posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 07:06 PM
I know this has been discussed a zillion times, but I wonder if we can get some clarification. Just awhile ago a new member showed up with his
introductory thread entitled:
"New to forum - Let's put everything(!) out in the open"
It was very wordy, perhaps a bit officious, and nearly incomprehensible. So a couple of people, including myself, replied in a light-hearted manner.
Antar and I started writing back and forth. I suppose we poked at the guy a little bit, but he seemed to take it okay and it was a fun discussion, not
very serious. I probably made more fun of myself than anything else, since my parents were cousins, so that explains how I turned out. Pretty tame
stuff. I thought the OP was trying to impress us by using big words, and there's always the newbie who shows up and thinks he knows all the answers.
I guess in the back of my mind I was subtly letting him know he wasn't the only one who knew English and that just maybe he could chill his jets
until he got the lay of the land. I didn't say that outright, but I suspect that's where he was coming from.
Then suddenly: 404. No message to me, so I'm pretty sure I wasn't the cause. I wrote to antar. We've known each other since we both got here a few
years ago, and she doesn't kmow either. No message to her. We're both puzzled. Except for using big words strung together in an incomprehensible
manner, I don't see how the OP messed up. He wasn't abusive. Language was not profane. There were no illegal topics under discussion.
Can anyone here hazard a guess as to why this happened? There might be something I don't understand about T&C. I just don't know. I'm puzzled.