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Demonstrations' to be banned during Olympics'

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posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:51 AM

Demonstrations' to be banned during Olympics'

Ministers are planning legal action to restrict public protests during the Olympics, amid fears that Britain could be disrupted by lengthy and high-profile demonstrations.

The Home Office is so concerned about the impact of the stalemate over the Occupy London (OLSX) encampment outside St Paul's Cathedral that officials have been ordered to produce plans for avoiding a similar conflict during the Games next summer.

Ministers' plans, based on the measures put in place to remove long-term protesters from outside Parliament, includes identifying "exclusion zones" around key locations, a
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:51 AM
I know the Olympics are a high profile event that require tight security but this is out of control. The article goes on to explain:

"Police have been given enhanced powers to act against protests at the Olympics since the Games were awarded to London six years ago, including the right to enter private homes and seize political posters. "

That is insane! According to this they can bust into your home for political posters. I wonder what other rights they have been given under these laws.

I knew the police state in the UK was getting bad but I never knew it was this horrible.
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 20-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I can't truly say as I am not a Brit, but...
It sucks not having a constitution.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:57 AM
there is the reasoning for banning public protests during the olympics.
they can get voilent at times at UK will be screwed if say one of America's or China's or for that any other country's athelete gets injured in such a protest. There are diplomatic relationships to take care for after all.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by DoctorSatan
there is the reasoning for banning public protests during the olympics.
they can get voilent at times at UK will be screwed if say one of America's or China's or for that any other country's athelete gets injured in such a protest. There are diplomatic relationships to take care for after all.

So the answer is to give the police vast, outstretching power to silence any and all protests?

People seem to have a hard time grasping the importance of this precedent. If we start allowing our rights to be revoked for special situations where will it stop? I assure you that you will see more and more protests at world events like the G20, the Olympics, environmental and economic summits, etc. Are they going to start suspending our free speech and right to assemble for all of these events?

This is a move toward more control and once allowed will be used to justify the further erosion and revoking of our rights.

And the fact that they are allowing police to enter people's homes to prevent them from having their free speech.. How can anyone believe this is justifiable?
edit on 20-11-2011 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by TinkerHaus

Originally posted by DoctorSatan
there is the reasoning for banning public protests during the olympics.
they can get voilent at times at UK will be screwed if say one of America's or China's or for that any other country's athelete gets injured in such a protest. There are diplomatic relationships to take care for after all.

So the answer is to give the police vast, outstretching power to silence any and all protests?

People seem to have a hard time grasping the importance of this precedent. If we start allowing our rights to be revoked for special situations where will it stop? I assure you that you will see more and more protests at world events like the G20, the Olympics, environmental and economic summits, etc. Are they going to start suspending our free speech and right to assemble for all of these events?

This is a move toward more control and once allowed will be used to justify the further erosion and revoking of our rights.

And the fact that they are allowing police to enter people's homes to prevent them from having their free speech.. How can anyone believe this is justifiable?
edit on 20-11-2011 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

Thanks you

I was about to respond to their comment but you covered it and more. Well said.

There is an overwhelming sentiment of acceptance when it comes to free speach and peaceful protest on here lately.The way I see it is that if people feel the need to protest each time an event like this takes place then there is probably something wrong with the way things are.

Eventually there will be curfews and restriction orders to stay home during this type of event. For your own good of course

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:19 AM
Now what are the chances that after the olympics these
law will be left in place and then used by the police
when ever anyone one of those annoying protests
try to start.

Bit like the health and safety laws were used against the
occupy london to get rid of them.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:19 AM
The Olympics were supposed to not be political in nature. For people to even think about protesting takes away from the goodwill the Olympics are supposed to engender. This is not about which politician is doing right or wrong, about who makes more money, it is about the athletes who worked very hard to get where they are and represent their nation in that goodwill.

I will watch the Olympics and cheer the athletes. They are good representatives and should be recognized as such.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:22 AM
How long till you start seeing people getting "black bagged"? I find it astonishing that ANYONE would defend things like police being able to brek into people's homes and steal political and protest signs. It's bad enough that Londoners have acquiesced to constant surveillance and the like.. if this is allowed to continue, you will no longer be a free people.

Nothing is more permanent than a temporary government program.
edit on 11-20-2011 by rogerstigers because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:24 AM
Maybe its time for a british revolution to overthrow the queen and their corrupt government? Just saying..

