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God is OMNISCIENT = He knows EVERYTHING. There is no "if I knew" with god. You either know everything or you do not. There is no in between. If god doesn't know absolutely everything, then he is not omniscient! It's not that complicated of a concept. According to the bible, based on God's actions, he is certainly not omniscient. You just proved my point.
Originally posted by vasaga
@malicaha: All I see from certain people is circularity... The matter in the video has not been settled at all, although they all pretend it's the same so they can keep using the same baseless assertions over and over, which is why I left the discussion. It's like trying to explain to water how to be dry.edit on 5-2-2012 by vasaga because: (no reason given)
I was saying that because Barcs said "^The video is a pile of subjectivity and it's been clearly demonstrated in this thread. We've gone past the silly video. " He's pretending that all of them already 'debunked' the video while that's far from true. I was saying that to malicaha so he/she doesn't unfairly believe that the video was already irrelevant like all those sheeple in here are pretending.
Originally posted by edmc^2
Originally posted by vasaga
@malicaha: All I see from certain people is circularity... The matter in the video has not been settled at all, although they all pretend it's the same so they can keep using the same baseless assertions over and over, which is why I left the discussion. It's like trying to explain to water how to be dry.edit on 5-2-2012 by vasaga because: (no reason given)
vasaga - I very much respect your pov and your opinions but why do you say "The matter in the video has not been settled at all"?
In other words, are you saying that chance events can create a highly organized information such the DNA code?
And that there's no possibility at all that an Intelligent Entity was responsible for such programing?
Or are both concept possible? If so which one in your pov holds more merit?
That is, which one is the most logical answer as to where the information in the DNA molecule came from?
Originally posted by edmc^2
Like I said - don't forget FREE WILL - as in Free Moral Agent.
Although God IS "OMNISCIENT = He knows EVERYTHING" it doesn't mean that he has no choice. And again like I said, the scriptures shows us that God is a FREE MORAL AGENT having the ability to chose.
But if you purposely are denying this one very important aspect of him, then that explains your incorrect and nonsensical understanding of God.
Consider the implication of what you're saying if Jehovah God is OMNISCIENT but not Free.
It means that from the beginning of time - God knew everything that would happen - past, present and future. This means that before evil existed in the universe he already knew what would happen.
Please explain to me if God is capable of badness, why did Jesus said the following:
Originally posted by vasaga
I was saying that because Barcs said "^The video is a pile of subjectivity and it's been clearly demonstrated in this thread. We've gone past the silly video. " He's pretending that all of them already 'debunked' the video while that's far from true. I was saying that to malicaha so he/she doesn't unfairly believe that the video was already irrelevant like all those sheeple in here are pretending.
Chance events can not create DNA code.
Obviously god is free to make whatever decisions he wants,
but that doesn't take away from the fact that god knows everything.
There is no choice involved in the knowledge as he knows EVERYTHING.
There is no choice involved in the knowledge as he knows EVERYTHING.
Obviously god is free to make whatever decisions he wants,
What Jesus allegedly said about god has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation.
God murdered more people than anybody else in the bible, more than Satan. You can't deny this. God encouraged and condoned slavery, inferiority of women, brutal punishments, sacrifice and worship, stoning to death people who commit adultery, ordered the pillaging of cities, etc etc etc. The list goes on. There is absolutely no justification for any of that for an all knowing, all powerful, loving god. That's exactly why you can't take that stuff literally. Some of it ridiculous.
Originally posted by Barcs
Originally posted by vasaga
I was saying that because Barcs said "^The video is a pile of subjectivity and it's been clearly demonstrated in this thread. We've gone past the silly video. " He's pretending that all of them already 'debunked' the video while that's far from true. I was saying that to malicaha so he/she doesn't unfairly believe that the video was already irrelevant like all those sheeple in here are pretending.
Chance events can not create DNA code.
There is nothing scientific in that video. We've already been over this. There is no objective evidence of the process of creation, or a creator. NONE. I guess you didn't read the thread. Your opinion on how certain things could have arisen naturally or DNA complexity is just an opinion filling in the gap of what science doesn't yet know. It is not objective evidence of a creator or creation event. You are quick to drop posts like the one above and then ignore every argument that counters it and pretend as if it hasn't been thoroughly debunked. If you've got science to present, then present it, if not my argument stands. Let the scientists do their job, I'm sure they'll eventually figure it out and solve exactly how RNA evolved into DNA. You guys oversimplify it and claim the "code" that is in DNA today, is exactly the same as it was 2 billion years ago. Where is the justification in that? Obviously, DNA like everything else evolved slowly over time. It didn't just poof into existence as it is today.edit on 6-2-2012 by Barcs because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by vasaga
See what I mean.. The whole documentary is based on information science and biological science. The premises of evolution violate the rules of information science, whether you like it or not. All your rambling is useless when you're putting things in boxes they don't belong.
