posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 01:07 PM
I think it's hypocritical.
As someone else said, legally he is NOT an adult. So legally, he can't be tried as one.
All this BS about trying people who are legally minors as adults is just ridiculous. You, the law, have stated that a person under the age of 18 is
unable to make adult choices. There is no gray area with the law when it comes to buying cigarettes, going to a strip club, entering into a contract,
consenting to sex, etc etc etc. So why should there be a gray area when criminal issues come up? There shouldn't.
The government is the one that made the choice that people under a certain age cannot function mentally as adults. So deal with it. They are just
backtracking and being huge hypocrites when they try minors as adults.
If such BS is allowed, then they should allow 15 year old kids into strip clubs, buy cigarettes, go to war, have sex with 40 year olds, and so on if
they can prove they are "adult enough"
And considering killing someone makes you an adult in the eyes of the law, then so should attending strip clubs, smoking cigarettes, etc etc.
I hate this d-bag for what he did, but that's not the point. The point is, the government and legal system tell us we have to follow the law to the
T, there are no gray areas or shortcuts. They have to follow that exact same rulebook, until he turns a certain age he is a minor, and cannot be tried
as an adult.
Don't like it? Then how about we erase the stupid age restrictions on LIVING LIFE, then there won't be an issue because the kid will be just as free
as an adult, and able to face the same consequences.