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The Missile Silo next door.

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posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:39 PM
Before i begin this thread im gonna let you all know right away that I've tried to find info online about this and cannot, but maybe you can.

So lets begin...

A fellow conspiracy theorist of mine recently told me something that could make sense or be completely stupid.

If you are in the United States (maybe other countries as well), you have surely noticed the extreme decline in drive in movie theaters. Its sad because its one of our past times, but now you gotta travel 50+ miles to find one. He told me that drive in theaters were just a cover for nuclear missile silos.

He said he couldn't tell me his sources just that i should research it. I've tried but to no avail.

The timing seems plausible though, the cold war began (slowly) in 1946. On Nov 18, 1956, Khrushchev (the new leader of the USSR who replaced Stalin) was addressing Western ambassadors and pretty much threatened them which lead to the arms race we all know of. Right at the same time in the late 50's and early 60's the drive in theaters boomed, with more then 4,000 nation wide.

Then around 1985 the nuclear armament of the US began to drop. In 1985 the US had roughly 25,000 nuclear weapons and in 1990 had about 15,000 and 10,000 in 1995 where it remained until 2006.

This is where some input from our wiser (old) members would be appreciated. I wasn't alive in 1985 but do any of you remember a severe decline in drive ins or when that started????

Thats all i got, could be nothing....
or we could all live next to an abandon missile silo.

(Cold war and drive in stats were from wikipedia)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:47 PM
You've watched some movies right? You've seen driveins used as silo's right? Did you know that wizrads are in the movies too so they must exist.

Sorry, but we condition ourselves with what we watch and you are conditioned.

I'm sure there are ATS'ers that think Transformers are real too.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by daggyz
You've watched some movies right? You've seen driveins used as silo's right? Did you know that wizrads are in the movies too so they must exist.

Sorry, but we condition ourselves with what we watch and you are conditioned.

I'm sure there are ATS'ers that think Transformers are real too.

Your post deserves no rebuttal...

2nd line

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:03 AM
I grew up in the Los Angeles area and we had a drive in near us and occasionally our family would go and watch a movie there, that was of course back the early 60's. I think it closed and up in the mid 80's and was sold..some other buildings are there now. I can't speak for drive in located in other parts of the country..but the drive in by our home was not a missile silo. I think our government is pretty open about the locations of these old silos now as many are being converted into private homes/bunkers and sell for millions of dollars. Hope this helps Cheers Coco

some links:
edit on 13-11-2011 by itscocobaby because: add a link

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by itscocobaby

thanks for the reply. You supported my mid 80's closing of drive ins....

this is probably just my tin foil hat post of the month...

but i disagree with one thing you said, (out of context) "Our government is pretty open..." I would disagree with that in nearly any context.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:07 AM
I think the answer to the decline is simple economics, they make more money at the modern theater than they can at a drive in.

Drive in- The movie or movies in a double feature are highly dependent on the weather, if the weather is bad people dont go.

Modern theater- Not as weather dependent, movie goers can go see a movie without regard to weather as long as the roads are passable

Drive in- Some drive in are only open durring the summer months in many states due to local climate issues

Modern theater- Modern theater- Not as weather dependent, movie goers can go see a movie without regard to weather as long as the roads are passable

Concessions earnings:
Drive in- Many people bring their own drinks/snacks

Modern Theater- difficult but not impossible to bring your own drinks/snacks, most of a modern theaters earning are from the concessions stand as opposed to a drive in which relies on its movie tickets sale in general.

Entry price:
Drive in- Ticket prices are genarally lower the a modern theater, most drive ins chagre by the car load not by person.

Modern theater- Charge an insane amount per person and then triple their money by selling you a bucket of popcorn for 10.00$ that cost .50 cents to make.

So no I don't buy into the idea that they had hidden missile bases under drive in theaters, and besides there is just too much unused land perfect for hiding that type of thing. Why would they risk putting it under a drive in theater, for the hot buttery popcorn?

edit on 13-11-2011 by mileysubet because: to add a smiley or two

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:08 AM
Growing up, we had one drive in in town and two nike bases.

