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illuminati references in a movie

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posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Hi , I am trying to figure out something I saw in a horror film and I know the movie is dealing with Illuminati stuff . What I will describe is a bit gruesome and bizarre so I apologize in advance .

In the movie there is a scene where a person is decapitated during a sexual act . I think I read somewhere that this is a satanic ritual of the Illuminati but I can't remember where I read it . Does anyone know ?

There is another scene where a man is forced to watch 2 tv screens while given oral sex . On one screen is a child combing her hair and in another the same child is eating an ice cream . The director of all the filming is called Vukmir Vukmir ( first and last name is the same ) .

My question is what connection if any is this to Illuminati . I know that other things are definitely Illuminati related so but not sure about these two . Anyone have any ideas ?

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 12:49 PM
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