posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:33 PM
There are many different ways of translating theses quatrains. Until we figure out how to translate them correctly I don't think that the order makes
much difference. It was a good idea OP but I think there is much more than meets the eye.
If you look at quatrains 1-87, the one that is supposedly about the 911 attacks, there are many different ways of interpreting it. I will translate it
to the best of my knowledge as an example. I speak french fluently and even though there are words to this quatrain that I do not understand I still
see it as a bad translation. So here goes:
Enormous-promontories on fire of the center of the mainland
Enno-sigee feu du centre de terre
Will cause trembling around the New City.
Fera trembler au tour de Cite Neufve; (autour is the correct spelling for around but if he meant the towers he would have spelled aux tours because
there is more than 1 tower. I'm pretty sure he meant around because of the context)
Two great rock-monoliths continuously will attack each other,
Deux grands rochiers longtemps feront la guerre,
This is when air-vessels will turn-around to a new course.
(Puis are-thuse rou-gira nouveau fleuve.) I do not understand this line although fleuve means river but I see what the're getting at
Here is how they translated it (1-87 at the bottom of the page) :
This is my interpretation. As a disclaimer, I am not a translator I just speak french and this is the meaning of the quatrain to the best of my
I think that people will make things fit to see what they want to see, even if it means obvious misinterpretation.
- Blue