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Delusional O' Reilly on Occupy

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posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:34 PM
Bill O'Reilly: The Failure of the 'Occupy Wall Street' Movement

Read more:

Does Bill report and give opinion on what is actually happening, or does he issue decrees according to his views to his viewership of how things are going to be?

Is he delusional in thinking? So much so that he believes his studio seat at FoxNews studios is an Irish kings throne born out of the Middle ages where he wears a crown and issues decrees to the people of how things are going to be? Is he that barking mad? It's that, or he actually thinks he can spin things to the point where the magic of his imagined infinite influence will make his wishful thoughts true.

Bill is a very MAD MAN.
edit on 17-11-2011 by LilDudeissocool because: I had to change wording in a few sentences. My auto spell posted the wrong word twice in my OP.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:45 PM
I saw a Bill O'Reilly thing where he talked about the occupy movement and basically said everyone there were Muslim, Anti-Semitic, Hippie, Violent Socialists who want America to become Cuba. The man is delusional, no amount of time should be spent listening to the man, he is an ignorant tool.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:49 PM
He's not delusional, he is a very smart man. He just sold his soul for several million dollars a year, i would too. In a heartbeat.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

Well Bill might be crazy, but he is right on this one. The OWS movement will fail miserably. They cannot even put together a decent list of things they want. Things they have mentioned they wanted are unaffordable at any level of taxation. The fact is we are broke. So instead of more government programs and entitlements there will be less and less no matter how much anyone protests or complains. You can't have programs when there is no money to pay for them.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

Forgive my ignorance, but I don't understand how the link you sourced connects with your post.

O'Reilly is giving an opinion piece, not a news report. He seems to be in control of himself, I don't see anything that indicates irrationality. I'm not sure where your comments on the Irish royalty comes from. Ireland isn't mentioned in the piece.

Unless, maybe, you're thinking that his belief that OWS is finished as a major political force is an absolutely insane belief? There is some evidence that he's right, enough so I couldn't characterize him as "barking mad."

I don't like O'Reilly for some political and personal reasons, but you're going to have to make a better case to persuade me he is delusional. Could it be that everyone who dislikes OWS is delusional?

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:59 PM
If you think that was entertaining, don't miss Jesse Ventura on Piers Morgan on CNN moments from now.

edit on 17-11-2011 by Fractured.Facade because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Tea4One

Well the way I see it is that he has become the new Glen Beck on FoxNews, and I feel sorry for him that he has finally detached himslef from all the facts. This is beyond just spin and card stacking the facts, this is much different. He, and I am using true objectiveness here, is irrational in his reporting and commentary where he comes across as a complete delusional mad man to all people.

I hope his colleagues can talk him into maybe getting some help.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by TheChamelon
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

Well Bill might be crazy, but he is right on this one. The OWS movement will fail miserably. They cannot even put together a decent list of things they want. Things they have mentioned they wanted are unaffordable at any level of taxation. The fact is we are broke. So instead of more government programs and entitlements there will be less and less no matter how much anyone protests or complains. You can't have programs when there is no money to pay for them.

You do know that you contradicted yourself, right?

Are you Bill?

edit on 17-11-2011 by LilDudeissocool because: typo

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

Where did I "counteracted" myself?

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:28 PM
OWS is a major fail in the eyes of huge majority. Occupiers are deluded, Ohreally is simply pointing it out.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

I only watch Fox News to let my kids learn how to count lies.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

Forgive my ignorance, but I don't understand how the link you sourced connects with your post.

O'Reilly is giving an opinion piece, not a news report. He seems to be in control of himself, I don't see anything that indicates irrationality. I'm not sure where your comments on the Irish royalty comes from. Ireland isn't mentioned in the piece.

Unless, maybe, you're thinking that his belief that OWS is finished as a major political force is an absolutely insane belief? There is some evidence that he's right, enough so I couldn't characterize him as "barking mad."

I don't like O'Reilly for some political and personal reasons, but you're going to have to make a better case to persuade me he is delusional. Could it be that everyone who dislikes OWS is delusional?

A) He reports a story and then gives cometary on the subject. That's what he does, the business he is in.

B) He is being irrational because his words are totally removed from reality, they're not mere word of opinion. For example, I can't give an opinion that the Moon is made of cheese, and be deemed rational.

C) I think he may think of himself as a king of sorts where he may think that his words will manifest into reality. Such if I said the Moon is made of cheese thinking if I said it enough to enough people it would become true. You know like issuing a royal decree making my wishes accepted belief a matter of law. And the Irish part comes from the fact he is Irish.

Now a question. Name one bit of evidence that Occupy is, " finished?" As OWS being finished as a major political force, it is in its birth. It hasn't reached that point as of yet, so his making such a statement is definitely detached.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

Dear LilDudeissocool,

Thanks for responding, I think I understand a little better now.

