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"Deals to Donors?" WH Emails Reveal Concern About Political Fallout From DoE Sellout

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posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 08:39 AM
As has been typical for the "transparent" Obama administration, a late-Friday "document dump" attempted to avoid media attention to emails the WH turned over to Congressional inestigators looking into Barack Obama's favors to political supporters through his Dept. of Energy and "green jobs" charade.

Among the documents released were emails from a White House official who, in February, warned of political fallout from Obama and Energy Secretary Chu's gifts to political donor in the guise of Green Energy grants and loans.

New internal White House emails reveal that a scathing critique of Energy Secretary Steven Chu by a former Obama political advisor was widely circulated at the highest levels of the administration.

The Feb. 25, 2011 email that sparked the deliberations landed on West Wing desks just as the solar energy firm Solyndra was starting to show outward signs of financial trouble. It was sent by Dan Carol, a former Obama campaign staffer and clean energy advocate who was described by Obama's then-Chief of Staff Pete Rouse as someone whose views "reflect the President's general philosophy on energy policy."

White House Email: 'Coming Storm' Over Solyndra 'And Other Inside DOE Deals'

Despite Carol's concenrs, the WhiteHouse and Obama's hand-picked "European Gas Prices" Secretary Chu pished through the Solyndra "inside" deals and other, yet-to-be-revealed favors to political donors.

Carol's four-page proposal to restructure the Energy Department included the blunt recommendation that Chu be fired, and that his leadership team also be replaced, calling it time for "serious changes, even if they are uncomfortable to make."

"I would respectfully suggest that the president be strongly encouraged to make major leadership changes as soon as possible," Carol wrote.

Carol also predicted the political fallout that would result from what he saw as inevitable failures of the Energy Department's now-embattled loan guarantee program. He made the dire predictions when advising that Obama replace Chu with someone who was not "too associated … with [the] Silicon Valley business elite."

"Not because they aren't talented," Carol writes, "but because that appointment will be caught up in the wave of GOP attacks that are surely coming over Solyndra and other inside DOE deals that have gone to Obama donors and have underperformed. No reason to fuel that coming storm, and believe me it will come."

Whilr this is not surprisng to me, given Obama's corrupt and self-serving agenda from day-one, the fact that this is revealed by ABC News seems to carry implicit signs that additional cracks in the MSM solidarity behind Obama-ism are coming to light, follwing the CDS News "Fast & Furios" reports that have gotten reporter Sharyl Attkison in so much hot water with the Obama White House and her bosses.


posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 09:01 AM
You lost me at "corrupt and selve serving". He is the United States President either show proof or show respect.


posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 09:01 AM
Another example of crony-fascism (it's not even capitalism) from an administration so corrupt it makes the Bush era seem like candyland.

I notice that 60 minutes is doing a piece tonight on Nancy Pelosi's "deals" and schemes that are blatent conflicts-of-interest at best, and at worst straight up corruption.

S&F for you, OP. Well done!

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Rockerchic4God
Another example of crony-fascism (it's not even capitalism) from an administration so corrupt it makes the Bush era seem like candyland.

I notice that 60 minutes is doing a piece tonight on Nancy Pelosi's "deals" and schemes that are blatent conflicts-of-interest at best, and at worst straight up corruption.

S&F for you, OP. Well done!

So I guess the republicans are angels now because Democrats are in office? Why does Democrat and Republican get even mentioned their all the same.

Your side, their side, doesn't matter, its all corrupt! This reporting of how corrupt they are is like a broken record I am tired of hearing.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by EspyderMan
You lost me at "corrupt and selve serving". He is the United States President either show proof or show respect.


Where have you been for the last 6 years?

Even the UK press can see what's been going on, not to mention a belated interest from the MSM.

Although the title of POTUS has, ordinarily, been entitled to respect; the lies, taxpayer give-aways, and "punish your enemies (i.e., conservative American people)" attitude of Barack Obama and his "transparent" administration deserve no such deference.

Obama has done his best to usurp whatever goodwill the US had with its allies, coddles its enemies and shown complete disdain for the center and center-right ("cling to their guns and their Bibles") majproty of american citizens.

In the past week, it has emerged that George Kaiser, a billionaire donor to the Obama campaign whose family foundation was Solyndra’s main investor, had raised the subject of the company inside the White House, something the Obama administration had denied. The suspicion of cosy inside deals is hard to escape.

Other emails released by investigators from the House of Representatives indicated that the foundation’s associates had closely tracked the White House’s interest in promoting Solyndra as, in Mr Kaiser’s words, one of “their prime poster children” for renewable energy.

The Obama administration, whicwh has been touted by the president himself as the “most transparent” in history, has refused to comply with a congressional subpoena for all internal White House documents relating to Solyndra.

Once principally a preoccupation of Right-wing bloggers, the Solyndra scandal is now being covered by the mainstream media and is slowly becoming an emblem for crony capitalism, wasted stimulus funds and, worst of all, stonewalling and hypocrisy from Obama.

