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Did You Choose Ignorance?

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posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:15 AM
I am shocked at the venomous hatred I see toward Occupy on ATS. I can fully appreciate that the movement may not be the particular dish everyone likes but I figured it was at least at the same buffet table. I have been a supporter in my real life and a defender on the internet. Over the past few days as I am seeing more and more police brutality, I am enraged not just at the police but my fellow human beings who can watch the same videos I am and laugh or think it is a good thing or an acceptable thing. Your media sources have betrayed and failed you, you who are largely anti-police state, anti-TPTB, you Constitutionists.

Many times I have seen scorn from you toward the sleeping masses, "Americans don't care, there's a new episode of Jersey Shore on". That is now you. Your media outlets are serving you up Occupy, Jersey Shore style and you are eating it like candy. Did your bloggers and analysts focus on the news, the shocking displays of police brutality, the shocking squashing of the 1st Amendment? No! They showed you a drum circle, appealing to your Conservative hatred of hippies. I don't care that you don't agree with the movement. It should not matter to you what a person or people are protesting. It should matter to you that the right to do so is being denied, it should matter to you that people have beaten by our own police, in our country, exercising their freedom of speech and assembly.

You talk about snow removal budgets and head lice while one single man stood in front of a line of riot police and was beaten to the point his spleen was ruptured because he wouldn't move. You talk about spoiled brats sitting in a park because they are too lazy to work while a group of students who were sitting on a walk way were pepper sprayed because the ten cops around them couldn't manage to cuff them for disobeyeing orders to move.

Everytime you buy into this, everytime you condone such action you are sinking to your knees in acceptance. You don't have to do a thing, you don't have to support the movement, you don't have to go protest, you don't have to like us...but, your virus is not contained to ATS and TPTB are watching, they are measuring public response to these outrages and you are giving them a green light.

edit on 19-11-2011 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:35 AM
where to begin. in a word brainwashed fits the bill nicely, most would deny and even fight the accusation but your wrong, and I know because i've fallen for the same bs more than once. I can't comment on occupy any longer without some degree of uncertainty, bit like quantum mechanics I guess, I watched the first 'blocking of the road accidently on purpose' thing on live feed about 7 days in if I recall, I haven't watched many of the following videos involving cops, but then I already saw all I needed to know.

its not just america, and I can't shake the feeling that both sides are being played. if there is even a both sides here, its the people vs the other people while the real villians sit back and chuckle. thankfully and depending on your own thoughts regarding whats going to happen next year, I don't think this is the final...battle? outcome? just yet...either way and whatever happens i've been saying for months, stop buying the divide and conquer tactics of the few, the only way to actually follow that is to stop these arguments about who's right and do something, problem is we're the thinkers and its clear most are not thinking as fast as the other side of the chess board.

i've also been saying for months that the monetary system is screwed, and no one listened to that either, but its still ongoing. it doesn't really matter who wins if the foundations go cause then the business will really start hitting the fan, and there shall be a deep silence from the ones with so much to say >_>

probably leave it there. inb4 trolls? probably ninja'd already but there is still hope on this planet somewhere.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:40 AM
The diatribes of the anti-OWS group can be pretty mean-spirited. A lot of what they say sounds like things I've heard right-wing political opinionists express on the radio. Of course they could make a mistake, but I don't see how doing nothing is somehow a safer bet.

Originally posted by whatsinaname
in a word brainwashed fits the bill nicely

no you

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
I am shocked at the venomous hatred I see toward Occupy on ATS. I can fully appreciate that the movement may not be the particular dish everyone likes but I figured it was at least at the same buffet table. I have been a supporter in my real life and a defender on the internet. Over the past few days as I am seeing more and more police brutality, I am enraged not just at the police but my fellow human beings who can watch the same videos I am and laugh or think it is a good thing or an acceptable thing. Your media sources have betrayed and failed you, you who are largely anti-police state, anti-TPTB, you Constitutionists.


How many more of these types of threads do we need on ATS?

There are people that are not so asleep that they need to pick sides either, but who chose to look at the "big picture" from both sides.

To say that people who view this from a perspective of objectivity are ignorant, is quite ignorant of you.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:50 AM
Too much "Well it isn't me so I don't care" mentalities. Apathy dominates this planet. The media stirs it up, it makes whoever watches a drone, its easier to switch off than actually caring about it.

"The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment." - Robert Hutchins

Also, anyone who believes that everyone there are lazy spoilt hippies are ridiculous. Propaganda of the elite has done its job.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by satron

most would deny and even fight the accusation but your wrong.

