reply to post by Awoken4Ever
Anyone that would name their kid Adolf Hitler is very twisted indeed.........just my own opinion.
I've read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Mein Kampf and studied the Nazi's (held a fascination for me in my senior year of highschool and first
year of college).
Nasty legacy to give a child.
Now, I have friends that actually named their kids, Sunshine, Rainbow, Luna, etc.....yes I'm showing my age.
I grew up with a very unusual name. So I opted to give our three sons very common Irish names that reflected our family heritage.
Our sons are all named after various family members that have passed with the exception of my last son.
While I have a unusual name (love it now, hated it growing up), my husband has the most common name on the planet..........he refused to let me name
one of our sons a junior.
Well with the third son, I figured out how to get around this..............our third and last son is named after my husband but the Irish version.
and it's a beautiful name.
Everyone should be free to choose what they want to name their kid, however giving a baby the name of a person responsible for the mass murdering of
11-17 million innocent people is beyond twisted.
Many people will disagree but from what I have studied, one's name is very significant from both a numerology and "occult" standpoint. (occult simply
means hidden knowledge).
A person's name is sacred and meaningful.
These folks have three other kids.
Wonder what value systems these parents are handing down to their kids.
Anyone that would honor a person of hate, violence and mass murder is in my book insane.
I cringed when my girlfriend's first grandchild was given a "hippie name".............but this is beyond cringing.
Parents should have the right to name their child anything they choose without the state sticking their nose in as long as the parents are taking good
care of their children.
Again though, you have to wonder the value system these people are passing onto four children.
20 years from now, lets revisit this thread................put it in a time capsule.
I probably won't be here. But what happens to these kids might be interesting.
Need a follow up in _ _ years folder on ATS along with a book/movie review section.
edit on 20-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason