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Intense Feeling of Something Imminent

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posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Griffo515

The Rapture .......

....... then all hell breaks loose.
edit on 22-11-2011 by Common Scarecrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Griffo515

I can play both sides.

Devils Advocate: You are feeling something very real, something that is coming and we all feel it too. It may have to with the net dimensional shift near 2012. We are all connected as one.

Guardian Angel: It may be anxiety due to the drugs you indulge in.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by judus
I feel it and have done for years.

I just can not see my future anymore if i try to look 10 years ahead its black I am scared. I think about it everyday the feeling that something bad is coming. My wife used to think I was nuts when I used to talk to her about it but in the last three months she has changed and also feels it she is a very logical thinker this is very out of the norm for her.

I had that same conversation with my Brother while out having dinner. I told him I couldn't see or imagine myself in 5-10 years in the future. I just couldn't see it at all, it really bothered my at first, like I was going to die or I knew I was going to have a shortened life somehow or another. My whole life I could always look ahead. I have embraced whatever is coming, it doesn't bother me anymore. What will be, will be. Nice to hear someone had felt the same way and it wasn't just me...

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 07:26 PM
Step 1: Go to a board filled with crazys
Step 2: Ask if anyone feels crazy
Step 3: Gain confirmation, therefore making you think your sane.

I wonder if people at a "fat farm" suddenly think they aren't fat considering they are the norm in that place.

ok, less offensive way to put say you are a sufferer of depression and such for years. many on this conspiracy website have mental issues..not like their ideas are wacked, but a chemical or neurological issue going on that messes with their perception.

So, basically, its a fully tainted question and any feedback you get from here should be put in perspective...considering 1/3rd of the people on ats are doomsday fetishist anyhow.

Talk to the man on the to a therapist, hell, talk to your family..but don't come to a conspiracy website to evaluate if you will treat a medical condition you have (which is what your doing). These are the same folks that started starring Jared Loughner's posts -after- he shot that congresswoman..saying he made sense with his ramblings on here.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Step 1: Go to a board filled with crazys
Step 2: Ask if anyone feels crazy
Step 3: Gain confirmation, therefore making you think your sane.

I wonder if people at a "fat farm" suddenly think they aren't fat considering they are the norm in that place.

ok, less offensive way to put say you are a sufferer of depression and such for years. many on this conspiracy website have mental issues..not like their ideas are wacked, but a chemical or neurological issue going on that messes with their perception.

So, basically, its a fully tainted question and any feedback you get from here should be put in perspective...considering 1/3rd of the people on ats are doomsday fetishist anyhow.

Talk to the man on the to a therapist, hell, talk to your family..but don't come to a conspiracy website to evaluate if you will treat a medical condition you have (which is what your doing). These are the same folks that started starring Jared Loughner's posts -after- he shot that congresswoman..saying he made sense with his ramblings on here.

I never asked to be treated here for obvious reasons...But if you go back and read, you will clearly see that Ive been quite proactive with my depression over the years (medication, counseling, meditation ect..)
All I wanted was a second opinion...but maybe you missed that part.

You have some nerve attempting to troll a thread made by a person with a mental illness. This may be the internet, but we're all REAL people, you need to consider what repercussions your actions 'might' have to somebody in the real world.
Thanks for your input.
edit on 22-11-2011 by Griffo515 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by CynefriElm
reply to post by Griffo515

Guardian Angel: It may be anxiety due to the drugs you indulge in.

Drugs? If you're referring to my avatar, it was actually a promotional poster for proposition 215, for the legalization and regulation of medicinal THC.

I don't "indulge" in any drug.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

You are entitled to you opinion despite the fact you miss your own point. If everyone on fat farm was the norm in soceity there would be no problems with being fat. The world we live in would be cater for fat people and they would probably feel a whole better about themselves mentally. It would be us the so called norm that would feel inadequate and struggle to get clothes that fit.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by BalkanSounds to me like you have so much negativity festering inside that people sense it and reject you. Noone wants to be around a negative nancy. Would you?

Good point and well written, hope I can describe my point similar. I think people who can't be around negative people are weak too. They say they perceive others' negativity but at the same time don't have as much (or strong developed) positivity inside themselves to overpower the others' negativity. Wasn't love supposed to overcome all that? I've learned that if I don't view the others' negativity as such then there is none (to me). Those positive people need other positive people too it appears so they don't get infected with something their immune system can't deal with. Or they need more and more distraction to prevent what I consider a normal human reaction, once one realizes the true state of this world, namely depression. People with depression are forced to think about difficult things whereas those who have never experienced it can just pretend it's all ok and convince themselves of that. Until they meet people which they consider to be 'negative'.

