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Kids coming up with odd things, need your thoughts

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posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Pixie777

Sometimes kids just have imaginary friends, but sometimes those friends are not imaginary. Spirits are very real, demons (fallen angels) are very real and are at work in this world. I've studied the paranormal for a little over 10 years and i have seen things and heard things that would scare most people into pooping their shorts. Some spirits can use whitenoise to communicate with, the noise from a fan can even enable this so it is possible.

Kids talking about dragons makes me wonder if they have been seeing demons. As i understand it the constellation Draco is supposed to be the dominant constellation in the sky in 2012 and draco (according to some astrologers) is thought to be linked with Lucifer (satan).

When i was just out of high school i was working security at a country club between august and october towards halloween. I was sitting in the men's basement lounge at about 2:15-2:30 AM and i heard an old guy laughing. I went into the locker room where i had heard the laughter and searched it top to bottom and there was no one in there and i was the only person in the building. I went and sat back down and 15 minutes later heard the exact same laugh and again i went and checked and again there was no one there. I didn't hear it again that night. There were other wierd things that started to happen later but it's a long story but suffice it to say it was this first experience that got me into paranormal research.

Atheists will tell you there is nothing after you die, but once you study the paranormal and see apparitions, that turns into bollocks real quick. I have seen these things flee at the name of Jesus Christ so there has to be something to that. By contrast i have seen people get picked up and choked by something that i couldn't even see that left finger marks and bruises on their necks when there was nothing there. Nothing worse than having something try to kill you and you can't even fight back, you take a swing and hit open air but you can feel its fingers around your neck. It's like trying to fight something that isn't there but is very real and very terrifying.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Pixie777

I would like to suggest that as you are home schooling - let your Children sketch in a special art book. I am a Teacher and I have Students asking me about all sorts of topics. I have to tread carefully because of the politics but I NEVER dismiss what a Student is trying to express.

I have become a researcher by default because of what has happened and I truly believe that we need to expand our subject range and allow Students to explore their entire Universe and not the version that has been syphoned off. I am published regularly in Ufologist - Aussie magazine - as a direct result of my interactions with Students and Young Adults.

Can I suggest that the dragons and bubbles be expressed through art - just draw - no rules - just draw and let it out and then it lives in the book. As the parent you could keep a journal as well and jot down all relevant conversations and make your own diagrams as well.

Children are amazing and I get such a wonderful feeling inside when they have trusted me. I don't ask too many questions for a variety of reasons. I never press my beliefs but when they ask a question about my beliefs I answer the question. Students who are struggling to even sit still will suddenly pay attention when an 'interesting subject' is mentioned in the classroom. Subjects can range from telling me that Mum, Auntie and Student all have the ability to see Spirit - drawing an Intergalactic Craft or Intergalactic Visitor. I always use these terms as a sign of respect - Students catch on quickly.

The most fascinating aspect is that whether a Student believes or not in the mentioned subject - the attention is very quickly on class discussion. This pleases me more than you can know. As a Teacher some Students hate being at school but I know that they would enjoy school if we could let them express themselves.

Will not waffle on anymore. If I can be of help - I am here. You can send a personal message if you want. I spent half my life moving towards being a Teacher and I am exactly where I need to be - don't know everything but I do know Education will change because the Students will demand it. There are parents as well who confide in me - there is even a four generation family who have had Spirit and Intergalactic Visits. Plenty of two and three generations but four is pretty amazing.

Much Peace...while we learn everything there is to learn...

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:04 AM
Mega conspiracy to end all conspirancies....


The kids do know somthing, maybe Aliens to come down and Cull the Adults on earth once it gets to a certain size, like a huge free range farm...

Maybe they leave the children, and maybe thats why the earth needs to start over again because the kids cant read properly, use machinery or technology, all of that becomes wasted and usless because there is no one who understands it and so the Cycle begins again...

Just throwing out there... either that or maybe there is an episode of somthing somwhere which touches on this that your kids have seen cause its the "in" thing to see like at a friends or somthing some story line in a particular cartoon all three kids have seen? i appreaciate you monitor your kids, but all the time? at friends houses etc?

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by Pixie777

Kids do tend to have imaginations but at such a young age, and we're talking about 2 kids who live far away from eachother and another complete stranger (child) not connected to the two children, that tells me this is paranormal.

The "dragon" is not as such but a flying object. In ancient times they were described as flying chariots.

got to go back and read your post again.....

