factor involved: standard of living.

Examination of almost all statistical data regarding diseases and vaccination show that the vaccine had little to no measurable effect on reducing illness, and in some cases actually contributed to an increase of deaths from the disease - in other words, people were killed by the very disease they were vaccinated against, and they contracted the disease from the vaccination.

lol as if billions of years worth of evolution were worthless because big pharma said so

In the world's largest and only double-blind vaccine trial of BCG vaccine in India, the incidence of TB was higher in the vaccinated group then in the control group.
The New Scientist wrote: "the world's biggest trial to assess the value of BCG tuberculosis vaccine has made startling revelation that the vaccine does not give any protection against bacillary forms of tuberculosis." (5)

The Lancet (14 March 1992) also carried out a study of 83,000 people who had been vaccinated against TB and concluded that they could find no statistically significant protection by the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis. (6) Holland does not have a BCG programme, and they have the lowest TB death rate in Europe. (5)

They don't know how or if it works
In the book `Vaccines' by Plotkin and Mortimer, under the heading `Efficacy of Bacille Calmette-Guerin' it states:
"The true effectiveness of BCG vaccine has been debated for decades. Large clinical trials from the 1930's and through the 1970's yielded wide ranging and conflicting results, demonstrating efficacy from 0 to 80%. The most recent trial in India only served to continue the argument".even after years of study and debate, the question `does BCG work?' cannot be answered definitely."

"The exact immune response elicited by BCG vaccination and its mechanism of action within the host are not well understood"..Studies of the immunological events that occur within the human host after BCG vaccination are almost totally lacking".both animal data and human clinical studies have provided information about the immune response to BCG, yet no vaccine so widely used is so little known about its mechanisms of action.
The immunology is complicated and development of an assay has been hampered by the lack of understanding".given our incomplete understanding of tuberculosis immunology, we are left with imperfect indicators of immunity." (12)

Side effects
Rash, fever, local induration, pain and lymphadenopathy, discharging ulcer, abcess formation, anaphylactic shock, lymphadenitis, difficulty in breathing, nausea, vomiting, phlyctenular conjunctivitis, draining sinuses, death.
In 1930, 73 children were killed by BCG vaccine in a few months. A book by Dr. Neville Irvine, "BCG Vaccination in Theory and Practice" reports of this disaster.

There had been a similar number of deaths in Spain when the Association of Spanish Pediatricians told their members not to use the vaccine. (7, 8, 9 and 10) A report in the Medical Monitor (June 1992) also stated that the vaccine can give you TB!
"It can cause disseminated TB in immuno-suppressed individuals, including children, and local ulceration and osteitis (wasting away of the bone) appears to be more common in babies."
Complication rates for serious side effects (from the vaccine) were recorded at 3-6 children per 200 (1.5% - 3%). (4)

Many people do not realize that tuberculosis is unheard of in unvaccinated populations.

"Note: James Phipps, the eight-year-old boy initially vaccinated by Jenner in 1796, was re-vaccinated 20 times, and died at the age of twenty. Jenner's own son, who was also vaccinated more than once, died at twenty-one. Both succumbed to tuberculosis, a condition that some researchers have linked to the smallpox vaccine." [Favez, G, "Tuberculous Superinfection Following a Smallpox Re-Vaccination", Praxis, July 21, 1960; 49:698-699; Ambs, E et al, "Tuberculous Abscess of the Upper Arm With Regional Lymphadenitis as a Consequence of Injection in Two Siblings", Med Klin, July 7, 1967, 62:1050-1054; Eleanor McBean, The Poisoned Needle (Mokelumne Hill, CA : Health Research, 1974) pp. 28-29, 66] (p. 46)

Vaccine Promoter Dr. Poul Thorsen Indicted for Theft of Millions in CDC Grants

American prosecutors are attempting to extradite a Danish scientist.

Poul Thorsen has been charged with 13 counts of wire fraud and nine counts of money laundering; a federal grand jury alleges that Thorsen stole over $1 million from autism research funding between February 2004 and June 2008.

Thorsen is said to have used the proceeds to buy a home in Atlanta, two cars and a Harley Davidson. He is said to have stolen the money while serving as the 'principal investigator' for a program that studied the relationship between autism and exposure to vaccines.


Two Dangerous "Experts" You Should Never EVER Believe...

Another prominent name in vaccine medicine, Dr. Paul Offit, well-known shill for the vaccine industry, has also been called out for making false and unsubstantiated statements about CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson and her report looking into the ties between vaccine supporters and the vaccine industry.

On April 18, 2011, the California Orange County Register issued a retraction of an August 4, 2008 article containing disparaging statements made by Dr. Offit about Attkisson.

According to Adventures in Autism:

"Upon further review, it appears that a number of Dr. Offit's statements, as quoted in the OC Register article, were unsubstantiated and/or false. Attkisson had previously reported on the vaccine industry ties of Dr. Offit and others in a CBS

The unsubstantiated statements included a claim that Attkisson "lied", and a claim that CBS News sent a "mean spirited and vituperative" email. Offit also told the OC Register that he provided CBS News "the details of his relationship ... with pharmaceutical company Merck", but documents provided by CBS News indicate Offit did not disclose all of his financial relationships with Merck.

Dr Mercola Commentary

When two of the biggest names in vaccine research and support turn out to be guilty of fraud, major deception, lying and making unsubstantiated statements, it really calls into question the validity of their work on the vaccine front … and that's putting it mildly.

Yet, this news has only been quietly shared by a handful of media outlets.

Countless American parents are putting their trust, and their child's lives, in the hands of the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) every time they vaccinate their children. Yet two of the CDC's "go-to guys" have now been caught red-handed lying and, in the case of Dr. Poul Thorsen, committing outright fraud. This includes:

Dr. Poul Thorsen, who was involved in several key studies the CDC uses to support their claims that MMR and mercury-containing vaccines, among others, are safe.
Dr. Paul Offit, a very well-known and frequent proponent of mandatory vaccination, whose views are promoted by the AAP and who previously served as a member of The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). ACIP is a 15-member panel of immunization experts, selected by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. They provide advice and guidelines to the CDC on vaccine-preventable diseases.

vaccine dangers

Stealth Vaccine Laws Allow Children to Consent to Vaccines at the Age of 12, page 1


aborted fetal cells/autism

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