posted on Apr, 10 2003 @ 07:23 PM
4-20, Easter, Pass over...
Nastradamus talks about someones dead hand starting WW3, this has been interpretated as Saddam Hussein...
Nastradamus also talks about a fire occuring in the North(North Unknown) in which the rest of world looks at that fire and waits for death to come
upon them soon after Mabus dies
its believed WW3 will be 2 years and 7 months,
It will happen soon I can feel it in my spirit... I have made about 3 predictions all were wrong, if people keep making predictions eventually they
will get one right
The highest degree of Masonry from the best of my understanding is 33...
The war started on the Third day of Purim, and if any thing happened on the Third day of Pass over it would make another 33...
The Illuminati like picking religious holidays, especially Biblical times like Pass over in which they perform rituals opposite of Gods commandments,
and use Gods name in vain for evil...
(I predicted something happening on the day of the Bali Massacre)Because it was 10/12 1 month 1 day after 9/11
33rd day of Gulf War 2, is on 4-20...
Like I said, Easter
Can any one think of any world events that ever happened on 4-20? I know the OKC bombing happened 1 day before on 4-19, Columbine happened on 4-20
(Those Neo Nazi obsessed students I believe picked that date because is was Hitlers BirthDay)
The Illuminati also pick dates according to numeralogy/and or Astrology as part of the Babylonian mystery religion which has been carried out in all
government since Babylon....
Pagan Trinity .Death, Resurrection, and accession Pagan Trinity Babylonian Mystery Religion
On the 20th the world is still in Aries, (astrology) sign of the Ram...
Aries means the tearing down of the old to make way for the New...
Did any one see that article blaming Neo Nazi's and Conspiracy Theorist for the Anthrax, and claimed they got the Anthrax from dead cows, when
Judicial Watch says the CIA was behind the Anthrax, and only Fort Detrex has powdered Anthrax?
That article blaming Neo Nazi's went as far as saying Neo Nazi's believe that there is a New World Order out to get them controlled by Masons and
If it was a New World Order, and it was evil and was getting ready to kill Billions we would say it was controlled by Christians or Muslims if it
was... They announced the New World Order after 9/11/01 exactly a decade after Bush Sr. announced it
Out of these troubled times our fifth objective, a New World Order may emerge, the United Nations will perform as visioned by founders, peace,
security, and the rule of law- Goerge Bush Sr. 9/11/91
They say that the people who believe in the New World Order are against MultiCulturalism when people of all Cultures are against the New World Order,
and almost all the people against the New World Order, are not racist in the least, Neo Nazi's are about 0.5% who believe in the New World Order, and
their interpretation is 95% wrong
For example people of all Races, and different Political views are on this board... Nothing Illegal here...
People in all wings believe in the New World Order, many people even believe the American founding fathers were part of the Conspiracy... (I believe
they were also.) Now Liberals are waking up to the New World Order while Conservatives are being sucked into Bush's propaganda, so I guess you can
now call believers in the New World Order Liberal...
But lets not forget that 4-20 is also Hitlers birthday (probably why those racist Columbine punks did what they did on 4-20) and 4-20 is also a
perfect time to falsly accuse the Neo Nazi's of doing something they didn't
Don't get me wrong Neo Nazi's are a disgrace to free speech, but any one with half a heart will not support the death of Billions of people in the
coming WW3 NWO......
Oh LOLOL you believe in a New World Order and people will be put in concentration camps LOL, the solution for that is to put you in a concentration
They say oh only Neo Nazi's are against giving all your rights up and letting Billions die during WW3 to make way for a World Government, which we
must obey when the United Nations is controlled by the same people that are responsible for WW1, WW2, and will be responsible for WW3 which will kill
A perfect example is the war in Iraq, the United Nations didn't back the war, but they got the oil...
You are either with God or Satan, Black, White, Arab, Asian, Jewish,Muslim,Christian..
For God Sakes Hitler wrote a book entitled "New World Order" he was involved with the "New World Order" Neo Nazi's have absolutely no
understanding of the "New World Order"
And most likely don't even believe in the "New World Order"
Most Conspiracy Theorist believe Hitler was a Rothschild, tell a Neo Nazi that and they will punch you in the face...
4/20/2003, 4+2+2+3=11, 110th day of year
It is so staged they pick the 4444th day since the gulf war to launch gulf war2