Can you get the two kids to draw what they saw and post it here for us to look at? Thats assuming they saw the "dragon" and not through voices of what they may have heard......

edit on 18-11-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Pixie777


I know EXACTLY what that is. I've had similar experiences ..started several years ago.
I found a video that posted some useful information too. Someone had posted a paper some years back, and then another found it and posted that paper..cant remember the brits name at the moment...and then at the end posted their own experience about the same subject.
This article tells you 'how to' fight back. I'll look up the link...ok, here it is is 3 parts, and they explain the video hiccups at the end. There is no sound, it is a written article they posted and when they went to put sound and all in they found a problem. is the links:

part 1:
part 2:
part 3:

rather informative on the subject. And from a point of personal experience too.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by Pixie777

My kids see things that I don't see all the time. My niece always complaints about people asking her questions at night while she wants to go to sleep. My nephew sees knights sometimes. Even my cat sometimes is looking very intense to some thing that I definitely do not see.

My feeling is that they have access to realities adults to not have access to. But who knows, perhaps all the kids and pets in the world are just very imaginative... :-)

Anyway I would not worry about it. I would advise to have an open mind because if the kid is seeing for real it would be very unkind to not take it serious.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:11 AM
im 20. When i was 15 i am told I woke up and stood up to be eye level with the top bunk of the bunk bed i shared with my little sister and told her "Catherine, shes sitting in the corner.... DONT LOOK AT HER!!!" and then passed out on my bed again. I usually remember dreams and even If i sleep walk, but that night I STILL have no recolection of saying that, or why I would. My mom said catherine ran into her room crying that night.

Also, my cousing could see dead people when she was little. Thats a bit traumatizing so I wont share any stories on here.

My old house is extremley haunted as deemed by myself and my family (lol)

Listen to your children no matter what they say, even if it isn't literal, maybe they are expressing a feeling... Or maybe they know something we don't (;

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Pixie777

Hi Pixie, a lot of replies and ideas on here and not sure if you found any answers yet but thought I would add a couple observations from my own viewpoint. Sorry if any one else already said this. I read a lot but not all the posts.

Your friends have all had the same experience in their house. Voices from the fan? Can't really say about that being paranormal or not because I only have impressions 2nd hand and no way to confirm either way about it. They think it could be something weird nonetheless. And you have talked to them at length both on the phone and with your husband and your child has not overheard any of this? Could have frightened her if you were frightened while you talked with your friend and it was overheard. Like you said, kids are attuned and pick up on our feelings and conversation.

Lets say however, that there is something going on in your friends family or home and something has become attached to them or their home. Or maybe was there already. See it's hard to define. That they all have the same experience is telling because that reduces chances of one person being mistaken. Also add the vision of dreams of dragons coming to eat them and you might conclude that there is a force that is negative for it is picking on children. Thats disquieting because who is most vulnerable and how much does that worry parents who witness the fear and confusion?

So a scary dream happens and she right away calls you and tells all from her house on the phone to your house. Transfers sometimes happen like that. I don't understand how that happens and all, but hear about it and have experienced it personally.

My brothers house is haunted, sometimes they call and tell us about weird stuff that happens to them and within three days that same weird stuff happens here. One time it was a heater failure and another time it was a plumbing disaster. So, if your daughter has not overheard this from you, then maybe some link has occurred. I would not worry about that too much, it probably has lessened a bit if the source of trouble is from your friends end. Your daughter is more sensitive to that being a child and maybe picked up on it a little.

The time your friend was approached by the 5 year old and told they were being watched is also telling in that it's another objective, outside source of similar information for them. That they were away from their house at the time is also telling in that it could mean that the focus is on the family and not the house or from the house? Don't know history of either and can't be sure without more info and background about both.

I would be more inclined to tell your friend about your daughters experience and that it might be wise to not talk about that stuff on the phone? For now? Try and relate that they need to seek some qualified spiritual counsel about what may be going on with them. Then back off for a bit or send emails or letters for a while.
They may already be vaguely aware of whatever it is that confronts them and its source?

