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I feel sad for ufology

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Nikola014
reply to post by Picollo30

First of all,David Icke isn't a ufologist.Second,Steven Greer never talked about reptilians and crop circles.That's how little you know about this subject.

When the OP said...

when i see charlatans like David Icke,Nassim Haramein (pseudo scientist) and Steven Greer talking about reptilians, crop circles and et messages from space
...I took it to mean that out of the group of people mentioned (Icke, Haramein, and Greer), subjects such as Reptilians, crop circles, and ET messages have been discussed.

And he is right.

edit on 11/16/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 09:20 AM
I am aware of Greer and Icke but never heard of Haramein. Could someone elalborate a little about what he spoke about..?
I'm not sure if I buy everything about David Icke's reptilian NWO stuff. I guess I would have to read one of his books first to make a better judgement about it...Just seems a little out there for me..

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 12:29 PM
Since our Earth was capable of harboring dinosaurs that were meat eating, bipedal, and intelligent during the Cretaceous period 65.5 million years ago, gives support to the theory that on any typical Earth type planet in our Universe that supports carbon-based life could have the chance to evolve a reptilian humanoid of high intelligence.

If by chance, that these reptilian's continued too evolve without the threat of doomsday asteriod impact's, and with no threat of any mammals to cause an extinction, gives rise to the possibility that the Reptilians have conquered interstellar travel in much greater percentage numbers than the homosapien races spread throughout our Universe.



posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Erno86

Not all creatures will eventually evolve intelligence if they are simply given enough time. Some may never evolve intelligence.

Dinosaurs evolved for 150 million years without evolving intelligence. Sharks and Alligators have been around for 200 million years without evolving intelligence.

Humans evolved from other hominids in about 10 million years, and from the earliest pre-primates about 30 million years ago (at the most). It's more likely that primates evolved intelligence because of other factors like being warm blooded and having more dexterity in their hands rather than simply because of time.

The point is that dinosaurs had a longer time on Earth than mammals and primates, but they never evolved intelligence, even though they were given the time to do so.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Picollo30

These guys aren't scientists, they are salesmen, with a product to peddle. That's the difference between these guys and those of us who'd like to get to the bottom of it, regardless of where it may lead, even if that leads to no such thing as aliens, or to the Universe being teeming with them. Not that I'm claiming to be a scientist either, but I am someone who isn't trying to sell anything, and just honestly wants to get to the truth.
edit on 16-11-2011 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

The majority of the dinosaurs that lived during the Cretaceous period were warm blooded creatures, but their system of warm blood, was different from mammals and primates.

I believe that if the dinosaurs had survived - minus- the doomsday asteriod impact here on Earth, the Reptilian humanoid's family tree could have been from the Troodontids. They were small [about the size of a small adult human.]

"The most interesting feature of Troodontids is their skull ---- the brain case is the largest relative to body size of all non-avian dinosaurs, the orbits [eye openings in the skull] are very large; and the brain cavity suggests well developed centers for sight and hearing."

They had a large manus [hand] with three strongly curved claws, which I believe are suitable for performing complex tasks.

"Also....they had more teeth than other meat eating dinosaurs. They had arms that would have been able to grab things a bit better than other dinosaurs. They had long legs that would have made them fast runners."
edit on 16-11-2011 by Erno86 because: added a few sentences

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by SloAnPainful
I am aware of Greer and Icke but never heard of Haramein. Could someone elalborate a little about what he spoke about..?
I'm not sure if I buy everything about David Icke's reptilian NWO stuff. I guess I would have to read one of his books first to make a better judgement about it...Just seems a little out there for me..

Haramein is a ancient astronaut theorist I think.

Icke's earlier books were standard NWO conspiracy fair. They were just far more comprehensive and better written than most. He just seemed to go in off the deep end at some point with all the talk of reptilian shape shifters. I'd still recommend reading "And the truth shall set you free", just for an overview of the conspiracy theory genre. Just don't make the mistake of not taking Icke's own advice and believe it all. Icke clearly says in all his books that he is not going to be right about everything and as a generalist can only cover broad themes.