In a way many depressed people are working on problems of humanity, they've made it their own and are struggling through it. Those who are keeping up good appearences have simply given up something so they are able to ignore those problems and instead of going through it and finding answers which might work for others they analyze and critize them but never really give any fullproof, one size fits all solution (which is much like psychiatry btw).

Some people just talk deeply about subjects which other people are not equipped to deal with. Going through depressions makes a character stronger but this also means their negativity is stronger than those who are trying to keep 'positive' simply because the latter have never known otherwise. Their positivity is natural but has never been tested. And when they get the chance (almost like a vaccin or immunization process), they (the ones who can't stand others' negativity) usually blame the other for their inability to deal with their negativity while in fact it's all in their own mind.
edit on 23/11/2011 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by Anthropormorphic

Originally posted by wavemaker

Originally posted by Anthropormorphic

Originally posted by storm2012
From my knowledge, I would like to tell you is everyone in this life faces some sort of adventure. It could be fun or for some it can be harmful, it all depends in your past life karma. Depression is something you can personally can get rid of, its you who control your mind, nobody else.

Your knowledge is wrong, and not only is it wrong, it's irresponsible. I cannot imagine what the world would be like if other medical conditions were as stigmatized or trivialized as mental illnesses.

To suggest that someone with clinical depression not only caused their own illness, but can also "think it away", is rediculous. Clinical Depression is serious and it can no more be controlled with "mind control" than a brain tumor or colon cancer.

Just to inform you though, medication because of depression is rare in Asian countries. There are a lot of ways to deal with depression without taking medications.

Actually "diagnosed" depression might be rare, but suicide rates in Asia are astronomical. The reason for this is that depression in Asia carries a HEAVY stigma. Depression is considered a weakness. Most of the time people don't even admit to it, or discuss it. You either "think your way out of it" or you end up taking your own life, what it equals is an archaic attitude towards mental illness and an extremely high suicide rate.

I think that people talking about depression here, are throwing around their personal ideas of what depression is. I have been speaking SPECIFICALLY to the OP's description of his depression and what he described is clinical depression which involves chemicals in the brain, on top of emotional aspects.
edit on 21-11-2011 by Anthropormorphic because: (no reason given)

Suicide rate is high only in Japan. This has been going on for a long time now. Do not generalize the whole Asia. Again, medication will not cure depression.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 01:23 PM
This Planet is in the process of change there is nothing any Human can do but our family from the skies is observing and trying to lesson the blow that is coming our way.

When the event ends we will work together to bring forth the New Beginning and it will be the way it was meant to be....peaceful, loving, health and happiness hang in there and believe in yourself.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 09:06 PM
I feel like something's on its way here. Something big, something major, and not necessarily something bad. It's like something sleeping inside of me is slowly awakening to a song outside of me that is getting louder and louder. I think that whatever is coming will be bad for some. It might be hard for us to deal with. But I don't think it's universally bad for everyone.

I believe I'm a starseed. I can't prove it - I can't even prove souls exist, let alone that mine is any different from that of anyone else. But I don't believe I'm 'from here' (despite the fact that I believe I've been here longer than most of the 'true' humans running around). Furthermore, I've got vague recollections of having been asked, or invited, to come here. It wasn't just involuntary incarnation (I've had my share of those). Unfortunately, the process of being born is somewhat traumatic, and being incarnated usually means you have to lose most of your knowledge and memories, and if you ever regain it it's rather piecemeal, which is the situation I'm in now. I'm aware that I'm 'different', I have some patchwork memories of other lives and 'outside' where I spend my time between lives, and I'm aware that I'm here for a reason, but I don't know the details. I get to wait and see just like everyone here.

I suspect it's connected to this impending whatever it is, but I've been disappointed in the past, so I'm not going to put my life on hold for it. If it's my fate to die an old woman in my bed, I'm going to do the very best I can to live a full, satisfying life in the meantime, and do what good I can for the world.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Griffo515

here is a spoiler.. you will pass away maybe of old age... and nothing will have happened in your lifetime..

and you spent your lifetime worrying about things you should be mindful of but have no control over.

Enjoy life and its sweet shortness

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:33 AM
In reply to the post directly above: Are you walking around with your eyes shut or what, pal? Nothing happens? Things happen all the time. Miracles happen every moment. Life is poetry in motion - at least it is if you're paying any attention at all!