Fear is it's main weapon against anyones sanctity and you should not be caught up in thinking about end of world or dragons eating people too much. That is how it operates. Scaring children is a scary thing. Shame on them. Sounds like you guys are fine where you live and breathe. You obviously love your family and friends and want to protect them and are open to others ideas.


posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

I sent you a U2U on the last part of your first comment here, hope you don't mind. On to this reply,
if I had to explain to you how things work in my house, then you'd probably form all kinds of ideas that's completely off kilt, but I have to answer your question, no, no babysitters, my son is 16 anyway, I don't need babysitters anymore
He is actually a very responsible kid. He drives me mad, of course, he is 16 after all, but compared to what I was like at his age, he is a good kid
Yes I'm allowed to be biased

Online games is not something we do, because we pay heavily for internet data, school must come 1st so it's just not allowed. Not even online communities, it's just not something they're into, believe me, I've tried to get them to join the kids community that's part of their school, there is just no interest. The community we are living in now, are not the kind of community where people want to connect, everybody just keeps to himself, this is actually a problem for my kids, because they're not used that, where we come from, everybody knew each other, which means, their friends, now live far away, and contact is little. I'ts actually very sad.

So trying to put this parent part of me aside that wants to be adamant about that there is no way that they could have been exposed, I honestly can't think of any area where it could have slipped through. I am very intrigued by the dragon men and she who walks can both be in this game that you are talking about, I am not the kind of person who sees signs in games and movies etc, really really not, but this has me intrigued, how is this even possible and I'm wracking my brain, if they could have played it, even somewhere else. There's nothing there. And please keep in mind, my own daughter doesn't say it's dragons, it's the other two that says dragons, my daughter said someTHING.

I decided last night, I don't have much contact with my friend's daughter, but I asked my own daughter, to draw me a picture of what she sees, the bubble and everything. It meant that she got to bed late, but I felt that it was worth it, and I'll allow her to sleep in a bit this morning to make up for it
What she drew, was very interesting, ok, my daughter is terrified of sharks, for no real reason. It all started many years ago, when they were still allowed to watch TV, she watched some kiddies program and in the cartoon, sharks were coming up through the floor, it really scared her, she had nightmares for weeks after that, that was also the last time she watched TV. Ever since then, she has been terrified of sharks. I'll get to the bubble in a bit, first the shark, so what my daughter sees as a shark, is what in her mind she considers the most violent dangerous threat to a person, what the other two kids COULD be what they consider the most violent dangerous threat to a person, and that the threat is not a dragon at all, this just feels right, that there aren't dragons coming to eat us at all, whatever it is, is a threat and it's bad and it's after adults. I think that seeing the scar, triggered what she has been feeling for a week now, and hasn't been able to articulate it, so she simply stuck with alone.

The bubble, what she drew, and this just blew my mind, when it comes to protection, because she is such a literal thinker, what I gave her, years ago, was something physical that she could hold on to, I didn't even touch on any other kinds of protection bubbles, she wouldn't have been able to grasp what I was saying, she'd want to give it some kind of physical quality. The bubble that she drew was the protection bubble that one can create while meditating. She took extra care with this bubble, she made it light blue and golden-yellow and she didn't use the pencil to hard color it, she made a powder in order to blend the colors, it's actually very pretty, coming from a non creative person, I'm impressed. She made sure that you can see that it's see-through, because you can see the person inside the bubble.

This actually says a lot, the threat to the adults is not a physical monsters eating grown-ups threat, it's a spiritual threat, that bubble, as far as I know, can't protect you from physical harm, spiritually it's impenetrable. There is no way, no way at all that she could have known about the protection bubble, it's just not something I've discussed with her yet, because I know how literal she is, I figured, later when she's older and I've had more time to teach her figuratively speaking, as my son is now grasping figuratively from time to time, then I will, until then, it's pointless.

I'm still thinking of that game, is it possible that the creator of it, came across something like this, and made a game of it? Is it, that other kids other than the 3 I've come across, have experience the same thing, so somebody made a game?

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by NadaCambia

This IS general chit-chat, if you don't like general chit-chat then don't come into the forum. It's really very simple.
edit on 18-11-2011 by Pixie777 because: typo

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by abeverage

Oh, yes, this comment, apparently you missed the part where I said, I home-school my kids, I teach them the cycles of the moon, believe me, I know, thank you for telling me things I already know, you apparently also missed the part where I said, that it's hard for me to accept what I saw. Please keep in mind, this is general chit-chat, I don't need to prove myself to you. We don't sit around watching the moon on a perpetual basis, the moon is pretty, we're not too concerned with it, that's how we are when it comes to the moon. I in passing mentioned that something odd happened twice. Two times only. I'm sorry that you missed the moon doing that, quite frankly that's your problem, not mine. I know what I saw, and I don't need to be validated by you, I don't pretend to understand it, I've never thought the moon is anything other than the moon, no I don't think you're very special at all, not with your stinky know-it-all attitude anyway.

