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posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Kali74

If Soros was trying to get Obama re-elected by means of creating a liberal version of the Tea Party, why would protesters be being beaten and evicted and pepper sprayed all over the place?

Because Soros is a stone-cold hearted so and so who doesn't give a darn about those kids but would use them as pawns in his little game of let's make a deal for Socialism.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Soros donated to Tides but he earmarked the donations and did not earmark them for Adbusters. Further, Adbusters may have sparked Occupy but it is not theirs, they don't do anything but report on it now. Occupy belongs to no-one and is lead by no-one.

Can you explain the logic in our President not protecting his own re-election movement since that is what you think it is?

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by MaximosPoena
reply to post by -W1LL

Vietnam protesters were out in the millions for a good cause. Ending the war.
OWS protesters are out in the thousands. Ignores the wars and demand Handouts.

Kent State Army National Guards used real Bullets.

OWS get pelted with Rubber bullets from Cops.

I'm sorry, no comparison.

Massive S & F fest for a FAIL

Go figure.

I was a kid when the Kent State event happened. My mom was really upset about it. She was also constantly worried that my older brother was going to get drafted. Luckily he turned 18 only two months after the U.S. declared a cease fire. OWS is less than zero compared to the events of the '60 and '70s.


posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

I'm afraid you didn't really understand the Kent State thing too well. One has to view it through the lens of communist subversion. We were still in the Cold War with Russia then, and world communism was still in progress of spreading throughout Asia. Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia were all areas stricken with communist agitation. Leftist radicals who were for communism went about trying to stir up support for their cause, so they went around to various Universities talking to students. They used the war in Viet Nam, because essentially young people are usually idealistic about life and are not into war. This group of young people were all about peace. We had the Beatles and other groups experimenting with meditation, and everybody was into making love not war. The leftist radicals who want communism take advantage of that, and rouse the students to protest the war. So, instead of winning the war and checking communism at the doorstep, we lost the war, communism marched on, soldiers died or came home with no victory. This was far different from the victory we had in WWII. It was defeat and humiliation. Check mate for communism. People like Jane Fonda used their celebrity status as well.
Leftists(SDS and Weather Underground, and Jerry Rubin) went into Kent State to stir up trouble and create chaos and the riots ensued. The National Guard were deployed when fires were started.
We can see a similar pattern in OWS with Occupiers taunting the police force and saying they will not leave and pushing barricades and whatever other interesting methods they have come up with to push the line. Then there are those shady characters throwing bottles at police and some even pretending to be hurt.
Did you know that communes were set up in Ohio during the 60's and preceding the Kent State riots?
Communes are associated with Communism. I remember even in high school people talked about the hippie communes. Young radicals were trying to make it sound really hip and cool.
OWS camps are like communes only without the discipline.

Oh yes, another thing which was accomplished was that young people were convinced to avoid the draft and not fight to defend freedom. Part of the issue was that we were not directly involved in the war. In WWII we were forced into the war by the Pearl Harbor bombing. Would those students have fought if we had been bombed? Many of the 60's hippies had a strong spiritual fire. One of the Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young songs has lyrics which insinuate a belief in reincarnation.

David Crosby (from the Guardian July 12,2008: "I'm one of those people who thinks we go round again. The Buddhists have got it right - it's a wheel and we get on and get off. I think life energy gets recycled. That's why I wrote Déjà Vu."

Then again, many just wanted to smoke pot and avoid the draft, and live in communes and have free sex.

lyrics for Deja Vu

If I had ever been here before I would pro'bly know just what to do Hey, don't you? If I had ever been here before on another time around the wheel I would pro'bly know just how to deal With all of you
And I feel like I've been here before
Feel like I've been here before
And you know it does make me wonder
What's going on under the ground
Do you know?
Don't you wonder?
What's going on
Down under you

We have all been here before
We have all been here before
We have all been here before
We have all been here before

hahaha I loved that song.

Anyway, even the spirituality got sucked under with all the drugs and wild lifestyle.
edit on 21-11-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Soros donated to Tides but he earmarked the donations and did not earmark them for Adbusters. Further, Adbusters may have sparked Occupy but it is not theirs, they don't do anything but report on it now. Occupy belongs to no-one and is lead by no-one.

Can you explain the logic in our President not protecting his own re-election movement since that is what you think it is?

What do you mean? POTUS came out and supported OWS along with Pelosi and the Democrat Party. What makes you think he didn't intend to completely co-opt all these students and keep them in his fold? I saw vid of some guy in Occupy Orlando with a megaphone outright calling for Obama's re election.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by The Old American

OWS is less than zero compared to the events of the '60 and '70s.


Thank You.

This whole comparing is Laughable.