(time will tell, you don't know for certain, no one does.)

ed: this is exactly what I mean when I say about divide and conquer, thusly I'm out of this conversation once more until the message is gotten. and i'm not holding my breath.
edit on 19/11/2011 by whatsinaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by whatsinaname
reply to post by satron

most would deny and even fight the accusation but your wrong.

(time will tell, you don't know for certain, no one does.)

ed: this is exactly what I mean when I say about divide and conquer, thusly I'm out of this conversation once more until the message is gotten. and i'm not holding my breath.
edit on 19/11/2011 by whatsinaname because: (no reason given)

You don't want to talk about it anymore? Frankly, you seem divided about it to me.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:14 AM
One person's "hate" in this case could be another's healthy skepticism.

Facts and actions speak louder than words...

OWS can't be for all people, only those that agree with the "collective" therefore those that feel excluded because they can't support the ideology, message and demands are seen as "haters".

If this was a true movement for the liberty and freedom of the REAL 99% of Americans there would be overwhelming support for it.

You should be thankful that the majority of Americans have the ability to think for themselves and not be so quick to blindly follow this movement without questioning everything, especially its true origins which are in my opinion meant to only further divide people, and possibly lead to violence with authorities.

If you can't see clear goals, hear from very vocal and public leadership, and have witnessed this movement in action without at least saying WTF ... Then you're already among the sheep in the flock.

Hate for those who dare to question, or oppose this movement is far more venomous and overt than your perceived hatred among the critics and skeptics.

It is all a matter of perspective, either you are in or out, one of them, a part of the collective or you are a hater, subversive infiltrator, capitalist pig, defender of the elite etc. .... There is no middle ground here.

Change that, and maybe the hate on both sides will evaporate and people will find the middle ground together, support will rise and this movement will become something that can actually accomplish something good.

But, you know that isn't going to happen, because the "haters" are gonna hate.... Right?

edit on 19-11-2011 by Fractured.Facade because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:27 AM
My prediction is that the people that are angry about the protestors will soon be protesting the Occupy movement and then things are going to get really nasty. Americans have been due for some violence for quite some time and with the lines split down the middle.. well, we'll just wait and see what happens.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
Facts and actions speak louder than words...

Are you speaking about the events that lead to "The Great Screw of the 21st Century"?

OWS can't be for all people, only those that agree with the "collective" therefore those that feel excluded because they can't support the ideology, message and demands are seen as "haters".

Of course. Some people are fine with working McJobs the rest of their lives, and supporting their families on a wage not enough to live on.

If this was a true movement for the liberty and freedom of the REAL 99% of Americans there would be overwhelming support for it.

Uhh, we are ripe for SOMETHING to happen, just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that there is no support for it.

You should be thankful that the majority of Americans have the ability to think for themselves and not be so quick to blindly follow this movement without questioning everything, especially its true origins which are in my opinion meant to only further divide people, and possibly lead to violence with authorities.

If you can't see clear goals, hear from very vocal and public leadership, and have witnessed this movement in action without at least saying WTF ... Then you're already among the sheep in the flock.

There are many grievances at work, if you're mad that they aren't airing your grievance, then why aren't you down there with them?

If there was a leader, he would be picked apart as a paid pawn of George Soros, or some other nonsense. Does it really matter?

Hate for those who dare to question, or oppose this movement is far more venomous and overt than your perceived hatred among the critics and skeptics.

Why is that?

It is all a matter of perspective, either you are in or out, one of them, a part of the collective or you are a hater, subversive infiltrator, capitalist pig, defender of the elite etc. .... There is no middle ground here.

I'm not sure what you mean, you say there's no middle ground, but you just named half a dozen stereoypes...Seems like you know it's more than black and white.

Change that, and maybe the hate on both sides will evaporate and people will find the middle ground together, support will rise and this movement will become something that can actually accomplish something good.

Again, if they need a middle ground, and you are of the view of the other side, why aren't you and your "capitalist pig" friends down there with them?

But, you know that isn't going to happen, because the "haters" are gonna hate.... Right?

If they don't do anything but hate, well YEAH!

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Balkan
My prediction is that the people that are angry about the protestors will soon be protesting the Occupy movement and then things are going to get really nasty. Americans have been due for some violence for quite some time and with the lines split down the middle.. well, we'll just wait and see what happens.

Those guys are going to be surprised when the police start knocking their heads in too.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

You've mistaken my thread for demanding everyone support Occupy, and completely missed the point, FF. I think I was pretty clear in what I was saying.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
I am shocked at the venomous hatred I see toward Occupy on ATS. I can fully appreciate that the movement may not be the particular dish everyone likes but I figured it was at least at the same buffet table. I have been a supporter in my real life and a defender on the internet. Over the past few days as I am seeing more and more police brutality, I am enraged not just at the police but my fellow human beings who can watch the same videos I am and laugh or think it is a good thing or an acceptable thing. Your media sources have betrayed and failed you, you who are largely anti-police state, anti-TPTB, you Constitutionists.