Then I realized, oh you must think that I am unable to dismiss something when there's a need for it, quite frankly I'd much rather dismiss an insulting stranger than my own kids, so, let me show you just how dismissive I can be when it's called for:

Thank you for your non-constructive, condescending contribution, the X on the tab you are currently on, is the exit button, bye-bye now.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by GeistMelange

I didn't think of that, but yes, there does seem to be a connection, the only problem is, like I said, no TV is allowed, what the kids may watch is on DVD has to be okayed by an adult. I know I sound like I'm too controlling, but I firmly believe that there are things that depending on age, kids shouldn't be exposed to, I know what my kids can handle and I give little bits at a time, in so I give them more reign, but I'm being a responsible mother. My son has more leeway, but he hasn't even seen those movies. I have, that's why I can make the connection, I rented it, and took it back when I was done with it the next day. My son wasn't interested in them, so he didn't watch with me, and i didn't allow little one to. My son, is not the one who saw these things.

Remember, the whispering came through the fan at my friend's house, I didn't hear it, you might have something there with the mechanical noises. That would then take that part out of the scenario and I'll let her know. The movies though, I know my kids haven't seen them. No interest on my son's side, and my daughter is too young for them. the correlation is interesting, but I can not bring myself to see signs in movies and so forth, I'd rather think the other way around, that a producer experienced something and decided to make a movie, I can not bring myself to believe that movies are reality based, and there are hidden signs and messages in them. I just can't. I teach my kids the same, movies are not real, they're purely entertainment.

I'm not going to tell my kids anything other than that, I'm not going to have my kids running around half-brained the rest dragging behind them, thinking that something in a movie is real.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by 3n19m470

If you already feel that way, you are going to love being a parent

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by Ghost375

Where? Where?
wait, what is skyrim and who is that unpronounceable D word?

that was funny, put a smile on my dial,, thanks for believing me, and yes, time will tell.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by HumansEh

Is the constellation of draco next to the moon? I didn't know that, that is curious. That's in taurus, right? That's my son's domain that, I don't see patterns in the stars
I just see pretty little twinklies, the only thing I can find is the 3 stars in Orion's belt
Yes, I am considering these things, I'm just having a really tough time accepting it, but there's just so much out there that they did visit, if they existed, that they did visit and pass themselves off as gods many many eons ago, there seems to be enough of that going around, are they back? Could they come back? Possibly, and then I catch myself thinking, wait, what am I considering here? I'm just having a tough time swallowing it. I do feel however I'd be stupid not to consider it, there is so much that we don't understand, to assume that it's absolute BS based on what we've been taught, when in truth we don't know jack about anything really. It's like this little war going on in my head and neither is winning.

Yes I know what you mean, you don't encourage but you don't discourage, like letting them talk and listening, but not bring it up on your own and harp on it, I know, it's hard to explain to someone who is not a parent that there is a very fine balance to be maintained there. Encourage it, and the child could just start coming up with fanciful stuff because they want to please the parent, discourage it and if something really is going on, the child will feel they can't talk to the parent, or even worse, dismiss themselves. So there really is a very fine line to walk and somebody who is not a parent won't understand it, it's very easy to say, this is how you do it, but when you're in that situation, you have to be very careful how you handle it and what you say. I do understand what you are trying to convey

I am trying and I am listening, I'm keeping everybody's ideas in mind, even if I can't find how there could be a possibility that something could have sneaked through, i"m trying to keep my mind open and not completely dismiss it, you never know, right? I think you have a good idea there, keep a diary of all the little things they say to hopefully later on be able to form a better picture of what they are trying to express. That's a good idea, thanks
Good luck with your little mother daughter
she sounds so precious, I think all the little ones are amazing

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

That's what I'm trying to figure out, if there are other kids talking about this.

I went into the movie you speak of to another poster, it is coincidence. I would never let my 8 yr old watch the movie.

Thanks for contributing to the discussion

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by ovumcranium

I barely understand every second word there
I understand jaws and claws and bite, sounds like somebody is trying to give his son nightmares?

