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Sickening Evidence - Occupy > Mass Evacuations > UN takeover of America

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posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:24 AM
The Banker's are winning, in Chess terms they are trying to draw our pawns out from around our king; OWS is the start of an End Game strategy.

This is Norman Dodd (RIP), he spent his life investigating the Tax Exempt Foundations, eventually he found that it is them who deliberately cause war. They cause war to change the way we live, they want to eventually lead us into communism as this will give the people behind the foundations a monopoly. They are doing all of this for their own benefit.

The tax exempt Lucis Trust were caught registering one of the OWS websites, they obviously didn't know that someone could easily look up the owner

Some of the major tax exempt foundations are behind these two bizarre MTV (Martial Law) adverts; they are preparing the the young people of today for what they have planned. In particular, they are teaching them to comply, by demonstrating what they have to do in specific situations.

How can they create a (controlled) revolution when we have Fluoride in the drinking water? Fluoride makes people docile, but they need the people to take action. Hence earlier this year U.S. lowers limits for fluoride in water

Rockefeller's UN will take over. There are thousands of UN vehicles in the US, prepared for when the time comes i.e. mass evacuations/relocation

Here is a map showing where Americans will and won't be allowed to live. If you are currently in a red or yellow area you will be evacuated. They'll use an excuse e.g. it's for your own safety

You can find out more about Agenda 21 and how it's being used to change the planet below

The concept is, that in order to create major change in the US, they have to first create protests/unrest or maybe even civil war. Once they have done this, people will be so keen to see a resolution that they'll accept major changes to the current system. If we're in our houses being well behaved, it's very difficult for them to bring about the changes they want. At the moment our cups are less than half full, but if we do what the Bankers want and protest, allowing them to unleash their grand plan, we'll be left with a lot less; it will benefit them and not us.

Most members of Al Qaeda don't know that it was formed and is controlled by the West (Globalist Bankers). OWS is the new Al Qaeda, it's America's own Al Qaeda. It's a group of people who all believe they have a good cause, but they don't know that they are being used, misled and manipulated. In reality, the financial crisis was engineered by the Bankers, we all heard the leaks from Bilderberg a few years back, stating that they wanted to bring about a financial crisis so as it could be used to usher in a new order. In times of crisis people will accept whatever solution that you offer them. The crisis was no accident, it's there by design, and OWS is a controlled group, like Al Qaeda. If TPTB want they can place bombs around the USA, and pretend that OWS has taken credit for them. Really it would be nothing to do with OWS, it would be the secret services, just like what happens in Iraq and Afghan e.g. "a bomb went off in a mosque and killed 50 people". That again is the secret services. They do it to justify having the military on the streets, which then makes it easier to control the people.
edit on 23-11-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-11-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by jameshawkings
The Banker's are winning, in Chess terms they are trying to draw our pawns out from around our king; OWS is the start of an End Game strategy.

somedays I feel like a ♟

S&F jameshawkings.

Nope, I'm not a proponent of anarchy....

But as much as I would love to be a law abiding citizen, truth is I don't even know the number of laws that exist.
Debt is not money. Debt is the lack of money.

Fact: There is not enough money in circulation for every American to pay their fair share of the national debt.

Fact: It is illegal for me to print or create my own money.

So it either is not my problem, or that leaves the remaining realistic viable alternatives as ___________ (Please fill in the blank for me).

✓mate. Someone's move.


Originally posted by jameshawkings
"They do it to justify having the military on the streets, which then makes it easier to control the people."

They don't necessarily need them on the streets. Martial Law. They just need to control the information that is available to the public. No one is going to come over the air waves and publicly declare to 300+ million people simultaneously that martial law has been declared. It would be counter-productive and not consistant with what martial law exists for.

edit on 23-11-2011 by ILikeStars because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:39 AM
This is so true ILikeStars, most of us are just pawns, if that, especially if we allow ourselves to be manipulated by the mainstream media

edit on 23-11-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by jameshawkings
This is so true ILikeStars, most of us are just pawns, if that, especially if we allow ourselves to be manipulated by the mainstream media.

