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German Bund Auction A "Complete And Utter Disaster"

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posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by icepack

To pay for freeloading, err, socialistic programs, silly!

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by eldard

if spending cuts have to be, i would say 10% from everybody. the rich the poor, the sick, old young, 10%. if you make it public and transparent, there wont be any envy or anger.

edit on 24-11-2011 by icepack because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 09:12 AM
The writing had Long been on the wall - End the EU before wars get started, and get the bankers, whom are trying their darnest now to force european citizens to bailout banks with their generations' future.

It is a sad day to see Germany, with one of the most industrious and innovative citizens on Earth suffer today. No one is buying their bond issue now, for many know that it will be the German People, not Dr.Merkal and her politician collegues, whom will shoulder that burden, as Merkal had vow to keep the EU alive, and thus will bailout every EU nation.

The EU states citizens too are hardworking, but unfortunately, THEIR LEADERS - both economic and political class, are a bunch of conmen using every political idealogy - lip service democracy, capitalism, socialism, communism, etc, to rob their own citizens blind. They form the rich and elites, pay no taxes, enjoy crony favouritism with misuse those previous bond issues.

Billions do not simply disappear into thin air. If it went into citizens' pockets as per social expenditure, then it would have circulated back to the banks. The middle class and the poor do not hoard wealth. Only the rich elites do.

Money used for construction or infrastructure works are meant to improve economy productivities, with VISABLE RETURNS on tax revenues collected. But for those failed states, it does not show up. So where did the money went? Only into the rich elites' pockets through funding useless infrastructure works, or paying excessively for projects.

Thus, if Merkal and the nutcase Sarkozy still intends to keep the EU intact, it will only be FUNDING the corrupt further, with the citizens of France and Germany footing the bill.

End the EU now. Let the bankers face their own consequences. Set the nation free with its own dollar and it will rise, espacially Germany, a powerhouse in Europe but only if alone.

Then educate the europeans on the responsibilities of good governance, by role model example, not dictating, and help invest in their youth to shed historical baggages of the past to build a new future based upon common aims, not money alone, for the next few decades, and a new and better EU will arise then this haphazard corporate and political greed model crumbling now that is proof of its wrong foundation stones..

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 09:31 AM
Inflation is what does a lot of damage, I came across some figures about the inflation in the UK, since world war 2, the British pound has lost fifty percent of its value every eight years, no wonder a house built in 1947 for £250.00
now sells for £250.000, depending on what part of the UK the house is located.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 10:18 AM
US Banks can get money at 0%, why didn't they buy the German Bonds?

Oh yeah....Deutsche Bank bought $1 Trillion in packaged mortgages and that asset isn't worth $50.

Germany's going to have to bail out its own Banks and buy its own Bonds....via the Printing Press.

They pee'd off China when they abandoned the "One China" policy in 2009 and started selling military hardware to Taiwan.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
End the EU now. Let the bankers face their own consequences. Set the nation free with its own dollar and it will rise, espacially Germany, a powerhouse in Europe but only if alone.

I agree, I've been saying this all along
thanks for your kind words.
Look where we were before the EU and where we are now... it's a shame.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
Billions do not simply disappear into thin air. If it went into citizens' pockets as per social expenditure, then it would have circulated back to the banks.

Then you get massive inflation. Increased spending = increased inflation.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by ColCurious

It's not only a will get WORSE.

Many still remember the horror of German Hitler's atrocities. Even though he was voted in by a democracy, it was only a sham political situation in the 30s where corruption and threats against voters were rife. Contrary to popular opinion, Hitler WAS NOT voted by every German. He had no clear majority, and if not for the Nazi's shennigans, he would not had taken over President HindenBurg.

During his initial years in power, he was thought of as a saviour even by the world, let alone germans. He maintained peace and stability in Europe, provided jobs which was only a scam - rearming germany using funds robbed from jewish enterprises and establishments.

Not many knew the truth back then. Hitler build his empire only upon a house of cards, which over time, had to come crumbling down.

The germans then paid a price, a very high price for obeying Hitler after surrendering at the end of WW2.

Ever since the 60s, the new Germany had proven its peaceful intentions, an economic success and a role model for many undemocratic nations around the world to learn from - its pragmatisim, its hardwork, its industrious nature, its attention to detail and quaility in its products, and much more. Even the commie then East Germans look upon their brothers and sisters in W.Germany in awe.

But today, Germany under Dr. Merkal is heading for deep trouble and will only erase every bit of goodwill and trust that the great German people had built up over decades, with her continued insistance to keep the EU based upon crumbling financial foundation stones standing, and had erased soveriegnity of other EU states by DICTATING what they should do, again attempting to rebuild the Union using a deck of cards.

Today, many around the world are watching in disbelief Dr. Merkal's actions, with the spectre of dictatorial Nazi Hitler arising from the ashes. If the EU doesn't end now, those responsible for the loss of billions held accountable, the european wars of past will be repeated again, this time not by long gone monarchs, but the People instead.

May the innocent German People be spared.

It is the fault of the 1% that holds no allegiences to any political doctrine, nationality or religious beliefs, but only to its idol - Mammon. It is them that are to be targetted, not fellow human brothers and sisters in Europe or anywhere else in the world.
edit on 25-11-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by eldard

Then you get massive inflation. Increased spending = increased inflation.

I wanted to ignore you yet again, but as the ignorance is widespread over this issue, the insignificant nobody me will share on this issue.

Do you truly understand 'inflation' and its roots? Or do you just parrot what economists tell you, so that's how its to be?

Economists will tell you that inflation happens when too much money chases after too few goods, simplified.

It is a lie.

Ever wonder why there are too few goods? Again, it is another brainwashing theory:- theory of scarcity. Truth is, are basic goods really a scarcity? Peak oil was supposed to happen years back, but today, plenty of oil is found on seabeds around the world.

Floods and hurricane in Oklahoma, wheat fields destroyed, but did the hurricanes affect other wheat producing regions in US and the world as well? None. Yet those prices rise, due to the theory of 'scarcity', causing inflation.

I can go on, but you will know that such theory of scarcity is bunk.

The truth is, mankind are made suckers for the elities. Bankers control your wealth. They take your money, and promise to pay you a percentage back. How else do they earn that money, except by propounding scarcity theories, helping corporations to raise prices through earning their higher interest on loans, in order to earn your money to pay you back? How foolish can mankind be?

Annual inflation rate is 4%. Each year without fail, those figures are matched upon the basic stuff you need in life. A loaf of raisin bread cost $10 dollars. Next year it jumps up $10.40cts. Suppliers and retailers tell you that is due to the illusionary 'inflation', and you the sucker pays up, when there is absolutely NO justification to raise those prices, as we today now have tech to increase yields and productivity to goods.

All goes up, EXCEPT your salary. What fools we are !

Even if there is too much money chasing after few goods, reality is that we are living in a capitalist society. Have your retailer ever complain if there is too many customers? Heck!, the guy watching all that profits will set up shop the next minute to sell even cheaper than him the next moment, thus driving the prices low, but it doesnt happen, because CARTELS RULE.

Inflation is a manufactured lie against humanity.

edit on 25-11-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Useless rant aside, you do realize that any currency that is not backed by anything will have inflation as its twin?

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