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A Question of a wining protest:

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 05:08 PM
I am curious to what were the major factors that caused some movements to win and most to fail, Protests are in a major sense the only true example of people working together to support a cause. Please show your intellect and help create in a sense a wining formula if there is such a thing. There seems to be a lot of people airing there opinions on OWS so i am sure we can come up with a collective formula on this.Take these as examples, The 1830 revolution in Paris, Black Civil Rights movement, Vietnam war, Prague Spring and uprising 1968, People’s democracy at Burntollet Bridge 1969, oweto school strike and uprising 1976, UK miners’ strike 1984 which to the UK was the hardest, Anti-war protest world wide against Iraq War which members in in Rome reached 3 million and is in the Guinness book of records for largest in history, Athens Polytechnic occupation 2008-9, some of theses have succeeded and some failed ?. So i want to get your thoughts on what constituents a wining protest weather your for or against OWS. I would encourage you to please leave that at the door. I would like this thread to be solely about the pursuit of a collective sensor on how to conduct a protest with a wining result if there is such a thing. I hear a lot of individuals ideas on how to hinder or succeed through protest. So what makes the right way to implement a movement I know that a lot of movements have individual statements but they all boil down to a certain factor or core of upset like a bunch of branches on a tree. OWS is the perfect example of this happening. So because of that the masses find it hard to follow. This makes for a lack of a coherent message being heard as to influence more public opinion in favour for OWS. I would assume that all other major movements would have had this problem so maybe it is the fact that there is not one soul voice in the form of a spoke man like others have had but then again some haven't, or is it numbers of members, celebrity backing, or is it simply because it is hard to pin all the individual statements by the 99% on the 1%. This would be due to the lack of understanding the connection's on most peoples part. Surly this problem would of evidently occurred before in other major protests. I would really like to get the community's input on what makes some win and others lose. I was only referring to OWS because it is fresh on my mind sorry it came across as a rant there lol.
edit on 15/11/2011 by indisputable because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 05:11 PM
The only way a protest can win today, is if the people being protested actually give a duck. Nowadays, they can just give the political slip and walk away from it while the protesters are made out to look like children.


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