posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 06:00 PM
DO IT! Don't listen to these pouting naysayers. I've always been traveling. I've lived all over the US. Mexico is great, I've been here six
Once, I hitch-hiked from San Diego to New York, just so I could. I met a lot of people out of the blue on that trip, and when you ride hundreds of
miles with some stranger, you'd be surprised at the kind of things people will tell to a complete stranger because they know they will never see you
again. Anyway, during that trip at three different old guys told me the same thing. I told them I had just been in China, and now I was hitch
hiking cross country for the hell of it. They all said, "Kid, don't listen to anyone who tells you you're crazy. Just keep doing what you want.
All my life, I had plans to do some great adventures, but I always was gonna do it next year. After I saved up some money. After this, after that.
After the kids go to I'm an old fart and I never did anything, and now it's too late."
You can go anywhere as a tourist. Most countries will give you a six month visa no prob. If you can't find some kind of job or business in that
time, move on. All south of the border is cheap. Mexico's great, South America is great, Central America too. Europe is awesome too, but more
expensive. Here you can live like a king for peanuts.
Don't listen to the wet blankets. GO FOR IT.