Thanks for the poem,
I see why you thought of it, sounds like a scary monster in the poem. I wouldn't read it to my child though, even if I was able to pronounce some of those words, I'd probably get all tongue-tied in stead

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by ovumcranium

You are right in that, I can not control what they see 24/7, nor do I think I should. I can only try my best at being a good parent, and the object is to teach them to become independent, if I were to watch over their shoulders 24/7 then that can't happen.

We're not really in the situation where we live now, where my kids can mix with other kids, it's sad really and I wish I could change it, the community, they're just odd, they keep to themselves, and since we do home-schooling, if the community doesn't mix, there is no mixing. Hubby and were discussing going back to where we came from so that the kids can have their friends in their lives again, work and finances is just not allowing for that at the moment, so we're going to have to stick it out a while longer. In the mean time, whenever there is something going on that involves the community, we go, it's hard to explain what happens, the kids just don't mix, you see the kids, but they're all doing their own thing, and nobody mixes, it's odd, not like kids to be like that at all, wherever we've lived, kids always just band together, not here. I don't know what would make kids isolate themselves like this.

We even one year tried to throw a street barbecue, to get these friggin ppl to loosen up a bit, the kids came out, then went back to their homes, some adults sat around, but nothing came from that and very few ppl participated. I think the want is there, but everybody is just too hesitant, careful, I think that spills over to their kids. So I don't know, we can't haul out the money to try that again, and apparently nobody else is up for doing it in stead, so I don't know, I give up. I'm just going to keep trying to find something else my kids will feel comfortable in joining. Maybe take them for karate. Maybe if in a team the kids will loosen up towards each other, it's just not healthy for kids to be like this, and I can't fathom what would cause it.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

No, I don't try to isolate them, we go out, we're forever taking walks go to the park, anything really to get out there and mix with other people and kids. They do have friends, their friends are just where we lived before, so contact is via phone or emails and you know how it goes, kids and distance. We try though, to get out there, and mix. Like I said to the poster above, these ppl are just so ... isolated. You can try your best to keep your kids from becoming isolated, but if the community you're in are isolated individuals, there's only so much you can do. It's sad, and we're not used to this. We've never had this problem. Whenever we can we go visit, it's closer than where my friend lives, and hubby sometimes still has work to do there, as he is in the same industry as he was then, so whenever we can, we go back and visit as well as let them talk and have set up a skype account specifically for that. My kids want to go back, but we can't just up and go back, work and finances don't permit it right now.

We are getting out, and talking to people like in the park, it's just that nothing comes from that, it doesn't grow into friendships, understand? it stays this platonic polite thing. And really my son is 16 he really doesn't want to go to the park anymore. I have to make him come, even if it's just for the sake of taking a walk and getting out of the house. He won't be seen with us though
He is always far behind or far ahead, that's fine, as long is he is out there, and open to meeting someone, who knows, all he needs is to be out there, and talk to people.

Yes, I do discuss ATS stuff with my hubby, as well as with my friend, we've never discussed something like this though, because, ok, I usually hangout in the fragile earth for the most part, science and tech, if I have time and lastly paranormal, like ghosts (not the aliens part, not because I don't believe but I simply have nothing to contribute, and quite frankly I'm hesitant to believe most of the stuff on that topic, my time is limited, so I tend to go to the things I am interested in and more open to accept first and I usually run out of time before I get to paranormal) Dragons draco politics these things are not really things I'm into. I'd also be very stupid to blatantly discuss these things where my little one can overhear, my son, at 16 has already got his mind made up on what he thinks, and we discuss, my little one, I'd be irresponsible to discuss with her hanging around. The last thing I want to do, is impress my ideas on to my daughter, I want her to develop her own, like my son has.

Nevertheless, it's always possible that she might have overheard me, without my knowledge, I could go with that, only, one, my daughter wasn't the one who said it's dragons, that's the other two little ones, mine said someTHING, I made a post to someone regarding me asking her to draw me what she sees, I think it was to supermod, please take a look at what came from that, if you do that, then you'd understand, whatever she picked up, couldn't have been me discussing something from ATS. I wish it were that simple.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:43 AM
Well pixie 777 I have a different view from many of the other posters. Many years ago I studied under a mystic. He demanded no drugs, no addictive substance, not even caffine, and a regime of physical fitness. After about a year of training he took me to a public place and had me go into the meditave state. well I I saw a reptian sort of thing a bit taller than the average guy. Well that sure broke the meditation state of mind. I asked my mentor what the heck was that. he said he didn't know, but they were everywhere.
Maybe your kids, not having adult programing saw them too.
I never tried that exercise again.

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