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History's Biggest Conspiracy? The Oil Game.

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posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:55 PM
This thread is basically me compiling answers to a couple questions I've had regarding oil and a hypothesis of mine. I'm not stating this as fact, hence the question mark in the title, but I do believe we on ATS need to go back to heavy ignorance denial, and more questions when it comes to things "they" tell us.

Here are questions I've had:

-When did the oil addiction begin?
-Why are we so hooked on oil when it's well known that there are more abundant sources of fuel available?
-If trees serve the purpose of producing oxygen, and they do so without being cut down, or destroyed, what purpose does oil have?

History of Consumption of Oil
We've all heard stories of oil being used as weapons thousands of years ago. True, this did happen was traced archeologically back to ancient Babylon around 4000 BC.

On the banks of the Euphrates River in an area that will become known as Iraq, archeological exploration finds the site of an oil seep known locally as “the fountains of pitch,” where asphalt is quarried for use as mortar between building stones.

Another point to note in regards to ancient Babylonian oil use:

Ancient Persian tablets indicate the medicinal and lighting uses of petroleum in the upper levels of their society.

At this point in history, there is no evidence that oil was sought out, or drilled for. It's said that there were areas of seepage, which is when oil seeps naturally to the surface, usually in a body of water. The Oil would wash up on the banks of the Euphrates river, therefore, the reservoir under the surface remained 100% natural.

It wasn't until at least 347 AD that oil was drilled for (according to this source, and one other, used to correlate) and this was said to have taken place in China. The drilling went a depth of 800ft using, "drill bits attached to bamboo poles." Source

So in my research, it's from these 2 points that 2 major regions in history develops demand, no matter how small, for oil.

Now we can fast forward to the 1800's. Compared to regions around the world, North America was kind of late in digging their first oil well, of course this is probably due to the fact that groups other than the Natives were still "new" to North America. 2 separate reports say it was extracted as an unwanted byproduct "when looking for water in Ohio" and "in Brine wells in Pennsylvania".

The 1800's saw a boom in oil mining, and experimentation with combustion engines and such. By the end of the 1800's oil was a full blown addiction and the inventions of Henry Ford and Louis Renault were about to take it a step further.

Why Oil?
To be honest, we're left with theories and conspiracies when it comes to this question. The most widely accepted is that the richest of oil moguls suppressed early endeavors for alternatives, and these days, many law makers and such hold stock in oil companies and use government resources to suppress alternatives. Not to mention bribes and such.

On ATS, we've heard stories such as the guy who had a device on his car that allowed him to drive hundreds of miles on 1 tank of gas, and while not confirmed, it's very intriguing. More commonly known, are the experiments of Tesla, and others in that fold of invention. Tesla was at one point funded by J.P Morgan. Among Tesla's research projects was ion propelled transportation, specifically flight. Today, we know that Tesla's work is black bagged somewhere in a vault.

This is just one example of the many conspiracies and general theories as to why we're hooked on oil and alternatives seem to be suppressed. But now, what if theres something far more sinister to the issue?

The True Purpose of Oil?

The crust covers the mantle and is the earth's hard outer shell, the surface on which we are living. Compared to the other layers the crust is much thinner. It floats upon the softer, denser mantle.

The crust itself has no influence on the earth, but the constant moving of the crust does. This moving is caused by the influence of the convection current, or to be more precise, this convection current actually causes the earth plates to move and sometimes touch each other. These movements cause earthquakes and at weak parts of the earth's crust volcanoes can erupt.

Recently, we witnessed BP completely mess up, and it wasn't even 2 years before they were permitted to go right back to drilling.[SRC] It's believed that the oil reserves of the U.S are enough to supply us for a full year at our current level of demand. So why run back into the Gulf?

Let's think outside of the box for a second. The infamous families who are thought (and at times proven) to control government, make serious amounts of money from oil, and have since it first gained popularity and demand. The earths crust is in motion, and we seem to be convinced that rock on rock is a good idea. Can we say for certain that the purpose of oil, isn't as a lubricant between either the crust and the mantle, or the tectonic plates upon which we live?

2 palm sized rocks being rubbed against your skin while dry, is torture. However, the same to rocked, covered in hot oil, is a massage.

