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Was Liberation Enslavement?

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posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:00 PM
I came into this world in the late 1950's. In the 1960's, my mother worked hard, worked full time in restaraunt labor, while my dad went and hid and sulked at bars. In the 1970s, messages from every direction were coming at me, that women did not need men, they should get careers while Helen Reddy sang I am woman watch me roar. I well recall in the 1980's, the craze over moral relativism. It was in a very airy newagey form. There is no evil or good, only how you feel about it. I well remember the 1990s, the unconscious messages I was getting that women can have relations like men. Some leading female political personage took a swipe at staying home and making cookies, while a leading TV gal was going for her own ( offspring or abortion, I can't remember which. Maybe both!) I went through the public school system and didn't learn much. I learned alot after that, on my own, when I became a voracious reader, following some ufosightings.
I never wanted children myself, and I never landed a LTR. However, I have conditions such as Aspe and Axis II Personality stuff. Ahem.

But I feel the social conditionings hurt me alot.

Do you all think that the previous generation was under damaging deconstruction by the Ruling Elite? It makes a lot of sense to me, that doing this to a society populace, is just like chipping away at a strong center support beam, which holds up a large structure.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:17 PM
I agree with you, OP. Women's liberation "liberated" women, but men remained (and remain) the same.

All it did for me was get me working 40+ hours per week, then go home, take care of kids and do all the housework, cooking and laundry. Instead of one full time job, I ended up with two.

I think the deconstruction of the family unit, with the government taking over as the Big Daddy, was the result. The government apparently thinks it owns our kids, and they are only our fiscal responsibility. The government will teach the morals, take over the medical care, and make sure the brainwashing occurs starting in kindergarten.

Daycares and public schools have more time with our children than we do. Public schools can require hyper kids to be put on medication, and the parents are punished by the law if they don't comply. Kids are encouraged to rat on their parents.

The gender roles are vague and confusing. Overall, it's been a bad deal for everybody in the family, and a really good avenue to lead us all into fascist obedience. If we don't toe the line, our kids will tell on us.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:32 PM
"but men remained the same"

I was just thinking (remembering about that!) I recollect on all the women's magazines with screaming headlines about their O. And other articles bemoaning about, like, "But why oh why do they still call us tramps? The double standard isn't fair!" Meanwhile, people were not being informed, for the most part, that the brains had been hardwired different over few million years
I well recall being involved with some sociopaths, which was injurious to me, and I had never heard of psychopathy, nor had anyone around me, anyone I knew, yet I learned only somewhat recently, that a handfull of scientific medical types knew fully well of such. I wonder if thats part of the social conspiracy against the citizens and their nation.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:48 AM
What a load of hogwash.

In this life, we all must make what we want of it. If you want to be a stay at home mom, that is your choice and right. If you want to be a powerful, take charge woman in the traditionally male dominated business world, that's your right as well.

I do not see anyone being forced into one role or another. I'm not sure what the OP intention was with this post. Would you prefer that society keep its traditional roles and very strictly define what a man or woman should or shouldn't do? Perhaps I'm missing the point.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Why is it you put up with being both husband and housemaid? If your mate is one of these "liberated" woman and feels housework is beneath her, there are many women out there who still beleive in fairness and sharing the workload. Might be time to shake things up.


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