Originally posted by Barcs
There is nothing scientific in that video.
[emphasis added]
Originally posted by Barcs
reply to post by Cataclysm
Disguising a speculative claim amongst scientific facts doesn't make the claim any more accurate. The only argument that they have is that certain things are too complex to arise naturally, which is a guess, filling in the blanks for what science doesn't know. Again, objective evidence that indicates the process of creator or a creator is all you need to start a theory. Unfortunately guessing about what science does not yet fully understand, does not count as objective evidence just because you talk about how amazing the cell is.
Originally posted by Cataclysm
1. science has given us an understanding of the structures, functions and processes in the cell (DNA, RNA, proteins, enzymes, etc.);
2. DNA functions as a code, similar to computer software, containing information that is transferred and acted upon by other cellular structures;
3. There are no information codes (other than in DNA) produced, in nature, by natural selection:
4. The DNA information code was not produced in nature, by natural selection:
5. All "information" is generated by intelligence, and
6. The DNA code was generated by intelligence.
At this point, the creationist, on the one hand, and the intelligent design/agnostic, on the other, differ as to the source of the intelligence.
The naturalist/Darwinist/neo-Darwinist reaches an altogether different conclusion from #1 &2 (above): that is, the DNA information code came about by chance, through undirected, random mutations... which I think requires a great deal more faith than the ID/creatiionists conclusions.
Originally posted by Barcs
woops, double post, sorry.edit on 8-2-2012 by Barcs because: (no reason given)
I'm just dealing with the philosophy right now, because the science has been done to death and we already know who the science is in favor of.
Originally posted by edmc^2
just curious Barcs - got tired of your "philosophical" argument so back to science again?
I don't remember seeing anything that hasn't been already answered or repeated. I'll check again to see your simple questions.
Does this mean then that you have no clear and logical answers to my simple Qs?
If so then good luck to your "scientific" argument because most of it doesn't make sense as confirmed by many smart posters here like vasaga and Cataclysm.
And judging from your replies you're just going in circles in your arguments - no wonder you're getting tired.
good luck.
Honestly, I'm just having fun killing time in between jobs.
I applaud you for your hard work - in between jobs.
Originally posted by edmc^2
So you admit that God is a free moral agent - having the freedom to choose, correct?
If so, then does he have the FREEDOM to choose whatever he wants to KNOW?
In other words you don't know the answer to my question - you don't know the reason why Jesus called his Father and God "O righteous Father" and said that "Nobody is good, except one, God".
But if you still insist that "God encouraged and condoned slavery, inferiority of women, ...blah, blah" would you say that Jesus didn't know his Father that well but you know more than him? How is that possible?
page 3
The genetical informational system, because it is segregated, linear and digital, resembles the algorithmic language by which a computer completes it logical operation.
page 5
It may seem strange that the numerous biological compounds in all living things, from ameoba to man, are constructed from the same 20 (or 21) amino acids. The twenty-six letters of the English alphabet are enough to form all the plays of Shakespeare. The eighty-eight keys of the piano are enough for the piano concertos of Beethoven.
page 6
Information, transcription, translation, code, redundancy, synonymous, messenger, editing and proofreading are all appropriate terms in biology. They take their meaning from information theory and are not synonyms, methaphors or analogies.
page 8
Those readers of this book who are computer oriented will easily understand that the chemistry of life is controlled by digital sequences recorded in DNA.... Life is guided by information and inorganic processes are not.
page 10
...[L]ife is more than complicated chemistry...; the digital information in DNA sequences is sent to the digital information in the proteome by means of a code.
page 15
In computer technology, the information in the binary source alphabet is called a bit; these extensions are called byte. In molecular biology, these extensions are called codons. Accordingly, because of the structure of DNA and mRNA, the natural choice for the source genetic alphabet is four letters that correspond to the four nucleotides typical of DNA or mRNA.