This has been stewing for a little while and I thought it was some kind of joke and that he was just playing devil's advocate the access a part of my
brain that will confront the issue of "us and them"... which is not the kind of thinking we want to have because it lays blame and creates
division.... BUT.... within the design, there ARE actual sides. Even if these people come into their ill positions by ignorance or mistake and within
the soul right and wrong becomes nothing more than a relevant thing... we are still playing the game and are not to be released from it because it
isn't over... there will be division. Do not create it.... understand it.
One came back to this world with God knowledge, at least 3 died and their spirits were recombined with the blood of this Earth after transfiguration
and having seen that God knowledge. There may very well be more but I am just putting bits and pieces together.I know who one of those three are, not
certain yet about the third.
Here's what I know... I am followed by a man who has secret intell. Can I prove it. DO YOU ACTUALLY #ING THINK I CAN?... Think about that, be real.
This man attempted to install a Freudian emotional trigger into me when I was 15 to either A) counteract the effects of another set of emotional
triggers opened to my subconscious when I was five. OR B) He is trying to create excuses a give a human feel to help me process the understanding of
what happened to me when I was 5.
He is either a really silly and pointless devil's advocate.... Or he is believes in an old legend to a VICIOUS extent and is trying to circumvent it.
If you do not understand, I simply do NOT want to talk to you. I NEED someone who understands the necessity of cryptics because sometimes you need to
be able to freely throw around KNOWN ideas amongst yourself without having others know what you are talking about. If you don't understand what am
talking about... IT IS BECAUSE I NEED YOU TO NOT UNDERSTAND... but I am trying to reach someone who does, because I'm almost certain that 1 of the
three has remembered and seen the horns.
I thought it was some kind of joke. It crossed my mind and I was like whuuu....??
nooooooo....what? Come on.
But I swear he is square in the middle of that position. I have seen him lately while he has been on vacation. He is ACTIVELY trying to deceive and
confuse people. I seriously thought he was playing devil's advocate.... but I am not so sure now.
He has relatives... lot's of them. Megalomaniacs love to sire loads of children regardless of the cost of their little lives... because that is just
more soldiers for them. I think I have identified a secret relative and I know this man operates undercover with aliases to boot. He has deep
connections in the government but I SERIOUSLY thought he was just opening dialogue and forcing open that old can of worms to show us all.... but no,
this is a mad man. This is an ANGRY ANGRY little man I fear.
I really need to talk to someone about this because his conglomeration.... they are rolling into power.
I'm not even joking. I seriously need to know certain things that the world is just not going to allow me to find out.... I know that there are people
who know something about this. There are thoughts on this. I need a little more from people like that... to go on. I really think they have seen it...
or maybe they are just claiming to have seen it for the sake of the thought confrontation that it could help process.... but so much confusion... too
much. I'm at a stalemate. I have not acted on ANY confusion.... but do not think that within my mind there is not two very dangerous substances that
are about to combine.... actually, no... I will just keep them in little bottles if I can't have answers but it's HELLA DAMN ANNOYING carrying these
little caustic #ers around.
Let's see where this goes.
Come in here making demands for answers or arguing against silly things and you will just be ignored... there's no time or sense for that.... I will
just scroll past. I know what I'm looking for.... I just need to feel around.
Got some thoughts? let's have a peek.
edit on 15-11-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)
edit on 15-11-2011 by
BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)
edit on 15-11-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)
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15-11-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)
edit on 15-11-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason
edit on 15-11-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)