Both as obvious as a fart in church.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:08 AM
Drive In Movie's ended when people had no money to spare.

They only existed back when society had

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Pervius
Drive In Movie's ended when people had no money to spare.

They only existed back when society had

Then how do you explain the booming business of the modern movie theaters?
edit on 13-11-2011 by mileysubet because: to clarify

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:20 AM
This theory seems pretty far fetched to me.
Drive in movie theaters just succumbed to business changes including malls with dozens of theaters and choices.

Plus the location of missile silos is well known - especially to Russia and China. That's one of the reasons that the U.S. is considering getting rid of land based missiles and relying on SLBM's only for the missile part of the current Strategic Nuclear Triad.

And a missile silo has to have a large cover which moves aside to launch the missile. And a nearby launch control center. Both with a high security fence to keep intruders out and patrolled by Air Force Security police. With an access road big enough to actually deliver or remove a missile for a silo.

If you find any of these near a vacant or abandoned drive in movie theater, you may have some evidence. It's worth noting that you should be able to see ANY of this using Google Maps.

You also might think about that missile silos tend to be very far inland - like at Missouri or North Dakota so they could not be easily attacked by Russian bombers or ICBM's. So why would a drive in movie theater say in Pennsylvania be used as a missile silo????

edit on 11/13/2011 by fah0436 because: Added las paragraph

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:24 AM
I would be interested to know how a drive-in was set up in such a way. I do miss the drive-in's, grew up with them in the 70s & remember seeing Barbarella. We had several where I grew up near my home & I never saw any military movement which you would expect to see.

I also used to do a lot of camping in southern Missouri in the early 80s & a silo was near a favorite
camping & fishing area of ours, & they didn't hide the fact that was a silo at all. Razor wire, "deadly
force will be used' signs, etc. so I find it hard to believe the military would go to such lengths to hide them.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by iSHRED

Missile silos aren't hidden. They're underground for protection from blast, not to make them invisible.

There's no *engineering* reason that you couldn't build a movie theater or a drive-in (or anything else, for that matter) over a missile silo, but there's no practical reason to do such a thing (and several practical reasons not to).
Biggest on the list of 'reasons not to' is missile maintenance. ICBMs, just like any other mechanical or electronic gadget ever made, require periodic testing and maintenance...and that's going to be a problem when loading or unloading the silo requires the demolition of a building. Another good reason not to build anything over a silo is that even if the 'covering' building were blown apart just before launch, there's the possibility that debris from said building could damage the missile.

In short, I'd bet against movie theaters being cover for anything other than some desperate make-out scenarios.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by iSHRED

ok - if as you claim - " drive in movie theathres " were " secret missile solios "

1 how did they commision them [ ie build the silo and install the missiles ]

2 how did they decommission them [ remove missiles and return the site to ` brown feild ` real estate

3 how were the silos maintained during thier working life ?


why " drive in movie theatres ? - if i ran the zoo - i would create " secret missile silos " in innocuouls warehouses - once the structure is constructed - you can dig below the centre of the foundations - and install misdsiles trucked in peice by peice

lastly - why do you ignore changine trends and demographics - ie - please tell me where the nearest soda fountain is to you ? , many features of towns in the 20s ~ 20s have vanished

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:24 PM
This could probably be a rumor, however check out how close the 88th Drive in is to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. Pretty Damn close...
Google Map to 88th Drive IN Theater near the Arsenal

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 04:30 PM
Someone has watched Spies Like Us, one too many times I think.

We use to have four drive ins where I live. One is now a Menards, one is an apartment building complex, one is a interstate on/off ramp and one is an RV dealer.

Not to mention the trucks that they deliver the missiles in are frigging obvious as all get out.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 04:52 PM
all of the missle silos i've seen, are located along US hwy 70 and 54 between Alamogordo, NM and El Paso, Tx and Las Cruces, NM.....all within the White Sands Missle Range complex...tho i've spotted a few in random locations, along two-lane roads, in the middle of nowhere.

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