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Getting pepper sprayed isn't THAT bad is it?

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posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by DisIllusioned PatRiot

Still, the 1st Amendment gives the American People the right to peacefully demonstrate.

The demonstrators should have been physically picked up and moved off the street with one warning, that if they returned they would be arrested.

If they returned than pick them up again, load them onto a paddy wagon and book em.

I still maintain that slowly, inch by inch our rights are being eroded and many refuse to see this and or do anything about it.

Many times soldiers are trained to not think, to obey orders without question and that might is right.

"Soldiers Are Dumb, Stupid Animas to Be Used" as Pawns in Foreign Policy - Henry Kisinger

The quote is found in "Final Days", by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. As we are seeing more and more military intervention, I thought it is good to remember how the globalists judge soldiers themselves.

A closed mind and proud heart gathers no knowledge - Ofhumandescent.

edit on 25-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by DisIllusioned PatRiot

Brave enough to be where exactly? You are awfully vague in your posts. Answer: Chicago, two weekends in a row and yes we shared a tent with another middle age married couple. We all slept in our jeans and went to a friends condo to shower each morning.

Brave enough to camp out in a park or sit on a sidewalk with people that are lice infested and spreading disease
Answer: No I bath once a day and if I do any kind of yard work, clean the BBQ grill or scrub walls and floors I take another shower.................I would pit my bodily hygiene against yours any day of the week. My dentist says my dental hygiene is in the top 2% as I floss as well.

while stoned out of there heads
Answer: The couple we shared a tent with we did not drink any alcohol, smoke any cigarettes, partake of any drugs (I take 1 blood pressure pill a day).

Neither my children, husband, my friends or I have ever had bed bugs, lice or any kind of disease.

"fighting the man?" Not hardly you see "ma'am" that isn't bravery. It doesn't take a brave man or anyone with any amount of courage or integrity to set around hold up a sign for a bit and yell at a couple of random people that walk by.

We held up our signs and my husband, friends and I did not scream any insults to passers by.

While not having military training, I am a 58 year old lady that has recently learned how to maintain and shoot both a hand gun (38) and am now learning how to use a AK-47 because my trainer says I'm "damn good, a natural, ya should a gone military".

This will be my last post to you, I simply find your previous reply to me trolling and offensive.

Disclaimer *** Please note: (CIA/FBI/Government reading this): I am in no way a violent person. I am learning how to defend myself if someone (criminal) breaks into my home or TSHTF and law enforcement becomes a thing of the past. Thank God for our policemen and women. The police force in my town are good, decent people.

Above all, I obey all the laws and would never think of harming another unless they (criminal) threatened me. I pose no threat to anyone other than a person seeking to kill me or my family first and then only if I had no access to law enforcement.

edit on 25-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
This will be my last post to you, I simply find your previous reply to me trolling and offensive.

Give me a good example of how I am trolling you or being offensive? if you can I may apologize

My replies meant no offense I simply corrected the parts of your posts that where wrong or poorly understood.

Come back give a good argument. This is a debate for me and nothing else.

Dont take the easy way our and dont call me a troll just because you cant find anything else to say

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