posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 10:37 AM
I�m an regular skywatcher, whenever I�m outdoors I try to keep my eyes open for anything interesting. It could be helicopters, birds, hot air
balloons, the moon (actually the moon was still up today at 8:00PM) or airplanes.
As of lately I�ve been closely monitoring all jetplanes and their contrails. Before today thats all there ever were, contrails dissappearing after
20-40seconds. Now, usually if I�m outdoors a couple of hours I get to see about 1-3 airplanes. I live in a pretty small city, but we do have an
airport. Usually airplane sightings appear to be in the direction of the airport. That�s logical.
This morning, as usual, I took my bicycle and headed for work at about 8:15AM. It takes me about 40minutes to get there (9-10km or about 5-6miles I
think). In this time I counted 10 jetplanes going all over the place (not at all in the airport direction). They were going in different directions
and I could 2 at the same time several times. I thought this to be very weird, but the contrails seemed normal. When I got off work however I saw that
there huge long trails left on different parts of the sky. I cursed myself for not having a camera. Went into the center of the city, and I actually
spent almost 30minutes watching airplanes going by. Some left huge streaks that in part broke up leaving chemtrails with breaks in them.
So I got home, I had now today seen about a total of 20-25 airplanes in less than 7 hours and over 4 hours I spent indoors not looking at the sky.
This is weird for being around here I�ll tell you. So I decided to take som pictures with a borrowed digital camera. Sorry for the crappy quality, I
don�t know how to fully operate that camera yet. Also watch the pictures closely some of the trails didn�t show up as sharp as in real life.
Heres the photos, please click!
Make what you will of it, contrails or chemtrails I�ve seen more airplanes today than I usually do in a week. Just took a lokk outside and sure
enough, there was another one leaving a long trail.
Also, thoughts and prayers go out to the children and their relatives suffering in the fiasco of the Russia hostage situation.