Only the wilfully oblivious or ignorant, or diehard sycophants, could not be aware of Barack Obama's incompetence, deceit and anti-American agenda.

edit on 13-11-2011 by jdub297 because: quote

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by EspyderMan

Originally posted by Rockerchic4God
Another example of crony-fascism (it's not even capitalism) from an administration so corrupt it makes the Bush era seem like candyland.
I notice that 60 minutes is doing a piece tonight on Nancy Pelosi's "deals" and schemes that are blatent conflicts-of-interest at best, and at worst straight up corruption.
S&F for you, OP. Well done!

So I guess the republicans are angels now because Democrats are in office? Why does Democrat and Republican get even mentioned their all the same.

Your side, their side, doesn't matter, its all corrupt! This reporting of how corrupt they are is like a broken record I am tired of hearing.

Your blatant partisanship even perverts your reading comprehension, not to netion your general "reasonong" abilities(?)!

Nowhere in the above-quoted post does the member even mention the words "Democrat" or "Republican."
Funny, though, that the mention of "fascism" and "corruption" trigger an almost-unconscious defense/objection.

I suppose the fact that the hypocrite former Speaker of the House and the Obama adminisatration fit those bills has nothing to do with your wrong-headed, fake indignation, does it?


posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by EspyderMan

I really don't know what kind of 'proof' you need to be shown... where have you been since 2008?
I had to do a double-take on your post because the 'proof' you need is everywhere~

The fact that you automatically inferred from the OP some sort of left-right argument shows where your views are.
Nowhere did I read any mention of some rep/dem positioning.

"show proof or show respect"??
At least gang members have someone to look up to and 'respect.'

The country is going down the drain, and its being done in plain view.
edit on 13-11-2011 by bojimbo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by bojimbo

The country is going down the drain, and its being done in plain view.

Not everyone (obviously) agrees with this observation. there are some, such as Obama's buddy, Ayers, and his mentor, Alinsky, who believe that the United States needs to be socialist. The sorry fact that Obama has chosen a fascist means (government and union/corporate symbiosis) to accomplish their mutual objective only serves to hide the ultimate goal. There is no other explanation for this administration's control of GM, AIG, CITI, BofA, et c. and the pervasive influence of SEIU, AFSCME, GE, Goldman-Sachs, UAW, et c.than the destruction of the market-based economy.

The die-hard Obama apologists must make a conscious effort to ignore the obvious. Finally, some slivers of the MSM seem to be willing to hint at the truth behind the facade.


posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Rockerchic4God
Another example of crony-fascism (it's not even capitalism)...

I have highlighted this very fact elsewhere and it didn't start with President Obama or the current administration. Economically we are moving quite fast into true Fascism as an economic model. And you are most absolutely correct that it isn't capitalism; we can only find that at the smallest pockets of the market.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

Among the just-released batch of email was one from KaiserArgonaut explaining that Obama/DoE wanted them to hold-off on announcing their 2010 closure of a plant until AFTER the 2010 mid-terms!

In late October 2010, as Solyndra’s finances withered, executives with Argonaut – founded by billionaire Obama bundler George Kaiser — were in contact with Energy Department officials about a pending restructuring of the company’s government loan.

Argonaut “noted that ? DOE continues to be cooperative and have indicated that they will fund the November draw on our loan … They did push very hard for us to hold our announcement of the consolidation to employees and vendors to Nov. 3rd — oddly they didn‘t give a reason for that date,” said the committee report.

The 2010 mid-term elections were held Nov. 2. Solyndra’s announcement that it was shuttering a plant and laying off workers came a day later.

Energy Dept Sought to hyde Soyndra layoffs until after 2010 elections

Who would've guessed politics were involved?


posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by jdub297

What was only hinted at in the internal memos, is now coming to light thanks to the Washington Post and other political commentators:

It’s pretty clear that this administration never had taxpayers in mind with Porkulus in the first place. The result of the subsidies was to pay off important constituents and constituencies, whether that was George Kaiser in the green-tech stimulus, Philip Falcone in the broadband push, or Big Labor in the decision to interfere with the bankruptcy process of GM and Chrysler. Everything they have done in their domestic agenda has been about improving their position politically rather than actually growing the economy and creating jobs.

WaPo: Hey, there were a lot of politics going on green-tech boondoggles

Even the ordinarily pro-Obama WaPo has to present the undeniable facts that this administration is mad with power and bent on control:

Meant to create jobs and cut reliance on foreign oil, Obama’s green-technology program was infused with politics at every level, The Washington Post found in an analysis of thousands of memos, company records and internal ­e-mails. Political considerations were raised repeatedly by company investors, Energy Department bureaucrats and White House officials.

“What’s so troubling is that politics seems to be the dominant factor,” said Ryan Alexander, president of Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog group. “They’re not talking about what the taxpayers are losing; they’re not talking about the failure of the technology, whether we bet on the wrong horse. What they are talking about is ‘How are we going to manage this politically?’ ”

The administration, which excluded lobbyists from policymaking positions, gave easy access to venture capitalists with stakes in some of the companies backed by the administration, the records show. Many of those investors had given to Obama’s 2008 campaign. Some took jobs in the administration and helped manage the clean-energy program.
Solyndra: Politics infused Obama energy programs

Sooner or later the truth will become undeniable and unspinnable.


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