posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 10:29 PM
Well let me start off by saying I dont think I saw a UFO but I cant figure out what I did see. I live in the Northern Midwest and last night I woke up
in the middle of the night and just happened to look out my window and saw one lone bright object in the sky. The window faces just south of due west
when I checked it with a compass it was something like 260 SW. It was a cloudy night and I live in a city so u dont see the stars but there was this
lone extremely bright thing in the sky and the moon and that was it. It was about 10 degress below the moon if I had to guess and farther west. It was
so bright that it actually did show up on my camera phone but when I zomed in it was just an intense white light the size of a pin head. It didnt move
for over an hour. Any Ideas what something like that could be? Planet? Really bright star?