posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 02:59 AM
sounds like sceensaver deinstallation partially deinstalled sound drivers too ?
i would remove the sound devices from the system manager by hand and let the hardware assistant find it again, forcing the computer to reinstall
unfortunatly there are a dozen of reasons and a modern sound system is not only 'renewing audio drivers', but i guess doing like this will remove ALL
remaining files which were necessary for it and bring them back in proper order.
If the sound system turns out to be such a streamlined configuration, involving GFX too, you may go for renewing GFX drivers and DirectX too, and
install that in a proper order, cause one component might requieres the other to be there to proper recognize the involved ressources.
involved software could be:
-Sound drivers itself
-DirectX drivers (often used by gfx software), presentig an interface between OS and apps
-GFX-drivers possibly too since most modern soundprocessing happens on GFX cards too, for the sake of having best audio where you look at (as observed
in a seldom combination along with HDMI display outputs)
-so called sound codecs brought along with diverse GFX apps loke possibly the screensaver.
-middleware/patches introduced my Microsoft to solve issues like 'universal audiobus' recognition, as happens to me on an ASUS HD-Audio sound device.
hints wether such a microsoft fix is necessary can be found searching the MS-knoweldebase
there are also tools where you can checkout functionality. tools like DXDIAG.EXE which should be somewhere on the hdd etc.
good luck
edit on 19-11-2011 by TMJ1972 because: (no reason given)