posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb
I don't know what your major issues are but:
Are you in support of returning to follow the Constitution instead of violating it?
vote Ron Paul
Are you in support of auditing the federal reserve to show the world how corrupt they really are? and eventually gathering enough support from the
people to abolish it altogether?
vote Ron Paul
Do you think our military industrial complex has grown to over-capacity, we're stretched too thin because we're in too many wars, too many bases in
too many countries? should we cut spending on militarism to improve defense and improve conditions for Americas, fulfill the promises on social
security and medicare here at home?
vote Ron Paul
Do you think the federal government has too much power telling us what to do? choosing which companies fail and bailing out their buddies?
vote Ron Paul
Are you tired of the massive spending and debt in this nation? tired of politicians just trimming around the edges while passing more pork? How
about 1 TRILLION DOLLAR CUT in year one and a president that promises to take in a median income of $39k?
vote Ron Paul
Want to join the Ron Paul Revolution? the movement with the strongest, most organized and energized supporters out of all of the candidates?
go check out it is a grassroots made website archiving all of his videos on the internet.