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Bill O'Reilly: Night of the Living Dumb

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posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 11:48 AM
This column by Bill O'Reilly really pissed me off!
Sorry for my anger but my feelings stand on what I believe the truth to be on 9/11 and the Iraqi war and nobody can convince me otherwise. For those like me who feel the government had prior knowledge of 9/11 this article might tick you off as well.

Night of the Living Dumb
By: Bill O'Reilly for
Thursday, Sep 02, 2004

No question that President Bush has regained some momentum in his quest to retain power. The Iraq war defense put forth by Rudy Giuliani and John McCain at the Republican convention actually silenced media critics for a few days, and the populist Arnold Schwarzenegger painted Mr. Bush as an effective, inclusive leader.
But world events have also helped the President. As terror rises all over the place, it becomes increasingly difficult for the Bush haters to diminish the President's own hatred for the "evil doers."

Iraqi terrorists slaughter a dozen waiters from Nepal. Chechen terrorists hold little children hostage and blow up two airliners. Even France was assaulted, as Islamic terrorists demanded that country rescind its ban on the wearing of headscarves in public schools. At this point, it is almost impossible to make a rational case against an aggressive war on Islamic fascism.

This quote below really ticked me off as I was reading this:

A new Zogby poll found that almost half of New York City residents believe some in the Bush administration knew the USA would be attacked on 9/11, and did nothing to stop it. Of course, there's not a shred of verifiable evidence backing up that insane belief. New York City is overwhelmingly anti-Bush, and the rest of country is noticing the caliber of criticism. If I were making a movie about the irrational Bush haters, I would entitle it "Night of Living Dumb."

I think the Bush Administration have completely convinced O'Reilly that Bush is a good, honest and caring man. Pathetic.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 02:09 PM
Bill O'Reilly should go back to tabloid tv where he belongs.

Night of the Living Dumb
By: Bill O'Reilly for
Thursday, Sep 02, 2004

No question that President Bush has regained some momentum in his quest to retain power. The Iraq war defense put forth by Rudy Giuliani and John McCain at the Republican convention actually silenced media critics for a few days, and the populist Arnold Schwarzenegger painted Mr. Bush as an effective, inclusive leader.

Uh.. No it didn't. Not even close.

If Ah-Nuld wasn't bought and paid for, he'd call former cheerleader Bush what he is: a GIRLY MAN

But world events have also helped the President. As terror rises all over the place, it becomes increasingly difficult for the Bush haters to diminish the President's own hatred for the "evil doers."

Blah, blah, blah. Sycophant. He was right on one count, though - as I have suggested in my al-CIAda thread. The amp-up in terror-related incidents in the days leading up to and during the convention was an excellent tool to subliminally scare people. How perfectly timed it was.

Iraqi terrorists slaughter a dozen waiters from Nepal. Chechen terrorists hold little children hostage and blow up two airliners. Even France was assaulted, as Islamic terrorists demanded that country rescind its ban on the wearing of headscarves in public schools. At this point, it is almost impossible to make a rational case against an aggressive war on Islamic fascism.

Islamic fascism bad. Western fascism good.

The people protesting the Republican Convention also helped Mr. Bush. With more than a thousand arrests, some cops badly injured, and innocent people harassed, the protestors are looked upon as fanatical and irrational by many Americans.

What a load of crap. And that's why a NY judge is telling cops they'll be fined $1,000 for each person they bring in that isn't charged with anything.

Increasingly, the visible anti-Bush forces are defining themselves as way out there. A new Zogby poll found that almost half of New York City residents believe some in the Bush administration knew the USA would be attacked on 9/11, and did nothing to stop it. Of course, there's not a shred of verifiable evidence backing up that insane belief.

First of all, every account I've read, and from all the photographs and footage I've seen, the protesters were quite diverse, including anti-war veteran groups and many families.

Those who disagree with him, he calls way out there. I think HE needs HIS head examined.

He's so spoon-fed is laughable.
I guess he's never heard of RESEARCH. He's the definition of FASCIST.

New York City is overwhelmingly anti-Bush, and the rest of country is noticing the caliber of criticism. If I were making a movie about the irrational Bush haters, I would entitle it "Night of Living Dumb."

..irrational Bush haters.. Right. If anyone's irrational it's O'Reilly. He's one to bring up DUMB. Whenever he opens his mouth and starts blabbing about foreign policy, I start to laugh. He doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

He doesn't even grasp the 1st ammendment to the constitution. He's also so visibly full of hate, it's ridiculous.

The fundamental problem with the anti-Bush zealots

Now it's ZEALOTS!
He sure is in to name-calling

is that they desperately want to believe the President is a bad man

He's a good man? Good men fight for their countries, good men do not lie to congress and the nation to start illegal wars of aggression for profit. Good men do not charge their nation into eternal debt for the above mentioned. Good men do not laugh and sneer at those on their way to execution. Good men do not endorse policies that promote shipping OUR jobs over seas. Good men do not send their brave men and women into combat UNDERSUPPLIED, ILLEQUIPT and with an INADEQUATE force size. I could go on, but I won't.

and will reject all rational discussion that goes against their thesis.

What discussion? These fascists do not allow ANY debate. O'Reilly shouts down and kicks off anyone he disagrees with. In order to get into a Bush rally, one must sign an oath of allegience. There is no discussion, let alone rational discussion. It's white is black and night is day in Bushworld.

That kind of fanaticism frightens mainstream American voters and creates sympathy for the President. Irrational displays will never win an election. Ask Howard Dean.

Day is night. White is black. No means yes. Yes means no. Got that?!

A few months ago, I wrote in this space that John Kerry would not be seen in public with the likes of Michael Moore and the other far left bomb throwers, and that has proven to be true. Mr. Kerry knows he must convince centrist voters to support him if he wants to win, and radicals like Moore alienate the center.