Many times I have seen scorn from you toward the sleeping masses, "Americans don't care, there's a new episode of Jersey Shore on". That is now you. Your media outlets are serving you up Occupy, Jersey Shore style and you are eating it like candy. Did your bloggers and analysts focus on the news, the shocking displays of police brutality, the shocking squashing of the 1st Amendment? No! They showed you a drum circle, appealing to your Conservative hatred of hippies. I don't care that you don't agree with the movement. It should not matter to you what a person or people are protesting. It should matter to you that the right to do so is being denied, it should matter to you that people have beaten by our own police, in our country, exercising their freedom of speech and assembly.

Everytime you buy into this, everytime you condone such action you are sinking to your knees in acceptance. You don't have to do a thing, you don't have to support the movement, you don't have to go protest, you don't have to like us...but, your virus is not contained to ATS and TPTB are watching, they are measuring public response to these outrages and you are giving them a green light.

Personally, I think you give The Powers That Be too much credit by saying they are dividing and conquering us. I’ve heard it before but I don’t buy it. The reality is – there are two different agendas guiding people in our country.

One group wants to return America to what the founders envisioned (the real 99%). This group wants to create change and end corruption through our current system and remove the corruption from the inside out. It takes 2 people to complete a sale – a buyer and a seller. If the politicians aren’t selling (selling us out) then the big money 1% can’t possibly buy! So we must get rid of the people who are SELLING US OUT to the 1%.

The other group doesn’t like this country. They seek to completely change America. This group wants to mold America into a European-style socialist society (or worse). These are the people who have high-jacked OWS.

Those OWS supporters here on ATS who keep telling me how ill-informed I am because they believe OWS IS going after the government are lying to themselves. The radicals within OWS ARE NOT going after the right target….they seek the destruction of our free market system. The majority of OWS doesn’t realize how badly the movement they started is being destroyed by this group of radicals that want to ruin our country. KICK THEM OUT OR OWS WILL CONTINUE TO BE PORTRAYED NEGATIVELY.

The real 99% support getting rid of corruption… stop getting your panties in a wad. But OWS, you must stop corruption in a way that PRESERVES America. Very few people in this country want socialism!! Those of you who claim that OWS doesn’t want socialism and doesn’t want an end to capitalism need to either kick those radicals who DO out of your movement or join the Tea Party. Otherwise you will continue to wonder why support for OWS is disappearing!

The Occupy Wall Street movement, with an incoherent agenda that rails against income inequality and the evils of capitalism, ignores the fact that what we are practicing is not true capitalism, the version where businesses and entrepreneurs are allowed to compete on a truly level playing field to reap the rewards or be allowed to fail.

Instead, businesses large and small are encumbered by regulations and a byzantine tax code designed not to raise money for the needed functions of government but to reward or punish the behavior of corporations and individuals as the government sees fit.

Crony Capitalism: As the president embraces Occupy Wall Street, his favorite corporation paid no taxes in 2010 on $14 billion in profits, much of it overseas. Meanwhile, 20,000 jobs for the 99% go unfilled.

At a recent town hall meeting, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., chairman of the House Budget Committee, reminded constituents of a story that broke earlier in the year - that General Electric paid no taxes on profit of $14 billion, $9 billion of which was earned overseas.


posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:51 AM
Clearly there is a group of people that say they want to protest the government, but they aren't doing there sentiments remain heresay.
edit on 19-11-2011 by satron because: (no reason given)

So how can we know where they actually stand?
edit on 19-11-2011 by satron because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-11-2011 by satron because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

got a link to back up all this hearsay? just sounds like a bunch of double speak with no point..

anyone who uses the current world monetary system that has created slaves out of this world should be in the 99% if you're not then you're just making excuses for your inaction.

One person's "hate" in this case could be another's healthy skepticism.

hate and skepticism are not the same no matter who's eyes you are looking through.
edit on 11/19/2011 by -W1LL because: hate

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by -W1LL

got a link to back up all this hearsay? just sounds like a bunch of double speak with no point..


It's an opinion ffs.

The truth as I see it... take it, or leave it... I'm right tho.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Right about what?

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by seabag

No. I used to think that it was paranoid to think we were in a police state and then I see so many videos, so much happening on live streaming coverage and while I certainly do not condemn or hate all cops something is very wrong and it pisses me off that the focus of some media is head lice instead of police brutality against protesters.


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