If the reptilian shape shifter thing turns out to be true then a few of us are going to look rather silly for thinking he lost it.

edit on 16/11/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

edit on 16/11/11 by Pimander because: typo

edit on 16/11/11 by Pimander because: another EFFING typo! One day I will start to write my posts on a WP. Keeps me in practice at writing I guess.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Erno86

...but they already had 10 times longer to evolve intelligence than it took humans, and they couldn't do it.

What makes you think all they needed was even more time than they were already given? Crurotarsi (the crocodile family) have been evolving since the dinosaur days, and sharks have been around since even before dinosaurs (about 400 million years), yet nether sharks nor crocodiles evolved intelligence.

There is no evidence that shows dinosaurs were evolving intelligence during their 200 Million year reign. 200 Million years perhaps makes them among the most "successful" large creature on Earth (beating humans, who have only been around 10 or 15 million years as some form of primate), but "successful" intelligent.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
reply to post by Erno86

...but they already had 10 times longer to evolve intelligence than it took humans, and they couldn't do it.

What makes you think all they needed was even more time than they were already given? Crurotarsi (the crocodile family) have been evolving since the dinosaur days, and sharks have been around since even before dinosaurs (about 400 million years), yet nether sharks nor crocodiles evolved intelligence.

There is no evidence that shows dinosaurs were evolving intelligence during their 200 Million year reign. 200 Million years perhaps makes them among the most "successful" large creature on Earth (beating humans, who have only been around 10 or 15 million years as some form of primate), but "successful" intelligent.

I don't know the evolutionary sequence of dinosaurs. But maybe there existence was in a state of flux, where they didn't have to progress on the evolutionary time scale at that time since the were perfectly suited in their habitat and climate.

But as with humans.... the dinosaurs with any climate change would have to progress on the evolutionary time scale [such as the growing of feathers] due to climate change; or perish.

It is almost impossible to prove that the dinosaurs were evolving intelligence during the Dinosaur Age, because you can't prove it by just looking at a bone or skull.
edit on 16-11-2011 by Erno86 because: deleted a couple of words

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:42 PM
I wonder where all the hate for Nassim Haramein comes from as he's pretty much proven all he's saying. Heck he's actually starting to be taken pretty seriously from scientists.

See theses videos:

I've seen his 14 hours presentation (you can find it on youtube) and he seems pretty legit and he actually went through the process of learning physics just to find his answers. He also challenges the current assumptions in order to take us further and that is the basis of science.

It's not just speculations, he proved his claims with equations and science, stop thinking he's a lunatic and good see the evidence first.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Picollo30
Will this ever stop?

On the positive side, the woo-woos are relatively easy to spot and ignore, so you can concentrate on the real UFO evidence. On the negative side, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of good sightings and evidence popping up these days. It's like the aliens have lost interest in us lately for some unknown reason. Maybe our debunking skills have been sharpened to such a fine edge that they don't even bother anymore.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
The point is that dinosaurs had a longer time on Earth than mammals and primates, but they never evolved intelligence, even though they were given the time to do so.

I love the guesswork. That's all it is though.

To put this in perspective.

Currently, scientists have named and successfully classified over 1.5 million species. It is estimated that there are as little as 2 million to as many as 50 million more species that have not yet been found and/or have been incorrectly classified.

In other words we have not classified most of the species alive today yet.

More perspective.

Less than 1% of all species that have been described have been studied beyond simply noting their existence. Edward O. Wilson. 2000. On the Future of Conservation Biology. Conservation Biology, 14(1): 1-3

If we know so little about the current species on Earth, then it stands to reason that there is an awful lot more that we do not know about life on the planet more than 65million years ago.

In this case I think the absence of evidence is certainly not evidence of absence. The evidence may be there, but the chances of finding it do not appear that great.

Originally posted by Erno86
I believe that if the dinosaurs had survived - minus- the doomsday asteriod impact here on Earth, the Reptilian humanoid's family tree could have been from the Troodontids. They were small [about the size of a small adult human.]

I don't think it was Troodon. We don't know about the majority of species alive today let alone a hundred million years ago.

I have covered this theory in depth. Most of the objections to the theory are rebutted somewhere in the thread. If you have any new ones that I haven't covered I would appreciate any comments from either of you.