If you want to compare anything,its folks that are angry. Thats where the comparisons end. By volume,OWS doesnt have the manpower of the 60's. Vietnam,and civil rights,were something totally different. Say what you want of OWS,but dont compare a nearly a half a decade of protesting,to a couple of months,with no clear direction,or leadership. The 60's had leaders,who gave their lives. The men in Vietnam gave their lives also.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

He said he understood why people were protesting. Please try again to explain if this was Obama's baby why the hell are they getting beaten etc.? Ron Paul said it too. Lot's of politicians said it.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Nobody forced them to take out loans.

Nobody forced them to purchase all manner of foreign made products.

Which exasperates the lack of Jobs issue here in the US.

That requires personal responsibility to acknowledge they are part of the problem. They can't have it both ways. On the one hand, tweet, text, Email and chat away on all their Made in China products and not acknowledge that they are part of the problem and then turn right around and complain there are no jobs available.

The way I see it:

If the country cannot foster/facilitate enough employment to account for all of its citizens, its a problem that needs to be fixed because from what I expect a government should foster the progress of its citizens, all of them if possible. If an international corporation is part of the problem, so be it. Basically committing treason by selling economic stability to the highest bidder is not acceptable in a nation that cares about its own future. I care about this nations future, do you?

And you honestly think that the world just suddenly became that way recently? Yes, there is ugliness in the world. There are murders, wars, hate crimes and rape and all other types of grotesque activities. It has been that way since the beginning of time.

I'm sorry but IBM, Boeing and Hughes Aircraft didn't create Human nature.

It can't stay that way forever, the sooner people start standing up and actively finding reasons behind these problems and purging them the better. With fewer and fewer people having control over more and more things eventually the cycle will be only one person controlling everything, is that what we want for our country and our world? Aren't those actually fascist and totalitarian forms of government? You would be hard pressed to deny that the people representing you in our beloved country are honestly representing your interests.

I am nothing special, but I don't feel selfish with my right to exist and to have a say in my regulatory system.

Yes, we can dwell on the negative and equally not see the beauty and blessings as well.

It's your choice.

It's hard not to dwell on the negative when you dwell in it.

Well some of us simply refuse to ignore all the very vocal voices in the crowd advocating outright communism. [Whether some OWS supporters care to acknowledge those voices or not] Which quite frankly if they get their way would prevent just about everything you are espousing.

I don't think very many American people, occupy or not, would allow us to turn into a communist or fascist country. That is not to say we might be able to learn something beneficial from it though, I think there is probably something beneficial to learn from pretty much every form of government or many of them at least. A form of government is supposed to be an attempt at creating a civil and progressive society so all of them must have some kind of decent point to study and learn from.

The distribution of wealth in the country was a lot more moderate when we were fighting the Nazi's and USSR, does that make it any more communist? I don't think principles of a free market in the US are going to disappear by any means, I don't think this is anything OWS advocates as an assembly or otherwise. I would say that our free market is a bit perverted though.

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by RSF77

I hardly think a visual of the Hammer and Sickle Russian communist flag marching right alongside other OWS is propaganda. They and the Neo Nazis are part of the movement. Adbusters organized it, Tides funded it. Socialists made the demands. the Obama admin and Democrat Party support it.

That is just responsible reporting. It doesn't mean that some within the movement are not sincere souls who understand the manipulations of the Illuminati and the bloodline families and the NWO etc, it just means that some people are misguided.

In America, if you want to identify yourself as a Neo-Nazi, you can do so. You cannot however do something like oh say... kill a bunch of jews. Neo-Nazi's may not also part of the occupy movement, they are part of America and unfortunately we are responsible for living along side them peacefully. Along with homosexuals, atheists and anything else someone doesn't like.

Just because you can single out someone in OWS for particular ideology doesn't mean OWS is going to try and turn America into the U S of Nazism, we just wouldn't stand for something like that. I don't personally agree with every single person from OWS I've heard, but its no different than having to live in the same country and even the same world with them. One way or another we are all just going to have get along, I guess.

OWS = Solidarity, democracy, many as one.

Corporate government = Fascism, eventually one as many.

It is the very essence of good and evil, either we become a world under the control of one person or all people equally cooperate. Biologically, we are hard wired to dominate all around us for survival, from a human being right down to microbial life. This is a struggle against survival of the fittest and, yes SLAYER, human nature.
edit on 21-11-2011 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by RSF77

So your argument is the government should provide jobs for people?

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
So your argument is the government should provide jobs for people?

Originally posted by RSF77
If the country cannot foster/facilitate enough employment to account for all of its citizens, its a problem that needs to be fixed because from what I expect a government should foster the progress of its citizens, all of them if possible. If an international corporation is part of the problem, so be it.

Why not? They allowed them to be outsourced in the first place?

If our government is allowing corporations born of our country to sell out our jobs to other countries, I would say they are responsible for providing an equal amount somehow or getting them back. It's not that they should provide jobs in a communist fashion, they should foster the creation of jobs here instead of elsewhere.

I mean allowing their creation through regulation of corporations that operate in America. No outsourcing or very little at best, we need an all-encompassing industrial base.
edit on 23-11-2011 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

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