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senate to force the slaves to wear arm bands

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:03 PM
in rome the rich senate leaders lived too far removed from their people, and one very rich seniter decided that the slaves needed to wear arm bands so that people knew who were the slaves and who were the free citizens of rome. a law was passed and all slaves from that point forward would have to a black arm band to signify they had no standing in socity and were lowly slaves.

at first the free citizens liked the arm bands as they could "push" passed anyone with an arm band, in line at shops and at the games the slaves were forced to sit back and wait while all the best bargins and all the best seats were allocated to the free citizens.

but then something happened, the slaves looked around and noticed that the slaves out numbered the free citizens and the senate and the army.

when the slaves were in public and they saw how many "other" slaves there were and how few free citizens there were and how few soilders there were compaired to thier numbers of slaves.

the slaves realised that without them the free citizens and the senate could not function and the army could not secure food for the soilders.

the senate then made it illegal to wear the slave arm bands for fear of rebelion,

we are the power of the land.

in short time the slaves refused to remove their arm bands and the symbol of slavery became the symbol of power.

when the free citizens and senators left their walled villas they no longer tryed to push in front of the slaves,
they knew they were the minority so they started to behave themselves.

then the slaves realised something, they were only slaves because they thought they had no power, yet the powerful were not trying to enforce their dominence over them.

the slaves then counted their number and realised the only free citizens were the senators and everyone else was just a slave.

what do you think they did?

only when the slaves saw the visual symbol did they realise that everybody but the senators were slaves and they out numbered the politicians and should not let the tirany of power enslave them and their system where only the 1% could be free.

without blood shed and without violence the slaves stood out side the senate with their arm bands in defiance of the law to remove them,

but the soilders and the merchants and the fishermen and tailors and bankers were all wearing arm bands,
and there was no one to remove them.

the senate saw this and decided,
it is better to make all men free than to face an army of slaves who know their number.

OWS arm bands to quitely show support accross the world will show the true support for the slaves (us)
when people see the number of arm bands (slaves) the senate will quake in fear of the newly free nations of the world. as we are 99% of this world and the most powerful force.

edit to add in the end even the senators wore the black arm band as it was now a symbol of freedom

edit on 15-11-2011 by XPLodER because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:07 PM
A wonderful idea. If you can keep it

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by mr10k

an idea once expressed is owned by no man or woman it belongs to all who hear it.
this is a "loose" adaption of a real story taken to extreams to show a point.
any one can reproduce alter link to or just spread this tale.

as we are all slaves our only power resides in support of each other and shear force of numbers.

i would wear a symbol of my slavery to recognise it as a sybol of strength when every realises we are all wearing arm bands there will be a pieceful change,

we will be made free men and woman and the senators will be as slaves to our needs.


posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:14 PM
Bad idea.

The arm bands will then become an easily identifiable means for Authority to know who is a friend of the state and who is not.

Self-imposed star of David, if you will. No thanks.

I'll keep my anonymity as much as possible.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by Liquesence

Two thousand years ago, a Roman Senator suggested that all slaves wear white armbands to better identify them.

"No," said a wiser Senator, "If they see how many of them there are, they may revolt."

This isn't really a new idea, but I like it. Just wish all the various resistance movements would realize their common enemies and put aside the differences until the bigger fish are out of the way. I just don't think we've had a strong enough universal kick to the teeth to get everyone to stop squabbling, though.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by XPLodER
reply to post by mr10k

an idea once expressed is owned by no man or woman it belongs to all who hear it.
this is a "loose" adaption of a real story taken to extreams to show a point.
any one can reproduce alter link to or just spread this tale.

as we are all slaves our only power resides in support of each other and shear force of numbers.

i would wear a symbol of my slavery to recognise it as a sybol of strength when every realises we are all wearing arm bands there will be a pieceful change,

we will be made free men and woman and the senators will be as slaves to our needs.


I know. I'm quoting Benjamin franklin. I mean its a good idea, if you can make it work

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

Why need arm band to realize this? Just by looking around people should realize their sheer overwhelming numbers.

True, if the majority of people rose up and acted things would be turned upside down, but i don't think arm bands will make people walk away from their internet and their houses and their comfort zones.

It will be when their comforts are taken away.

And this is a reason the OWS people are doing what they are doing. Theirs HAVE been taken way, in some way or another. Until it happens to a large enough number people, people will be content.

edit on 15-11-2011 by Liquesence because: grammar

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Liquesence
Agreed. It's definitely a nice thought, but they're not turning up the heat quickly enough for the frog to hop out. So very comfortable in this nice, warm water for all too many of us.

Well said, friend.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:45 PM
So tell me, how is your condition similar to Roman slave from that nice fairy tale.
Second in line for bargains and games is worse you can think of?
You are free to do anything you like as long as it is legal and you have the means to do it.
Slave does what master tells him to do and cannot leave him.
See the fine difference?

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:46 PM
Is this just some allegorical tale or something? Bc it sure doesn't reflect accurate Roman history.


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