posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 12:13 PM
As much as I despise seeing daily fluctuating gas prices, I think to myself...
It doesn't matter, we are going to pay for it anyways
Do we all understand that?
I remember the days when gas prices stayed the same for months.
Sometimes years.
Now the prices change with the wind, and I don't care what excuse I get from the "market"...
There's extreme manipulation happening here, and we fall for it hook, line and sinker.
It's completely pathetic and what's even more sad...we have the control.
But we don't know how to band together and use it.
My rant will be short and sweet...
Until we ALL go on strike in this country...
Until we ALL decided what's more important...
Until we ALL agree and actually DO something, we will continue to complain.
We will continue to get reamed at the pumps.