over the past year, i've seen COUNTLESS relationships fall apart. happy ones, too. people just growing apart very quickly. people who've been together
10-15 years...just saying F it.
a lot of people i know are wanting to quit their jobs that they hate, even in this tough economy. and i've known a lot of people who have recently
quit their life long careers.
pretty much every resentment that was left lurking in the depths of my heart has found it's way out this year. people that i've had a bone to pick
with them about something but have just kept quiet...it's all come out.
seems as though karma is working triple-time here lately. so many people i know are hitting roadblocks and obstacles. nothing major, just little
hiccups that can clearly be seen as lessons or end up being for the best.
it seems as though everything that is keeping us from being in a state of positive karma/energy is being removed.
the past month or so...there have been some very powerful waves of energy crashing down. some have hinted at the possibility of these energies as
being healing energies (crazy rainbow lady
). i think that is exactly what these are.
i've felt myself let go of so much negativity over the past month or so. right now...i'm being rocked by waves of warm, healing energy. it's like i
can feel every atom of my being being washed and massaged and cleaned...and i'm floating through this giant bath and i can feel my energy lightening
up...i can feel my atoms being pulled apart and kinda stretched. like positivity is settling in and stretching out and making itself comfortable. as
though my density is loosening.
i can feel all kinds of vibrations around my head. i feel huge surges pulsating out from my consciousness. i feel like i'm exploding. and it feels
great. such a healing energy indeed milady!
how many others have gone through ordeals this year that felt like a cleansing? be it ending a toxic relationship? quitting that job you hated for
years? took that bag of trash out to the curb that you've been avoiding for awhile?
many will say that people always do this...but to those of you who have been riding these waves this year, i'm sure you can tell that there is a
difference. it's like with every piece of trash we take out, we close that chapter for good.
can anyone else relate? has this been a very cleansing year for you? have you had to make some hard decisions?
i know this post was kinda all over the place but there's a very strong energy around me now so it's kind of distracting. it's a good energy. it feels
very nurturing. like mom hugging me when i was sick and cold.
i'm sure some will talk trash. i hope others can relate. i just wanted to share this and see if this has been a cleansing year for you.
thank you.
edit on 11/17/11 by ICEKOHLD because: (no reason given)