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:24 AM
there will be a massive security clampdown during the olympics.

i would expect the same approach that there was before the popes visit. probably a lot worse though.

just before the olympics kick off they will be a huge security threat. a cell of people will be arrested. we will keep getting updates about these people being questioned. they will raid a few homes looking for material. alerts will come up with updates that the questioning is ongoing. the olympics will pass off without much bother and the secruity threat these people posed will never be heard of again.

this demonstrates to the public that security is at its peak and there is no threat to your warns potential terrorists that the police are on high alert and stay away.

this was the procedure followed before the popes visit where they arrested a couple of poor foreign mugs before he arrived declaring they were terrorists with a plan to kill him. turns out one of them had cracked a joke about the pope. i think they were street cleaners so they couldn't afford to take any action against the way they were treated. although the british police have tweaked the law so much that if you are arrested , all they have to do is declare you a terrorist and they can do what they like with you and tell no one.

i was watching an add for a videogame for the 2012 olympics with a famous hedgehog the other evening. I felt like emailing them and asking would you be able to launch surface to air missles in the game that the police will be doing during the real games.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by g146541

Why? Yours is constantly ignored and you have less rights than most other countries like being taken to torture camps without a trial or being found guilty of anything.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by skuly

You raise a very good point.

It's very probable that once the Olympics are over the laws will remain in place.

This type of behavior is common among the law makers.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by WarminIndy

i have to disagree.

its about the sponsors. its about the corporations who paid the best of the best to come along and win gold and display their name with gold to the world. my buiness is best and we won gold at the olympics with ............

i watched all of the races phelps won at the olympics. i seen the one race they didn't immediately replay. i seen him like all the commentators loose that race. there was an uncomfortable pause and then , no, heavans above , he actaully won it. guess who was keeping the time??? his bloody sponsors!!!!!

like all sports its a money making scam and it stinks. i seen with my own eyes and ears how they changed history in the swimming pool. never again.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by WarminIndy
The Olympics were supposed to not be political in nature. For people to even think about protesting takes away from the goodwill the Olympics are supposed to engender. This is not about which politician is doing right or wrong, about who makes more money, it is about the athletes who worked very hard to get where they are and represent their nation in that goodwill.

I will watch the Olympics and cheer the athletes. They are good representatives and should be recognized as such.

When the government no longer represents the people it serves any and every opportunity to shed light on the problem in front of a global audience will and should be taken advantage of.

If governments do not like it they are going to eventually have to comply with the wishes of their leaders (you and I, that's right WE'RE the leaders.)

And you are ignoring one significant fact here.. The Olympics are political by nature. How many tax dollars are going to fund this event? If you are using my money to put on a show you damned well better believe I have a right to be there and make my voice heard. Laws like this are only going to lead to conflict because no one is going to acknowledge this law's legitimacy. When a government starts making laws to protect corporations and other well-connected entities from The People, The People should and will ignore those unjust laws at whatever cost.

ETA: FYI, there is almost ALWAYS scandal with every round of the Olympics. I live in a former Olympic City (Winter Olympics 2002) - take a look at the bribery scandal and what events occurred to actually bring the Olympics here.. All on my dollar. The Olympics is most definitely a POLITICAL event.

edit on 20-11-2011 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:35 AM
If they can use the anti-terror laws to watch out for the terrorists who don't pick up their dogs poop what on earth would anyone expect them to do with an event like this.

I suspect we'll see more and more things like this appear as we get closer to event, personally I think the event should be held somewhere neutral, Mars would be good

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:41 AM
It might not be popular to say this but frankly when I saw this, I was actually sort of glad.

These days there are people protestinig everywhere about everything, even at funerals, for me, protesting has reached a critical mass! It begins to wear on you, even if you support the cause. I, for one, will admit that I think it would be nice to have an Olympics that are without strife. Being bombarded with constant social and political messages starts to assault the psychie after awhile, no matter how right the cause it.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Anthropormorphic

Want peace? Then work for Justice!

Demonstrations may be banned but they will happen anyway. They will be violent and bloody and we will be able to watch it on the www. even though main stream news sources will try and spin it to keep the sponsors happy.

The ordinary citizen is sick and tired of the fascists oppression that is increasingly being forced upon them.

The frog has jumped out of the pot and is very angry.

Here is what to on the video

edit on 20-11-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

This is another example of something one can do by doing nothing at all. If people really want to get their point across the best types of protests are boycots. No one go to their spectacular shows they put on. All TPTB understand is money if you want to hurt them the only way is in their pocketbooks why do you think that is where they are hitting the common people in their pocket books. They can't force someone to go to their money m,akers just like they can't force someone to go shopping for Christmas etc. Why get your brains knocked and spend what little money you have fighting them on the streets? Instead of sit down strike have a sir at home strike. I have been saying this long before OWS began.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by WarminIndy
The Olympics were supposed to not be political in nature. For people to even think about protesting takes away from the goodwill the Olympics are supposed to engender. This is not about which politician is doing right or wrong, about who makes more money, it is about the athletes who worked very hard to get where they are and represent their nation in that goodwill.

I will watch the Olympics and cheer the athletes. They are good representatives and should be recognized as such.

I agree... however... that gives them no right to enter people's PRIVATE residences to tear down political posters. We are not in Hitler's Germany, this is London, UK we are talking about. The only difference is the year and uniforms I guess then right?

I honestly do not think any protester will be advocating any harm to the athletes anyhow. It's clearly another way for them to implement their plan of silencing the people's opinion.

BTW another awesome find OP... I have been enjoying your contributions on ATS as of late...

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