Is it possible that the families who have the biggest hand in the oil industry, who ALSO happen to have hands in pharma, insurance, and development, are perpetuating destruction?

We've definitely seen a serious increase in earthquakes over the last half a century, and have been reaching all over the place for a reason for the rise in number. We've looked at the sun, stars, haarp, nibiru, and elenin, but I don't think we've taken a good look at the Earth itself. As of late, we've moved beyond just earthquakes, we now have a moaning and groaning earth, and increased volcanic activity. One could also argue that oil depletion and increased tension between plates has somehow effected the magnetosphere. Could the elite, be pushing the world towards a big "seemingly natural" disaster to satisfy greed and serve their depopulation agenda?

We've seen preparations being made for a large scale disaster, including bunkers, land purchased in far off, suspicious places, seed vaults, and probably more than that. Could this be a possibility?

Thoughts, criticisms, and critique are appreciated. Like I said, the point is to question more, and deny ignorance, which I believe is anything that comes from "them".

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:59 PM
It all goes back to controlling the energy supply. He who controls strategic objectives, energy supply being one of them, controls the world.

Good thread. S+F.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by v1rtu0s0
It all goes back to controlling the energy supply. He who controls strategic objectives, energy supply being one of them, controls the world.

Good thread. S+F.

Which is why global warming fear mongering is all fired up. To convert the monetary system from gold and oil to carbon credits. The effort to "steal" all the money in the entire world, that's all, no big deal.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by tkwasny

They still gotta get us down to 500,000,000 people ya know. lol

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:29 PM
it's not an oil addiction it's a money addiction.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by randomname

It's a national oil addiction. I don't get paid from you filling up your tank, and neither do you..

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:57 PM
Gasoline proved to be an excellent fuel for the newly invented automobile.

It was primarily concentrated in large reservoirs, easy to tap, and most importantly, easy to control and extremely profitable.

Sadly, most of the world's oil supply wound up being under the property of some of the most religious group of fanatics on the planet.

Personally I think oil is at the bottom of most modern problems. It establishes the large ICBs. It pushes us towards planned obsolescence, and the whole disposable society push of modern capitalism. It enables a small group of people to grab tremendous control over the planet.

Fortunately, the world's supply of easy to get high grade crude is running out, and hopefully, the end of oils domination will also bring about the end of the ICBers.

We will go back to living in small cities and farms with windmills providing electrical and pneumatic power, hemp seeds providing us with diesel, and manufacturing done on a small scale.

The ICB created our suburban sprawls. They don't want depopulation, they want vast numbers of people who can be used against each other. They want slaves.

Notice how the third world nations have grown large populations living off welfare. As the Middle East runs out of oil, there will be massive unrest, of which we are only beginning to see. Those large populations of young people who have never worked a day in their lives will suddenly be without money to live on, and they will seek to over run Europe.

I don't think the oil barons are smart enough to create a grand scale plan, they are just greedy, and happened to be in the right place at the right time. It is going to be interesting to see how things play out as the oil supply continues to dwindle, at a steeper and steeper rate, peak oil having occurred in 2008,

You might be right, maybe oil does have something to do with lubricating tectonic plates. Maybe ambionic oil is closer to the truth, but those Texas oil fields aren't going to be filling up soon.

What the gulf oil incident shows us is how desperate big oil is to find alternative sources. They don't have the tech to drill deep water wells. There is a desperation to current oil exploration.

In the meantime, the evidence continues to stack up on global warming, and mankind's contribution. All signs point to continuing extreme weather patterns, and increases in Earthquakes, and who knows possible volcanic activity.

It looks very likely that for the near term, next few decades, we are in for a wild ride.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 10:42 AM
Look how much oil we humans use, amazing!
540 times around the earth every year.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by

The Seven Sisters, these people are pretty much to blame for the vast majority of "evils" people hold against the oil majors. They pretty much ran the world.

History of oil and gas is pretty fascinating to be honest, the first recognized oil refinery was first built in the 1800's lol, crazy.
edit on 27-2-2012 by Ixtab because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Ixtab

It is very interesting. And I still hold this position, that there is more to the oil game than we are being told. And even more than is being hidden from us.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 03:16 PM
Why isn't this a more popular thread???????

Excellent OP!!

edit on 9-12-2012 by unphased because: (no reason given)

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