OWS is having some difficulties now, and I suspect O'Reilly is using those difficulties as the basis for his opinions. Polls are showing that American support for OWS is falling; mayors, even those who have supported OWS, are closing down encampments, OWS can't point to any changes they've made (outside of "raising awareness," or "starting a discussion), encampments have fewer protesters, their press has been bad lately with the deaths and diseases etc.

O'Reilly could easily be wrong, but I think he's only pointing out what he sees and drawing conclusions from it.

With respect,

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

Dear LilDudeissocool,

Thanks for responding, I think I understand a little better now.

OWS is having some difficulties now, and I suspect O'Reilly is using those difficulties as the basis for his opinions.

The difficulties I see are A) Lies being reported by Fox and extremest right wing spin sites mischaracterizing the majority of the Occupiers. B) Violations of the 1st Amendment by State and local government officials against the protestors.

Bill just tonight has expressed his support for a court case in Arizona being thrown out where kids were suing to be able to wear American flag shirts in their public high school. A case where kids who want to wear the Mexican flag can. His argument being the American flag causes disruption. That is if people threaten those who exorcise their first Amendment rights that's okay. Now a school can dictate what can be worn or not, but they have no legal right to pick one form of speech over another.

Bill likes that obliviously because he wants to be able to rant is views, but want Occupy to shut up.

Originally posted by charles1952 Polls are showing that American support for OWS is falling; mayors, even those who have supported OWS, are closing down encampments, OWS can't point to any changes they've made (outside of "raising awareness," or "starting a discussion), encampments have fewer protesters, their press has been bad lately with the deaths and diseases etc.

Those are Fox polls and right wing polls who are selective in who they call so lets get real here.

As far as these Mayors are concerned they I am sure want to be re-elected or go on to higher offices. They have a money interest to not make super pack funders angry who have hijacked our democracy.

Originally posted by charles1952 O'Reilly could easily be wrong, but I think he's only pointing out what he sees and drawing conclusions from it.

Drunks see pink elephants too, but such things aren't real either.

Originally posted by charles1952
With respect,

With mutual respect,

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by ILikeStars
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

I only watch Fox News to let my kids learn how to count lies.

Lol that's funny. :-)

Fox is great training for easily identifying lies too.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by 2XOHsurf
OWS is a major fail in the eyes of huge majority. Occupiers are deluded, Ohreally is simply pointing it out.

Ohreally? Ah, an art project post. I get it.

So demonstrating about a rig system in favor of the top 1% so to increase the income gap are acts motivated by delusions according to Ohreally.

Understood. :-)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by wlord
He's not delusional, he is a very smart man. He just sold his soul for several million dollars a year, i would too. In a heartbeat.

Then the people spending the millions need to find someone who can make logical arguments.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:25 PM
Such an genuinely intelligent human;

The Derp Zone

Loud does not mean right

edit on 17-11-2011 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Lysergic

Yeah he's got "A' Really" amazing intellect?

Not sure if many people know he has admitted that what he does is just shtick on Fox and Friends during a phone interview about a month ago hawking his latest book. I don't think the man even knows himself. Most crazy people don't know themselves because they don't know who, or which one I should say, they are.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:52 AM
Dear LilDudeissocool,

I really appreciate the chance to talk with somebody about controversial issues. So often I have to just walk away from the anger. Thanks for your contribution.

The difficulties I see are A) Lies being reported by Fox and extremest right wing spin sites mischaracterizing the majority of the Occupiers.
I agree with you, they are getting bad press, and in some cases it may even be intentional misinterpretation of the facts, that's unacceptable.

But, shouldn't that be balanced out by all the sites that aren't extremist right wing? Besides, OWS's goal was to get the message out. They knew they needed the media to do that, and they knew some would be against them.

B) Violations of the 1st Amendment by State and local government officials against the protestors.
Again I agree with you that any violations of any of our rights have to be attacked, by demonstrations, court actions, indeed any way that can be thought of.

The flag shirt case leaves me a little uncomfortable, but we should remember that this anti-flag ruling dealt with one day of the year, Cinco de Mayo (Which is a bogus holiday in my mind, oh well.) when the school wanted to have special Mexican themed events. A federal appeals court said the school has the right to exercise that kind of control and it's not a first amendment violation. I'm not entirely sure I agree with the court, but I suppose I can see their reasoning.

A quick thought, I have seen lots of polls saying that many Americans agree with the goals of OWS. I haven't seen a poll from either side, right or left, saying most American approve of OWS itself.

I just signed on to ATS and discovered a new thread called something like "ATS has failed." The idea is that ATS has failed OWS by not getting involved enough. There is a fair amount of comment to the effect that OWS has failed, at least for this year, to do anything but try to get it's message out.

With respect,

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