I edited my last post to include some thoughts about martial law and the mainstrem media (FOX "News" has the highest ratings of them all, btw)

And you may want to remove or reduce that quote of mine in your post

Take care & be safe out there,

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:55 AM
This is nonsense.
I just drove through one of your boogey man FEMA camps two days ago. I will be GLAD to be rounded up and "kept" there. Mostly because I want to see how that happens with an empty field. Anyway, no. Turn off Alex Jones once in a while. Do not believe every caller to Coast to Coast.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by FallenWun
This is nonsense.
I just drove through one of your boogey man FEMA camps two days ago. I will be GLAD to be rounded up and "kept" there. Mostly because I want to see how that happens with an empty field. Anyway, no. Turn off Alex Jones once in a while. Do not believe every caller to Coast to Coast.

Listen to Norman Dodd and look through the other evidence, please do keep an open mind

This didn't come from Alex Jones, it came from James Hawkings
edit on 23-11-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by ILikeStars

Originally posted by jameshawkings
This is so true ILikeStars, most of us are just pawns, if that, especially if we allow ourselves to be manipulated by the mainstream media.

I edited my last post to include some thoughts about martial law and the mainstrem media (FOX "News" has the highest ratings of them all, btw)

And you may want to remove or reduce that quote of mine in your post

Take care & be safe out there,

It's a good point you make, it's all about the information, this is a war of information

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by FallenWun
This is nonsense.
I just drove through one of your boogey man FEMA camps two days ago. I will be GLAD to be rounded up and "kept" there. Mostly because I want to see how that happens with an empty field. Anyway, no. Turn off Alex Jones once in a while. Do not believe every caller to Coast to Coast.

I too felt that way for a very long time. Sad thing is, considering the impending economic collapse it's just too damn convenient. It may very well be martial law time. Who knows for sure? Just because it's never happened, doesn't mean it cannot. They're douche bags, we know it. Are they that big a douche bags?


posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by jameshawkings

Originally posted by FallenWun
This is nonsense.
I just drove through one of your boogey man FEMA camps two days ago. I will be GLAD to be rounded up and "kept" there. Mostly because I want to see how that happens with an empty field. Anyway, no. Turn off Alex Jones once in a while. Do not believe every caller to Coast to Coast.

Listen to Norman Dodd and look through the other evidence, please do keep an open mind

This didn't come from Alex Jones, it came from James Hawkings
edit on 23-11-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

I doubt any of it came from C2C either but you got what I was saying or selectively got defensive?
Look, sounds all kinds of noble what you intend to do here but tell me. If I stand in yet another NON-EXISTANT FEMA camp and listen to Norm while I am standing there, will the universe implode?
Martial Law and UN takeover of the US are the two things I can count on to be threatened here on ATS year after year after year after year. In fact I believe it was back when Clinton was going to allow those things to happen that I started looking for websites like this. Get what I am saying?
They are not going to be putting anyone in any camps that do not even exist. I promise.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by thejlxc

Originally posted by FallenWun
This is nonsense.
I just drove through one of your boogey man FEMA camps two days ago. I will be GLAD to be rounded up and "kept" there. Mostly because I want to see how that happens with an empty field. Anyway, no. Turn off Alex Jones once in a while. Do not believe every caller to Coast to Coast.

I too felt that way for a very long time. Sad thing is, considering the impending economic collapse it's just too damn convenient. It may very well be martial law time. Who knows for sure? Just because it's never happened, doesn't mean it cannot. They're douche bags, we know it. Are they that big a douche bags?


What about them being broke says to you they are about to toss away tons of cash suddenly building these FEMA camps not to mention the huge expense the civil war will cost. You do not think Americans will just line up for trains do you? Do you think any spooky PTB think that? No. It is going to cost a lot. In fact it is going to cost a lot more than say almost any other actual rational action anyone with vast sums of wealth and power can take. But at the moment we have a chasm between the two. Who is going to make the call? Obama or the CEO of GE?

