posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 02:36 AM
Unvarnished, bless you for being the person you are, studying to be the kind of doctor you will be, & for this wonderful thread. Flag for you & stars
for all of your posts!
I think that Michael Moore hit all of the nails right on their heads with his excellent documentary "Sicko". I wish everyone in the US would see
In France you would have gotten all of your medical education for free. We can always use another good doctor here in Europe. Health care here is a
human right & all of the money to pay for it comes from the taxes on everyone's paycheck. It's a given. The US could have the same if it simply used
some of the Social Security tax that already comes out of everyone's paycheck & expanded Medicare. No need for the Tea Party to start shrieking
Let me tell you about how some of my American friends fared in the US:
Deianera, who had endometriosis since the age of 12, became too ill to work when the disease became pre-cancerous. Her hair was falling out, she had
swollen lymph nodes all over her body, was in constant pain, & she was dying. Her job refused to provide health insurance. She had to drop out of the
workforce, go on welfare, get Medicaid, & have laser surgery (laporoscopy). It saved her life- just barely. Not long afterward she found out that the
disease had made her sterile because she could not afford earlier treatment. Her husband Brian was as heartbroken as she when she met & married him
after her ordeal was over & they tried to have children.
Sharon- another friend whose job wouldn't provide health insurance- regained memories of dreadful & incestuous abuse she suffered at the hands of her
mother & stepfather as a small child. In her case, American health insurance might not have done her any good because most kinds will not pay for
psychiatric care; those few that do only pay for half or less. Sharon didn't make anywhere near enough money to pay for a psychiatrist herself. She
began to slide deeper & deeper into major depression, though she still went to work every day. Her untreated illness got the better of her one morning
when she got up & slashed her neck, wrists & ankles with a knife instead of going to work. She survived but has never been the same- she has been on
disability ever since.
David is another friend who worked hard every day but- you guessed it- was employed by yet another firm that would not give him health insurance. He
had a bad heart. It killed him. He was only 40.
Mari contracted a Lyme disease type of illness. She didn't know the rash on her legs from tick bites was dangerous. She came down with what she
thought was the worst flu she ever had, but never really recovered. She now has a lesion on her brain, multiple sclerosis type symptoms, & the chronic
form of Lyme. She has medical insurance- but the US, like the UK, does not recognise that Lyme can be chronic, or that it can be passed to other
people just like AIDS. We recognise that in Continental Europe & treat chronic Lyme with intravenous antibiotics as need be for as many years as it
takes. We also have vaccines against Lyme! She can't afford to come to France for treatment. She's looking into going to Mexico for help. There's a
good movie out about chronic Lyme called "Under Our Skin" that anyone can see for free on or It's worth anyone's while.
I have heard of people in the US whose insurance is so bad & pays for so little that it was cheaper to fly to India for an operation & treatment. Now,
THAT"S really inconvenient!
What do I think of the American health care system? For the richest country in the world, it's as backward as the Middle Ages unless you're rich or
belong to a union. What with the insurance companies playing God over who gets insurance at all, or Big Pharma raking in profits uncaring whether
their expensive medicines force some people to decide if they should spend their limited incomes on food or prescriptions, it's an ugly elitist mess
that there is no excuse for. And the solutions are really so simple. Get the greedy fat cats out of the business!
Good luck to you in all of your endeavours; may you be happy in your career & save many lives. There are not enough people in the world like you.