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Was Mark Duggan's murder a deliberately orchestrated event?

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posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:08 PM
For any of you who do not know about Mark Duggan he was a young man of mixed ethnicity from Tottenham, London, UK. who was shot dead by police marksmen back in August. It was this incident that sparked off the riots all over the UK.

I think if you read this recent article from The Guardian UK newspaper alarm bells will ring!

Now this is my theory on why the Metropolitan police deliberately targeted Mr Duggan:

Mr Duggan was used as a deliberate pawn in a game. You see the Metropolitan Police deliberately targeted an unarmed Mr Duggan because they knew it would be enough to set off a riot. Why? Don't you remember that the government were gonna slash the police force spending then suddenly, haha, there were riots all over the country! How our dear police were able to justify the need NOT to curb public spending on The Met. The rioters were played all along in yet another political game. Watch out! These people are clever, manipulative and ruthless!

Also, please refer to this BBC article:

And here is the letter I wrote today to The British Home Secretary, Ms. Theresa May:

"Theresa May
(The Home Secretary)

Dear Ms. May,

I am writing to you as the minister responsible for The Metropolitan Police Force here in the UK.

Madam, it is my sincere belief that the police shooting of Mr Mark Duggan of Tottenham, that sparked off all the riots here in the UK, was a deliberately orchestrated event and served the political objectives of The Metropolitan Police to ensure that your proposed cuts to their budget would not be followed through.

Madam, I ask you to investigate this matter with immediate urgency. I also ask that you take immediate measures to ensure that the police do not target unarmed civilians in the future.

Thank you for your time, Home Secretary. I would like to advise you that this letter is a public letter and is also being shared on my facebook page.

I hate having to do this, but I cannot tolerate such injustice and feel it is my duty as a UK citizen to report to you my suspicions.

your's sincerely,


Of course I have no evidence, but this is what I believe happened. Please go a little easy on me today and try and be constructive in your commentary as I am very weak because of illness and have been very upset the last 48 hours. Thank you and good to be here on ATS again.

edit on 23-11-2011 by Revolution9 because: spelling

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Revolution9

ps. The British Prime Minister David Cameron never carried out these cuts!!!

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:14 PM
I believe that your correct on your assessment that he was murdered with some intent in mind... but it would be to unbelievable to try to prove.

If anything, your biggest issue is that the metropolitan police know that they can get away with it without any issue, until the public shows the police that they won't be screwed with, you will continue to deal with this issue.

Another issue is that the wrong people are being asked for help, you should file a lawsuit against the metropolitan police and with your government on grounds of murder and corruption.


posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by FoxStriker

Thanks kindly, Sir! I just needed to throw this into the arena. Your one response is quite adequate. In my own mind I know that it did happen this way. When I get these feelings after analysing an event I am always 100% bang on.

So awful. I wish I had the power and know how to help his family. All I can do is what I am doing. I have taken it to facebook and here and contacted the minister. I must stress that I do not think the British Prime Minister was in the know about this, I am not blaming him or his government.

edit on 23-11-2011 by Revolution9 because: spelling

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Revolution9

My friends. You do not have to comment or associate with this in any way because it is quite heavy. I understand why, but please will you just remember this post. Thank you!

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:55 PM
IMO, everything leading up to his death was cause for suspicion.

The timeline of the event, & the manner of the scenarios that took place preceding his death was strange.

No doubt there was possible foul tactics involved on the police's behalf, in order to track down & kill him.
edit on 23-11-2011 by SmoKeyHaZe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:54 PM
One less scumbag on the streets are far as I'm concerned.The Guardian ha ha -the liberal mouthpiece,see how liberal the readers are after a home invasion from scumbags like Duggan.


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