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by FallenWun

I want to stick as closely as possible to the evidence at the top of the thread, so what do you believe is the objective of the tax exempt foundations? Do you believe Normal Dodd is right that they want to create war?

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by jameshawkings

Nice post, SnF.

Yes, this all could be a reality.

I wondered if these 20,000 troops being sent here to Australia might have something to do with enforcing martial law on us Australians? Along with intimidating the Chinese.

Who knows, I just know that big moves are being played on the Middle Eastern Chess board and OWS seems like another vehicle, although I'm not entirely sure if it has a singular purpose or many. I'm thinking it is being used to distract Americans from the western moves being made in the Middle east, along with getting people to vent their anger as well as getting them to vent it at the wrong corporations, because the Federal Reserve is what, I believe, needs to come crashing down first. The rest will fall like dominoes once the Fed comes down.

It will all end in violence and bloodshed, but freedom will win. It always has until the scum and vile, putrid, wretches come back out of the sewer to try and regain control again.

Americas forefathers fought against England/Bankers setting up a central banking system within the US, hence the Civil war, yet they/Bankers eventually engineered a situation that gave the people the Central banking system as the solution to their problems. I believe the fact it became privatised was possibly the worst part because a Government run Central banking system should theoretically work IF the people pulling the strings aren't corrupted by power.

It will all culminate very soon. The end is near. I'm ready. I hope you all are too.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by FallenWun

Originally posted by thejlxc

Originally posted by FallenWun
This is nonsense.
I just drove through one of your boogey man FEMA camps two days ago. I will be GLAD to be rounded up and "kept" there. Mostly because I want to see how that happens with an empty field. Anyway, no. Turn off Alex Jones once in a while. Do not believe every caller to Coast to Coast.

I too felt that way for a very long time. Sad thing is, considering the impending economic collapse it's just too damn convenient. It may very well be martial law time. Who knows for sure? Just because it's never happened, doesn't mean it cannot. They're douche bags, we know it. Are they that big a douche bags?


What about them being broke says to you they are about to toss away tons of cash suddenly building these FEMA camps not to mention the huge expense the civil war will cost. You do not think Americans will just line up for trains do you? Do you think any spooky PTB think that? No. It is going to cost a lot. In fact it is going to cost a lot more than say almost any other actual rational action anyone with vast sums of wealth and power can take. But at the moment we have a chasm between the two. Who is going to make the call? Obama or the CEO of GE?

Then Banker's aren't broke, they've got more money than ever before. Don't believe the hype, the financial crisis is just for us, so as we will accept change.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by jameshawkings
reply to post by FallenWun

I want to stick as closely as possible to the evidence at the top of the thread, so what do you believe is the objective of the tax exempt foundations?

No one likes to pay taxes and anyone with access to lots of money finds themselves suddenly also at access to people that want to help you with your money, i.e. suggest things like filing for tax exempt status. This happens all the time. It happens with big corporations all the time. How is this different now?

Do you believe Normal Dodd is right that they want to create war?

No, I do not believe that.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by thejlxc

Originally posted by FallenWun
This is nonsense.
I just drove through one of your boogey man FEMA camps two days ago. I will be GLAD to be rounded up and "kept" there. Mostly because I want to see how that happens with an empty field. Anyway, no. Turn off Alex Jones once in a while. Do not believe every caller to Coast to Coast.

I too felt that way for a very long time. Sad thing is, considering the impending economic collapse it's just too damn convenient. It may very well be martial law time. Who knows for sure? Just because it's never happened, doesn't mean it cannot. They're douche bags, we know it. Are they that big a douche bags?


This is it thejlxc, well said! It's all coordinated, it's too perfect; there's far too much organization on display for this all to be an accident

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:28 AM
Everytime i read a thread about martial law an fema camps the same 1 question pops in my head that question is why ?

Why change anything ? It is very obvious to anyone with there eyes open that we are all already controled.
They own all the land and have all the money. They pretty much own or control anything of any importance.

