posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:44 PM
Israel has basically said they refuse to seek permission from the US when it comes to a pre-emptive strike, or a full scale conflict. So....will the
US stop supporting israel and stop selling them weapons? I doubt it. Funny this comes a few weeks after the US sold them a bunch of bunker busters.
IMO this is just a front all of these public conflicts between the US and Israel going back to when obama told them he supported going back to the old
borders. Ever since then we have had these little dissagreements and also the infamous "liar" open mic thing last week. Could it all be a "innocent
US" ploy so when Israel DOES attack iran first, it wont look like the
US supported it and has nothing to do with it?
From the article:Israel refuses to tell US its Iran intentions
Israel has refused to reassure President Barack Obama that it would warn him in advance of any pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear capabilities,
raising fears that it may be planning a go-it-alone attack as early as next summer.
Image 1 of 2
Israeli jets could target sites such as the nuclear power plant at Bushehr, right Photo: GARY DAWSON/AP
Image 1 of 2because Ahmadinejad is seen as 'a new Hitler' Photo: AP
By Adrian Blomfield, in Jerusalem
7:49PM GMT 12 Nov 2011
The US leader was rebuffed last month when he demanded private guarantees that no strike would go ahead without White House notification, suggesting
Israel no longer plans to "seek Washington's permission", sources said. The disclosure, made by insiders briefed on a top-secret meeting between
America's most senior defence chief and Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's hawkish prime minister, comes amid concerns that Iran's continuing progress
towards nuclear weapons capability means the Jewish state has all but lost hope for a diplomatic solution.
edit on 13-11-2011 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)