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Ash Cloud Arizona

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posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 12:18 PM
In light of recent messages from Warren Jeffs, the imprisoned Mormon Child Rapist, I find myself in a situation where I am going to be grouped with this guy, as we are both claiming something major about to go down in Arizona. I have been saying this for 6 months and my blog posts’ published dates will verify this: However, the FLDS are charging for Jeff’s “prophecies” in order to pay for his lawyers, and I am not interested in remunerations nor am I pimping out little girls to sleazy Mormon polygamists. All I can say is that I have been trying to tell people this since late July 2011, and Jeffs and his clan only recently began making predictions about Arizona. I’ve also discussed this in replies to other threads on ATS, and if you are interested you can follow this prediction in those. I’ve been emailing media outlets in the Southwest since July, but as Jeffs has a brainwashed following and the attention of the national media, I’m sure that when this does happen, he and his followers will use it to to try and vindicate his distorted world view and immoral behavior. Either way, there is no way I can avoid being accused of appropriating the message from a fringe LDS sect, but if you follow the dates on my blog, it is obvious that I’ve been on this for six months.

Before I begin, we need to make a distinction between “knowledge” and “belief”. I “believe” that this is going to happen, but I cannot “know” without uncertainty that it is going to happen, until it does. Beliefs can be wrong, but true knowledge is self evident. If these things do not come to pass, then I will be forced to re-evaluate my belief system. I am the first to admit that If I am wrong, a major period of self reflection is in order, where I must confront my delusions (if that is what they turn out to be), in order to identify what is leading me astray. I am going to try a relay this without the typical pseudo-mystical phrasing and poor homages to historical prophecy that infect most of the Predictions/Prophecies on ATS and similar forums.

I don’t have any followers that I am trying to manipulate or satiate, nor am I in any way seeking financial incentives in doing this. I believe that for reasons unknown to me, I have been given a message to relay. I am not associated with any organization, spiritual or otherwise, that I am trying to recruit for or promote. I will link to my blog, but there are no ads or pay per click bs involved in it, it is merely a free wordpress page with nothing but my thoughts.

What I believe is going to happen, is that within the next year to 18 months, there is going to be a catastrophic seismic/geological event in Arizona that will result in an Ash Cloud that will impact the American Southwest and alter the history of the United States. As earthquakes and volcanoes are different manifestations of the same fundamental processes, namely violent tectonic activity within the earth, I think that this event will be a combination of both.

I do not think this will be the “End of the World” or the end of existence on earth. I don’t buy in to the christian eschatology that the physical Universe will cease in the “End Times” and that we are headed for annihilation as a species. I do think that physical phenomenon are harbingers of metaphysical change, so I view this event more as an instantiation of the “violence” that is often associated with transitions and creations within the Universe.

As noted prior, the FLDS leader Warren Jeffs is now saying the same thing. I probably should have posted this on ATS earlier, but I have been emailing newspapers and local television networks since July, and my blog verifies this message. Ultimately, I cannot avoid being grouped with this clown and his followers at this point. I have nothing to do with any Mormon or Moroni(c) Angels or golden plates or Joseph Smith or magic underwear. I distrust all organized religions, but The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints occupies a special role in my hierarchy of scourges on humanity. It is possible that their “prophets” might also have access to future information, but they are using it for evil and personal gain. Mormons have been using prophecy to guide their flock since the 19th century, and even though they may have some skills in divination, they have interpreted the messages erroneously. Joseph Smith thought he was some sort of messiah that will lead humanity to a new age. He was/is not. Nor is any Mormon ever going to fill that role.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 12:56 PM
This sounds like a complete scam to me.

1, Make up some bs prophecy with a time frame of say 1 year to 18 months.

2, Set up a website/blog to peddle the lies.

3, Recruit some gullible saps to start providing the hits to your blog, and hopefully get enough involved to attract some advertisers.

4, Sit back and cash in

You should try and sound a little more crazy next time, you come across as far to rational to be talking prophecy.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 01:07 PM
in all seriousness, I live in AZ and have noticed thermal activity in certain areas. Up around the meteor crater in northern AZ there are areas along the nearby mountains that vent with steam in the early morning hours. last time i saw them was last year while trailing in the area. this was during february of 2010. you can see them while driving south on the road leading towards the crater. the vents are in the mountains to the west..or on your right when heading south.

Anyone else notice this in the area?

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Atzil321
This sounds like a complete scam to me.

1, Make up some bs prophecy with a time frame of say 1 year to 18 months.

2, Set up a website/blog to peddle the lies.

3, Recruit some gullible saps to start providing the hits to your blog, and hopefully get enough involved to attract some advertisers.

4, Sit back and cash in

You should try and sound a little more crazy next time, you come across as far to rational to be talking prophecy.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Atzil321

There will never be any advertiser on the blog, nor has there ever been. This is not some Pay Per Click scam. As noted prior, I believe it is going to happen, so potentially delusional is a fair charge, but scam artist, no. I will never ask for money or try to profit from this or my blog.

I don't give exact dates, because it doesn't work that way. I wish that it did, because a time frame is conspicuously vague and alludes to mendacity. However, I will reiterate that there will never be an advertiser on the blog as long as I own the domain name. That I can say with assurance.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 01:50 PM
There is a system of ancient caldera that stretches from Sierra Vista to Oracle. 27 million years ago part of this network blasted out the valley that is Sierra Vista and Tombstone. It was one of the largest events of its type. There was also a large ~6M quake in the area in the late 1800s and the area is overdue for another. That is all I will say although I do know more of what mankind is doing in this area that may make you correct. You are definately incorrect about one thing. The earth and the universe itself will end one day in the far future. Everything ends that is corporeal.
edit on 21-11-2011 by jcord because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by jcord

There at least was an active volcano up near Flagstaff. I have been to numerous lava tubes in Northern Arizona that were the result of volcanic activity at some time in AZ's past.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 07:42 PM
The biggest fault line here in Arizona is in Chino Valley and it is only capable of a 6 point earthquake.
There have been volcano in history here in the North. Even here in Southern AZ, where I am near Picacho peak they say there must have been one at some time because of lava rock in the area, but it has never been found.

I live here because it has the least amount of natural disaster. Instead, we get the intense heat every year. We pay our dues

Not saying anything is not possible, but volcanos have a funny habbit of going off in the same spots most time.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 07:52 PM

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 07:52 PM

edit on 21-11-2011 by lover088 because: (no reason given)

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