reply to post by Gazrok
I sent you a U2U on the last part of your first comment here, hope you don't mind. On to this reply,
if I had to explain to you how things work
in my house, then you'd probably form all kinds of ideas that's completely off kilt, but I have to answer your question, no, no babysitters, my son
is 16 anyway, I don't need babysitters anymore
He is actually a very responsible kid. He drives me mad, of course, he is 16 after all, but
compared to what I was like at his age, he is a good kid
Yes I'm allowed to be biased
Online games is not something we do, because we pay heavily for internet data, school must come 1st so it's just not allowed. Not even online
communities, it's just not something they're into, believe me, I've tried to get them to join the kids community that's part of their school,
there is just no interest. The community we are living in now, are not the kind of community where people want to connect, everybody just keeps to
himself, this is actually a problem for my kids, because they're not used that, where we come from, everybody knew each other, which means, their
friends, now live far away, and contact is little. I'ts actually very sad.
So trying to put this parent part of me aside that wants to be adamant about that there is no way that they could have been exposed, I honestly can't
think of any area where it could have slipped through. I am very intrigued by the dragon men and she who walks can both be in this game that you are
talking about, I am not the kind of person who sees signs in games and movies etc, really really not, but this has me intrigued, how is this even
possible and I'm wracking my brain, if they could have played it, even somewhere else. There's nothing there. And please keep in mind, my own
daughter doesn't say it's dragons, it's the other two that says dragons, my daughter said someTHING.
I decided last night, I don't have much contact with my friend's daughter, but I asked my own daughter, to draw me a picture of what she sees, the
bubble and everything. It meant that she got to bed late, but I felt that it was worth it, and I'll allow her to sleep in a bit this morning to make
up for it
What she drew, was very interesting, ok, my daughter is terrified of sharks, for no real reason. It all started many years ago, when
they were still allowed to watch TV, she watched some kiddies program and in the cartoon, sharks were coming up through the floor, it really scared
her, she had nightmares for weeks after that, that was also the last time she watched TV. Ever since then, she has been terrified of sharks. I'll
get to the bubble in a bit, first the shark, so what my daughter sees as a shark, is what in her mind she considers the most violent dangerous threat
to a person, what the other two kids COULD be what they consider the most violent dangerous threat to a person, and that the threat is not a dragon at
all, this just feels right, that there aren't dragons coming to eat us at all, whatever it is, is a threat and it's bad and it's after adults. I
think that seeing the scar, triggered what she has been feeling for a week now, and hasn't been able to articulate it, so she simply stuck with
The bubble, what she drew, and this just blew my mind, when it comes to protection, because she is such a literal thinker, what I gave her, years ago,
was something physical that she could hold on to, I didn't even touch on any other kinds of protection bubbles, she wouldn't have been able to grasp
what I was saying, she'd want to give it some kind of physical quality. The bubble that she drew was the protection bubble that one can create while
meditating. She took extra care with this bubble, she made it light blue and golden-yellow and she didn't use the pencil to hard color it, she made
a powder in order to blend the colors, it's actually very pretty, coming from a non creative person, I'm impressed. She made sure that you can see
that it's see-through, because you can see the person inside the bubble.
This actually says a lot, the threat to the adults is not a physical monsters eating grown-ups threat, it's a spiritual threat, that bubble, as far
as I know, can't protect you from physical harm, spiritually it's impenetrable. There is no way, no way at all that she could have known about the
protection bubble, it's just not something I've discussed with her yet, because I know how literal she is, I figured, later when she's older and
I've had more time to teach her figuratively speaking, as my son is now grasping figuratively from time to time, then I will, until then, it's
I'm still thinking of that game, is it possible that the creator of it, came across something like this, and made a game of it? Is it, that other
kids other than the 3 I've come across, have experience the same thing, so somebody made a game?