Life is as long as it needs to be. No one is cheated out of any of it. What you do with it and how you perceive it is (entirely and not in the least) your choice.

Cynicism doesn't mean there's wisdom and experience behind it. It indicates that eyes and mind are firmly shut. I doubt that's impressive to anyone except perhaps the like-minded.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:44 PM
It looks like there are two topics being discussed in this thread. I have some thoughts on both.

I too suffer from clinical depression. Those of you saying you can pull yourself out of it, it is just a mood...forgive me, but you have no idea what you are talking about. What OP is suffering from and feeling (from what it sounds like to me) is so much more than "I haz a sad." It is not an emotional state. It is not something that can be fixed by "thinking positive." A person can, at any given time, feel happy when they are depressed. It is a sense of hopelessness. Low energy. Everything is a little bit washed out. There is a thick plate of glass between you and the world, and you are simultaneously defeated and relieved by that fact. Nothing brings you joy. I do happen to think that sensitive people are more succeptable to major/clinical depression. Also smart people. For the same reason. That sense that the world is, for all the beauty that is in it, a sh***y place. Things need to change for the better, in a serious way. But they won't. It is a true illness in the sense of being a biogical function of a brain that doesn't quite work the way it was designed to. And yet, a person's sensitivity can aggravate the illness.

I take pharmaceuticals. I hate that I do, but I am coming to terms with it. Would I rather find a "natural" way to deal with it? Absolutely. But I can't f**k around with this because I have a family that needs and relies on me. pharma works, so it's what I am going with. Maybe something else would work too, but this is my choice at this point in my life. But I do still feel things, and that brings me to the other subject.

Yes, I do have the sense that something is on the horizon. I am enough of a skeptic to admit that I could be imagining things. I have felt something approaching for several years now, but this fall it has been a lot stronger. It started for me concurrent with taking a certain...substance that I think it is against T&C to talk about, so I won't.

What makes me think there really is something coming is that in the past month, my wife has started saying she feels like she needs to prepare herself for something. That there will be some occurrence that she may miss if she is not ready. She is extremely sensitive; much more so than I am. Also much more of a skeptical person. So I put stock in what people are feeling because of that. Maybe it is nothing. But it sure feels like some big shift is coming. Good or bad, I don't know.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by NineSquared
I too suffer from clinical depression. Those of you saying you can pull yourself out of it, it is just a mood...forgive me, but you have no idea what you are talking about. What OP is suffering from and feeling (from what it sounds like to me) is so much more than "I haz a sad." It is not an emotional state. It is not something that can be fixed by "thinking positive." A person can, at any given time, feel happy when they are depressed. It is a sense of hopelessness. Low energy. Everything is a little bit washed out. There is a thick plate of glass between you and the world, and you are simultaneously defeated and relieved by that fact. Nothing brings you joy. I do happen to think that sensitive people are more succeptable to major/clinical depression. Also smart people. For the same reason. That sense that the world is, for all the beauty that is in it, a sh***y place. Things need to change for the better, in a serious way. But they won't. It is a true illness in the sense of being a biogical function of a brain that doesn't quite work the way it was designed to. And yet, a person's sensitivity can aggravate the illness.

Depression is a serious, and real, thing. I've suffered from it throughout most of my life - clinical depression and unipolar depression. Medications can help. I've never used them, largely because I'm afraid of the weight gain. I'm already a fat girl, which marginalizes me and does nothing to reduce my depression. Anything that caused me to uncontrollably gain more weight would only make things worse.

I use a technique called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which is a mental self-monitoring technique that has been found to decrease some of the issues associated with depression as much as some medications. It's not a cure, and it doesn't make depression go away. But it helps me identify when I am in a depressive state and allows me to counteract the negative self-talk that always comes with depression for me. It mitigates the symptoms.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 07:23 PM
I have an idea for you. I want you to right down all of your feelings and ideas associated with this impending event. Now i want you to really consider, and i mean really consider how you can do your part in preventing it. If nothing can be done i want you to focus on sending good positive energy to whomever may be harmed. Instead of dreading sleep i want you to imagine those people once devastated being alive well and happy with all resources available to the. If the universe felt that there was more that you could do they would have given you more information than just a feeling but for now just send out positive feeling and hope for the best and you will be amazed at what it can do.

posted on Nov, 15 2021 @ 03:38 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 15 2021 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: lnirudraksha

Just curious to see who resurrected this gem...

Just a bot selling stuff....bummer.

'twas a good thread...impending doom. Didn't really age well though

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