posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 04:40 PM
Today, when I logged into facebook I noticed that facebook told me everyone who made a status about black friday. I was curious on how it did this so
i looked at all of the statuses. They all simply contained the words black friday somewhere in them. This confirms that FB scans all statuses and it
can sort people into groups based on any key word. Then I also remembered that when you log into FB you get a cookie that tracks what websites you go
to. It continues tracking even after you sign off, and only stops if you delete the cookie.
I then started thinking about the 2009 Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) report that helps officers spot potential domestic terrorist. The
list to spot potential domestic terrorist includes; Ron Paul supporters, those who oppose the federal reserve, constitutionalist, 2nd amendment
supporters, and much more.
I'm not saying they are, but they sure have the potential to put us all into groups. If you dont fall into the group of a potential domestic
terrorist according to the MIAC report, then you probably have enough problems already.