..bombthrowers. More name-calling.
YAWN. Mrmulder, this doesn't make me angry. It's far too juvenile to get worked up about. It's actually typical and mildly humerous in its sheer hypocrisy. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You've got to have a very low IQ to buy into his baseless screed.

If you still don't believe me, consider this: Fox News and your humble correspondent have come under horrific attack from the radical left.

That man doesn't have an ounce of humble in him. Someone get that man a dictionary - he's confused HUMBLE with HUBRIS. HORRIFIC ATTACK? Quit crying, O'Reilly, before you're accused of being a girly man.

But every time a smear book or movie comes out defaming us, our ratings go up. My television program "The O'Reilly Factor" easily won its timeslot in the cable news wars during the Democratic Convention, and we beat the opposition three to one during the Republican gathering. The more the crazies tell Americans that I am unfair and unbalanced, the more people tune in. Where do I send the gift?

There he goes again.. CRAZIES!

A lot of folks don't realize how well hate plays. It's a classic Hitlerian tactic. You know that and you use it to great effect. Intelligent people avoid your show like the plague, unless they're in need of comic relief.

So there has been a momentum shift towards the Bush camp that should last until the debates, which begin at the end of September. Those displays will mean more than all the protests, all the mud slinging and all the spin. Not since Kennedy-Nixon have Presidential debates been so crucial. I can't wait.

Me, either. I can't wait to watch stuttering George mess up what Karl Rove's telling him to say - through his hidden earpiece. It oughtta be great fun.

[edit on 19-09-2003 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 02:28 PM
The problem with the liberal left wing in the U.S. is that they wouldn't know the truth if it hit 'em in the face. Too many on this website actually believe the spooky, scary, tales of government conspiracy.

My how I see so many who cling to the belief that terrorism is simply a fabrication of these right wing zealots.

get a grip, sheesh.

o by the way, O'Reilly speaks the truth to you, as Limbaugh does, lays it right out there in front of ya, and you can't see it if you tried.

Git yer eyes checked....

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by smokenmirrors
o by the way, O'Reilly speaks the truth to you

Or his version of the truth. I take you believe the official story of 9/11 that terrorist from another country acted alone in the attacks and that the government took no part in it whatsoever.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 02:39 PM
I'd like to clarify something I said. Good men fight for their country, instead of hiding out in the guard, forcing someone else to go fight in your stead. Good men don't go AWOL and DESERT in a time of war, either. Short of being wounded or killed, they would never leave their men.

Good men are also smart enough to see a liar a mile away.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by mrmulder

Originally posted by smokenmirrors
o by the way, O'Reilly speaks the truth to you

I take you believe the official story of 9/11 that terrorist from another country acted alone in the attacks and that the government took no part in it whatsoever.

Of course not, mrmulder! The willfully blinde are more terrified of the truth than they can bare. It's more than apparent.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by mrmulder

Originally posted by smokenmirrors
o by the way, O'Reilly speaks the truth to you

I take you believe the official story of 9/11 that terrorist from another country acted alone in the attacks and that the government took no part in it whatsoever.

Of course not, mrmulder! The willfully blinde are more terrified of the truth than they can bare. It's more than apparent.

HAHAHA, what a joke. One describes oneself and doesn't see it. I suggest shock therapy, or possibly a combination of medications and excercise. Did ya listen to Barbara Bush in last couple days? Bust on her for a time friends, make fun of the First Lady for a change. Call her a friggin liar!

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 02:52 PM
Back smokenmirrors, Back! Your seething anger is creeping me out.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Back smokenmirrors, Back! Your seething anger is creeping me out.

Good one ECK! I liked that!

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 03:06 PM
I never really knew much about O'Reilly (don't watch much TV) until I saw that interview between him and the son of a 9/11 victim.

All I can say is Bill O'Reilly is the most insensitive, partisan jerk around. He's so blinded by his beliefs that he thinks he and those who share his beliefs know better than some dead guy's own son how that person would view his son. What a sad excuse for a human being.

To me it's kind of symptomatic of many Republicans these days. They think they have the monopoly on the "correct" reaction to 9/11. Half of New Yorkers think the government may have some complicity in 9/11? Oh god no! New Yorkers of all people have no interest in seeing the truth about 9/11, cause they're too partisan! A man's son doesn't know better about the cause of his dad's death than the Republicans do! Impossible! Because he's against Bush!

-koji K.

[edit on 3-9-2004 by koji_K]

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 03:33 PM
So despite our War on Terrorism, Terrorism is all over the news, including terrorism in Iraq. Guess what, it's a freaking shell game an no one's impressed. Maybe half of New Yorkers believe Bush knew in advance because:

No one has EVER been tried or brought to justice for the massacre.
Investigation into the BEST possible leads for 'what really happened' stalled out in October, 2001. The best leads were to follow how put options on stocks made millions for terrorists who had prior knowledge of the attacks. Considerable advance in this area was made before investigators stalled and we recieved laughable comments from O'Neil like 'we might have to go through 10 or more veils to find out who made those purchases. It's very difficult.' HA HA difficult, my ass! Invade the Cayman Islands with Marines and rip open those accounts you #! This country landed on the moon and you're telling me with all our resources we can't find out how made PUT OPTIONS ON STOCKS on Insurance companies, AA, and UAL? GIVE ME A BREAK!

The PNAC's acknowledgement that America needs 'a new Pearl Harbor' to clear the way for their agenda.

The inability of the US to bring anyone to trial for this is LAUGHABLE! There has to be a conspiracy, there are leads to the perpetrators, but the government won't let the dogs ride those trails!

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