This post began as a simple video analysis and has evolved practical into a thesis. What I have written below is simply my current understanding of
this reality. This post is meant to serve as a tool to help you broaden YOUR perspective. I hope I am able to coherently introduce new concepts and,
with help of resources, demonstrate how your reality may be far different that what you currently perceive, as well explain the certain forces that
wish to limit and control your perception. If it sounds like this post may be of interest to you, I recommend bookmarking this page at this moment.
Nonetheless, I insist that you research beyond what is provided here.
To get into the right mindset, please take a minute to answer the following questions as truthfully as possible: How deep can deception truly go? Do
you believe all that you can personally perceive in this reality is all that exists? Do you believe you have received material or knowledge by a
higher power to explain your existence and purpose? Do you believe you know enough about life, death, the world and all reality so much so that you
will still think of me as crazy by the end of this post? Do you believe it is possible for a deception to exist that is so large it escapes your
current perception? If yes, to what extent?
Please keep your answers in mind as you read through.
I understand many will not finish reading this post due to its length, out of fear, or due to what you currently view as different, new, or just plain
absurd when you are introduced to these concepts, believing that further investigation is unnecessary. If I may make an analogy of how to view
information as bizarre as this may appear: there is a gap between our current understanding of the world and the unknown and/or seemingly ridiculous.
Depending our current understanding, this gap may be narrow or very wide. The only way to connect the two sides is by using information and experience
as boards that form a bridge between the gap. Information IS the key and today we are practically swimming in an ocean of it. We need only to view
the world with an open-mind in order to construct that bridge, all while maintaining balance with skepticism but avoiding cynicism altogether.
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
Now, let’s begin…
In order to gain a greater understanding of how this universe is not simply what we perceive, one needs at least an elementary understanding of
quantum physics,
'a branch of physics providing a mathematical description of the wave–particle duality of matter and energy’ - Wikipedia.
By understanding this area of science, you'll come to discover that perception and reality are two very different things. Broken down to a quantum
level, essentially EVERYTHING we perceive is the cause of vibration, frequency, waves and particles. Nothing in this world is truly solid.
What The *Bleep* Do We Know?
Cymatics (the study of visible sound and vibration)
Evan Grant on Cymatics
David Icke on Cymatics
Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
Reality Is A Matrix
Jedi Mind, Inc. (operating technology through brain waves)
Even the most hardened skeptic must ask the question, "how well do I know my own mind?". To find out, try putting your brain to the test. Study the
areas of psychology, critical thinking and the effect of subliminals. These areas of study are very eye-opening, fun and help you to gain a better
understanding your own mind.
Brain Games from Nat Geo (interactive and very entertaining, find the full 3 hours any way you
Derren Brown - Mentalist
Subliminal Messages
Trains of Thought
Derren Brown Playlist
How Can We Ever Be Certain? (Critical Thinking)
Ex-KGB Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash A Nation
Film Analysis (apply this technique to everyday life)
After watching the videos above, you might realize that you may not know your own mind or reality as much as you previously thought. As knowledge is
power, there will unfortunately be others who will take advantage of an individual’s limited perception as easily as an adult may manipulate a
child. This can be as simple as everyday manipulation ranging from salespeople to lawyers to Wall Street to politics and so on, which has an effect
what we consume, what we produce or how we vote. But if you dig deep enough, you will become aware of those who wish to seek complete control of
individual’s minds through mass manipulation on a physical, mental and even spiritual level.
Below I have assembled a video library that serves as tool to help give these claims greater validity. This playlist is set in order to raise
awareness of manipulation on social/political level, mental level and spiritual level, as well as providing information on how to reverse it all.
Overall, this playlist is contains 200 videos and is comprised of documentaries, news clips and links to additional resources. Because YouTube sets
its playlist limit to 200 videos, I have included only the first parts of multiple-part documentaries, so please check the ‘Recommended Video’
section on YouTube. I also recommend viewing the uploader’s channel for each video for related subject matter. Please bookmark this playlist as
Video Playlist - Removing the Veil
**END OF PART 1**edit on 06/14/2011 by 2x Helix because: (no reason given)