So why ? How will this benefit them ? If they wanted us to move or to force people into mega cities all they really have to do is continue to starve the economy of cash and credit. Like they did in detroit and people will move where ever there is work. It would really be that simple... No need for soilders or mass evacuations.

They control the wealth of our nation with that they control anyone and everyone who relies on money.. money to pay bills money to buy food.. Unless you are off the grid and completly self reliant.

just my 2 cents

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:31 AM

No, I do not believe that.

Norman Dodd spent his life investigating the tax exempt foundations, do you feel that he's lying?

"We are now at the year 1908, which was the year that the Carnegie Foundation began operations. In that year, the trustees, meeting for the first time, raised a specific question, which they discussed throughout the balance of the year in a very learned fashion. The question is: “Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people?” And they conclude that no more effective means than war to that end is known to humanity. So then, in 1909, they raised the second question and discussed it, namely: “How do we involve the United States in a war?” Well, I doubt at that time if there was any subject more removed from the thinking of most of the people of this country than its involvement in a war."

edit on 23-11-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by jameshawkings
Then Banker's aren't broke, they've got more money than ever before. Don't believe the hype, the financial crisis is just for us, so as we will accept change.

I get that and I would ask that you re-read the last two sentences of that post again. I was ready for this one.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by FallenWun
What about them being broke says to you they are about to toss away tons of cash suddenly building these FEMA camps not to mention the huge expense the civil war will cost. You do not think Americans will just line up for trains do you? Do you think any spooky PTB think that? No. It is going to cost a lot. In fact it is going to cost a lot more than say almost any other actual rational action anyone with vast sums of wealth and power can take. But at the moment we have a chasm between the two. Who is going to make the call? Obama or the CEO of GE?

Ahhh but let's face it. When the economy collapses WE will be broke, don't pretend that those who caused it will be. If people act like they probably will, there will be endless numbers of people begging to get out of the cities, or to anywhere promising food and water. People would line up on trains for that. People would accept martial law for that. People are fools. Who makes the call? I guess whoever owns the most politicians. Which currently is the Central Bankers of the world.

WHEN is the question. They already feel up kids at the airport, they poison us with "vaccines" and FDA food poisoning, and on and on and on. They are setting up TSA feel up points all over Tennessee, on the highways and bus stations and anywhere they want. It would be foolish to not see this for the testing it is.

They may call it something other than Martial Law. But it looks to be coming, and soon, sooner as more people figure out the truth through the net and get righteously angry about it. They wont forget, even if the net goes bye bye. They will tell others. It has to happen. We have to stop these people.

It's NOT OWS's fault that these douche bags want to use them for this. It wont be their fault when agent provocateurs attack the police and bring on the next Kent State. People have every right to decry this crappy corrupt group of politicians and cronies who are leading us to the slaughter. They should be in the streets. I can't believe it's taken this long to be honest.

Don't blame the victims, blame the instigators!

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by navione
Everytime i read a thread about martial law an fema camps the same 1 question pops in my head that question is why ?

Why change anything ? It is very obvious to anyone with there eyes open that we are all already controled.
They own all the land and have all the money. They pretty much own or control anything of any importance.

So why ? How will this benefit them ? If they wanted us to move or to force people into mega cities all they really have to do is continue to starve the economy of cash and credit. Like they did in detroit and people will move where ever there is work. It would really be that simple... No need for soilders or mass evacuations.

They control the wealth of our nation with that they control anyone and everyone who relies on money.. money to pay bills money to buy food.. Unless you are off the grid and completly self reliant.

just my 2 cents

I see where you're coming from. It's all about controlling us; we are easier to control if there are less of us, that's the first thing (Swine Flu and HPV vaccines are lowering fertility). We are also easier to control if they consolidate our living areas, rather than us living in villages in the mountains. We are their assets, they want complete control, we work for them. They are like CEO's of huge chains, wanting complete control over their employees; what time they arrive to work, what they do at work, what they don't do, what they don't say etc

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