This is the last installment on Burdock. I know I have already provided quite a bit information, but I have not touched up on the medicinal and
nutritious benefits.
I cannot emphasize enough how important this plant is in a survival situation. Please, please make friends with it now.
Overview of Properties and Uses
You can never overdose on Burdock root, it has no known toxic properties. I eat and drink Burdock numerous times a week. Eat as much as you want, the
more you eat the more nourishing effects it will have. Energy and endurance is vital in a survival situation. All the guns and ammo useless if you do
not have a clear mind.
Mostly it works and felt in the liver, lungs, kidney, stomach, uterus and joints. It is said that with regular use it'll keep you free of disease and
* Optimal nourishment in the form of vitamin complexes, minerals and trace minerals, amino acids and sugars.
* Gradually works it's magic. Builds important immunity. The more you use it the better your immune system.
* Increases stamina, including sexual.
* Nourishes the function of the stomach- soothing.
* Nourishes urinary organs
Fresh Burdock root also may
*Restrains the development of bacteria
*Promotes urine
Preparation- Fresh root, young leaves, stalks striped of leaves & skin. Cooked or raw
Eat freely as food
Preparation- Poultice
Poultices of freshly grounded root, eases the pain and inflammation boils, abscesses, eczema, infected wounds, burns, itchy skin, herpes outbreaks
Preparation- Dried, powdered root.
astringent to close open wounds and ulcers. (I've found this only works on small wounds.)
Preparation- Infusion of root
It cools off "fiery" sickness like scalding urine, infections, feverish colds, dry sore throat, wheezing ect.cooling for the hot stuff. (including
anger and pms)
Preparation- Fresh Burdock root
It works on the intestines and rids of metal contamination and absorbs chemical residues. Works quickly getting them out through the large
Can neutralize and eliminate poisons in the intestinal track
Edit- I would like to note that this is an ideal plant root for recovering alcoholics. I have seen it work miracles on damaged livers. (my own) It
needs to be used long term though, everyday for 2-3 months. Continual infusions, fresh root, dried root...all in combination. I found when I was sick
that I would even drink the water, and not by choice, it was as if my body craved it. Weird
Preparation- Fresh Leaves
The fresh leaves crushed is good for any sore, cut, abrasion, poison ivy, burns and ulcers ect. You can apply and then use another large intact leaf
as a bandage. If you have to continue on working you can use duct tape to hold it in place. I'm a real fancy women, eh?
It is an amazing immune builder with frequent use and healthy and a tasty food. So in a survival situation don't pass it by when you see it. Take 5
minutes to dig it up. You can never have too much to eat.
Explanations of First Aid applications
Infusions- Made from dried material
big handful of cut up root in a canning (or canning sized) jar, small pot or cup from mess kit.
Fill jar to top with boiling water, cap it and let it soak for 8 hours
Decant. Drink liquid slowly over a day or two.
Poultice- External application of plant, usually crushed or bruised. Use as much as you need.
This is how I use Burdock in my life and I am confident in sharing my personal experience. Please do feel free to Google all of this information as
you should with any information on the web
edit on 18-11-2011 by moondancer811 because: for information on damage to liver