Are 'Aliens' Dinosaurs & Survivers of an Earthly Cataclysm Returning Home?
edit on 16/11/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
There is no evidence that shows dinosaurs were evolving intelligence during their 200 Million year reign. 200 Million years perhaps makes them among the most "successful" large creature on Earth (beating humans, who have only been around 10 or 15 million years as some form of primate), but "successful" intelligent.
Actually there is evidence they were becoming progressively more intelligent.

Successful does not necessarily mean intelligent but it doesn't mean the opposite either. Fuzzy logic.
edit on 16/11/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

ETA: We are off topic here. Go to my thread and we can educate each other there.

edit on 16/11/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Picollo30
Science says "Show me!"
If you make a claim, you are expected to demonstrate reputable results.Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.So far these disinfo agents havent.

will this ever stop? will we be really able to see the truth beyond the veil (not foster gamble's truth, i dont trust the guy, call it a gut feeling, a hunch, whatever)?]

If he's wrong, which on the surface looks likely, then it should be easy to demonstrate that. Don't just rely on whether you trust him. Go look into it and then report what you find. If it is BS then at least we'll all know then.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Nikola014

i was talking about the documentary i saw yesterday called Thrive, all those subjects are discussed and their views are given. i've thrown the names of Steven Greer and David Icke because they make claims they never proved as facts.

For example saying George Bush and The Queen Of England are reptilians isn't far fetched? I say he is a looney. Ok you are right he might not be a ufologist but when talking about reptilians and interdimensional beings the frontier is a very tenuous one

About the crop circles has anyone proved they are not man made?
edit on 16-11-2011 by Picollo30 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-11-2011 by Picollo30 because: a

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Picollo30

People need to begin to take more of a scientific stance and viewpoint on these subjects. You are never going to get interest in the subject by telling others that reptilians are controlling our government(s). It's just ridiculous. And anyone who claims these things have no proof otherwise.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
What some have called a coverup....other call a very important job. And lets face it. There are a large group of so called...RESEARCHERS...who see E.T. as a cause in every aspect of everything. This makes people who believe in E.T. but are afraid to say they do....because they maybe ridiculed....keep silent. This of course is what the Agency desires...

Yes, this makes it a lot easier to cover things up.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:37 PM
I tend to agree with you.
I'm very interested in the whole UFO phenomena and possibility of life having visited us (maybe now, or maybe in the past).

But yeh, when someone claims they have irrefutable evidence of lizard men... i stop listening. I think the nearest proof i have seen to that idea was in Jurassic Park.

We really have no idea what these aliens look like... that's if they are even in contact with us for a start.

Seeing as this is a conspiracy site. Maybe the aliens which have been visiting earth have no physical appearance and just happened to intercept a transmission of Jurassic Park during the 90's. When they abduct us, they burn an image of lizard/dinosaur beings into our minds so that their real identity remains hidden. It would make sense, because as far as i recall the lizard man/reptilian idea seems to have become popular during the 90's.

(don't take me for a crazy debunker, i'm sure there is something out there... just that t-rex is not flying around in a metal disc)
edit on 16/11/2011 by InsideYourMind because: spellingv

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
This is sad picture in ATS indeed, what's the point of speculating when you will not help it at all? Nothing wll be revelead until Govs decide so you make no difference with your threads here

Hu-mons are social creatures... they have a need to tell others their opinion whether they are wrong or right. It is the nature of the Beast. Before the internet people used to hang out a coffee shops and bars and swap tales... at least then there was some human contact... today everyone is locked away in their little caves with no fresh air, no sunshine and plastic food...

That is why forums, chat rooms and blogs are called 'social' media... but in reality they have taken the 'social' part away from everyone

Now lets say tomorrow Obama says yes, we have had a deal with this one race... what would change in your daily life?

What if he tells us it was LBJ that had Kennedy shot or that GWB gave the order to blow WTC7?

What would change?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by InsideYourMind
...someone claims they have irrefutable evidence of lizard men... i stop listening.

...We really have no idea what these aliens look like

Maybe the aliens which have been visiting earth have no physical appearance

And this theory is different from lizard men how?

just that t-rex is not flying around in a metal disc

T-Rex was never a prime candidate... unlike Troodon Sapiens

"Dinosauroid." Sculpture by Dale Russell and Ron Seguin, 1982
Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Seems like a 'scientific stance' to me

edit on 16-11-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

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