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NEw terroisim threat for NY, Garbage! Hoax! bunkum!

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posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 07:04 PM
Mayor blloomburg has announced a terroisim plot has be foiled again, and all i can say is What a puppet! What lies! What a load of BS! another plotted terroist attack! typical bloomberg, another puppet, anything to keep newyorkers in fear and americans and not a shred of evidence to prove it! none! and americans fall for it! if there are terroist plotting against american forces its because they bombed the hell out of the middle east! im so sick of seeing this fear mongering lies and bull**it come out of america! 911 was the US governments and big banks, ll the financial stocks where found to have disapeared when harddrives where analilysed in germany, bet no one knew that? or that gold went missing in trucks when 911 happened? who loves money? banks! and government millitary!

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 07:09 PM
What attack was foiled?

I've heard nothing about this.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Tahnya86

Bloomberg isn't a puppet... He is one of the richiest people in America.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Varemia

Thread on it here:

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 07:15 PM
Suspect is a Hispanic male named Jose Pimentel. Why would a Hispanic "sympathize" with Al Qaeda?

Very suspicious. I just dont get it.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
Suspect is a Hispanic male named Jose Pimentel. Why would a Hispanic "sympathize" with Al Qaeda?

Very suspicious. I just dont get it.

Race usually doesn't have anything to do with what a person believes, but until someone tries to make another security law as a result of his capture, it doesn't seem entirely suspicious to me. There are crazy people everywhere.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Tahnya86

Oh give us a break. THis is the biggest load of BS I have seen in sometime. Bloomburg is under pressure right now and oh my we have a hispanic al-quada lone wolf haha. Bloombur you messed up big time when the journalists were arrested and your own councilman got beat and arrested. As much as you would like this isn't going to go away. Why would Al -quada do anything they were just handed Libya.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by redrose123

im glad you all realise the stink behind this story haha, and by puppet i mean to the government and there lies. i wish the truth would come out about this 911 lie.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by tooo many pills
reply to post by Tahnya86

Bloomberg isn't a puppet... He is one of the richiest people in America.

because he's a brown-nose puppet.

i wouldnt be surprise if he has Obama and Rothschilds brown stuff all over his nose these days

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 09:34 PM
Didn't Obama warn us all to be vigilante for lonewolf attacks just a couple of weeks ago? And suddenly we have one! Wow

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by lonewolf10

exactly, and just another push for global millitarisation like he wants in australia, like i said, rumsfeld was over hear saying :we need another attack like 911 to maintain the political agender", im sick of every few months theres some new threat and no convincing evidence,its bad enough bindladens tapes where old stuff, he died many years ago from a crippling illness.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Tahnya86
reply to post by lonewolf10

exactly, and just another push for global millitarisation like he wants in australia, like i said, rumsfeld was over hear saying :we need another attack like 911 to maintain the political agender", im sick of every few months theres some new threat and no convincing evidence,its bad enough bindladens tapes where old stuff, he died many years ago from a crippling illness.

Bovine scatology! Pakistani immigrant Faisal Shahzad is serving a life sentence for trying to detonate a car bomb in Times Square in May 2010 and he openly admitted what he was trying to do in court, so this is as much as convincing evidence as convincing evidence can get.

Just because you're hung up on these conspiracy stories it doesn't mean that every flipping thing from a bombing attempt to a purse snatching has to be some secret plot to take over the world, you know.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 12:20 PM
Truthers just hate when there is proof of terrorism. This dude was a crack pot. He was building a bomb and got caught.... Christ sake, his own MOTHER apologized for him!!.....

"I would like to apologize to the city," said Carmen Sosa, 56, Monday at a Hamilton Heights apartment she is sharing with her mother. "I love New York. I've always been here, since 1987. For me, I am very disappointed by what my son is doing." Mom getting paid off by the super sekrit gubmint too?
edit on 21-11-2011 by Six Sigma because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Tahnya86

This not the first time arrested some nuts wanting to play terrorist 0CBYQFjAB&usg=AFQjCNHbrGIMcBcq6w7cccqYvKXe7y9IIw

Common event in NYC - which is prime target

Last year someone tried to detomate car bomb in Times Square when crowded with people

Year before that caught Afghan assembling materials to construct bombs to attack NYC subway

As for this clown - was apparently so fanatic even scared other Islamists . Someone dropped a dime on him and
ratted out to the FBI

Was under observation for 2 years = was arrested when began assembling pipe bombs

Just because your limited intellect can not process anything more complex than "False Flag" and Mossad
does not mean it didnt happen and wont happen again

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:15 PM
Completely agree with the OP. The "foiling" of any attempt is only the government fabricating ways to show us that we "need" them to keep us safe. Roll out the old dog and pony show of "look what we're doing for you" in the hopes we'll not notice all that they're not doing for us or diverting attention away from a break story!

Just like when they busted those four old guys for being terrorist after their agent provocateur set the old guys up.

Terrorism or some "new super plague" is the typical diversion tactic.


posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Viesczy
Completely agree with the OP. The "foiling" of any attempt is only the government fabricating ways to show us that we "need" them to keep us safe. Roll out the old dog and pony show of "look what we're doing for you" in the hopes we'll not notice all that they're not doing for us or diverting attention away from a break story!

Just like when they busted those four old guys for being terrorist after their agent provocateur set the old guys up.

Terrorism or some "new super plague" is the typical diversion tactic.


Right cause in reality, there are no radical Islamic extremists that are hell bent on destroying the West. Its all a fabrication by the sooper-sekrut world gubmint that is pretending to have this happen to keep us all scared.

Yeah so these guys here are all Girl Scouts practicing to sell their cookies to everyone:

You people make me sick with this nonsense.
I'm all for healthy skepticism but not flat out embracement of ignorance.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
Right cause in reality, there are no radical Islamic extremists that are hell bent on destroying the West. Its all a fabrication by the sooper-sekrut world gubmint that is pretending to have this happen to keep us all scared.

Yeah so these guys here are all Girl Scouts practicing to sell their cookies to everyone:

You people make me sick with this nonsense.
I'm all for healthy skepticism but not flat out embracement of ignorance.

Really, the same videos? Didn't the CIA make some new ones to "leak" to the press? Can they hire Rich Little to do some great voice over work some more too? Open your eyes, ears and mind!

Every time there is something that GLARINGLY points to how useless the government is, something always pops up that "proves" we need them. Don't beleive me and what I just listed? Remember the old Swine Flu scare and how folks were going to be dropping dead in the streets from the Swine Flu? You do recall a week before the news WOULDN'T shut up about the Swine Flu how the Fed's accounting was off by trillions of dollars and when questioned where the $ was the Fed representative stated she didn't have any information beyond what she was reading, right?

So yeah, I'm always skeptical when the government produces a reason why they're needed.


posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 01:13 PM
I was having a chat with one of my close buddies earlier this morning and asking me if I was coming back to NYC and that he's sick of NYC moving to PA....talking about the poor job qualities...high prices in stuff etc etc then moving along he brung up this topic he was like man you're not going to believe this he mentioned his name "jose pimentel" and told me to google him and look closely, I said ok cool searched and I was like damn! didn't we go to school with him?? we went to Chelsea Vocational H.S. back in '99.....funny thing is though he was never the type to be into this! so it's hard to believe.

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