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Is this the right path to enlightenment?

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posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by oneness86

I do think though that because earth is a prison like place, it's perfect for us to reach spiritual enlightenment. IMHO spiritual enlightenment includes, freedom, knowlege, and love. these are all the things that are kept from us. What a better way to attain these things than to basically be forced into overcoming them and creating the answers for ourselves?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:21 PM
I think you are forgetting there actually is no growth...there is only the illusion of growth....therefore it comes down to what do you want to experience...what do you choose to manifest for is an experience so you truly cannot waste anytime time.

What is right for you to think, feel, and experience at this moment? that is really all that you are asking here...and only you can answer that.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:58 PM
When prayers go unanswered, you are it. That is a/the path to enlightenment each must decide/make. No meditation necessary. Don't wait. Act now. Hehehe.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Unrealised
The right path to enlightenment is YOUR path.

Don't listen to any Priest, Guru, Tarot Reader, Self-Proclaimed Wizard, Hippie or Cult Leader who will tell you any differently.

Don't listen to their interpretation of enlightenment either.

Listen to your own mind.

Right On! - Run! Run far from the din of the self proclaimed holy. Run past the church and temple. Run past the mosque. Know that all holiness is in thee. Aham Brahmasmi. I am Brahman. Brahman IS All.

Follow you inner leader.

edit on 12-11-2011 by HUMBLEONE because: I forgot?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by oneness86

Were you suggesting that a different planet besides earth would offer a less self destructive environment? The broad history of man's ignorance doesn't change man's capabilities. Beside's, people have a hard time of seeing the preventive and helpful nature we all share. An example is the news/mass media or really how history is recorded, It does two major things; 1. It creates the contemporary narrative of human behavior in a way that convinces people it is more apparent and important. 2. It is defining significance by the unusual and extraordinary. This is why death, suffering, violence is constantly perpetuated in history, and also why innovative firsts, survival feats and the miraculous phenomena is recorded.

The hard problem is the ordinary. History has a hard time showing the 'little things' that make large gradual changes to each individual. History doesn't exactly convey subtleness, and subtleness is just as significant if not more. People understand each other even when it is difficult to communicate, and people can create something called art, which in itself is a subtle form of communication through multiple mediums completely taken for granted.

Basically, the world may be "messed up", but much more so when you are weighing just the negative appearances.

As far as spiritual path to "something". I'm sure there are many paths and of course it is only up to the individual, but why is enlightenment or even faith something that is goal oriented, or is it just the path that matters? But in ending the cycle of rebirth or heaven. Is it the reward, or just the curiosity? or something else?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by facewhatly

Prison? Maybe an Insane assylum? No, now that's not very politically correct now is it? I mean psychiatric hospital. Not an insane assylum and definately not a nut house. Yes. The world is a psychiatric hospital. This is where they send beings from all over the galaxy. You know, those beings. The one's that just don't fit in. ( Or really, really don't fit in,-know what I mean?)

Enlightenment? Mine came to me like this. I wuz doin the haldol shuffle in line at the med window, when a thought hit me like a ton of bricks--- Just cheek your med's.

So, I cheek my med's. I spit em out and flush them down the toilet. Now I'm clear. I'm not a drugged up zombie anymore. I don't shuffle. I don't prostrate myself in front of anybody. I think I got it. No, I know I got it. I just can't wrap my little brain around all of it,-yet. Maybe I'm not meant to get it all right now. Maybe me and you should be patient. Be patient and keep looking inside. Peace.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

huh? forgive me but i have no idea what this response has to do with my post. it's not that im ticked off about it, i just simply have no idea what you were getting at.

and for the record I view it more as a prison than an insane asylum.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

although patience IS key, i must admit you are right about that

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:45 PM
there is no "enlightenment" --- we are born iccocent then at seven or so we devel-ope a ego and it takes over the self and replaces it with me and I - we are all born buddha (awake) then we are given words and value systems not in nature - then inevitably we loose our s-elf in the un-natural world a mate-ricks us into liveing in a dream - soon a night mirror replaces intro-spection -

people who call them self enlightend *(luminated/illuminati) are just inflated en-lights-end and know-ledg-able ego's

he who knows the ledge will never jump off
but he who seeks them self has already jumped over the edge and walking in between the lines of the chess board

any one who controls them self is therefor in control
any one who cannot control anything about them self is controled by others and a stranger to them s-Self

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:19 PM
'Tis simple really. You come here willfully. Find out what draws you back to this filthy Friday-the-13th-esque horror flic, sequel after sequel, despite that fact it seems to leave you nauseated and having to run to the loo to clean the vomit out of your lap.

Maybe it's (metaphorically speaking) the two-for-one drink special? For me, it's probably boobs or something which is sort of just like that.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by oneness86
Obviously as humans we follow the circle of life being born and eventually dying.With all respect to peoples opinions on what happens after death; whether its reincarnation or what have you, once we are born we seem to reboot our awareness and start anew. It seems to me that as spiritual beings this process seems to inhibit our growth and evolution. I know that a person is supposed to have what everyone calls "faith", but i find it hard to believe that a "God" or a higher being is really helping us with this current cycle. I think it would be beneficial to have a clear understanding of our history as race and teachings to help us move forward. I just feel like this is more of a prison planet than anything and we are doomed to continue this idiotic cycle.

Also, the planet in which we inhabit is constantly cleansing itself over and over again with storms and shifting tectonic plates. Civilizations and ancient teachings are lost taking a part of us with them. We do not have a clear understanding of who we are! Earth does not seem like a good starting place for humans to reach spiritual enlightenment.

Any thoughts on this?

Why would 'God' want to imprison beings of his creation. Beings, which on a higher plane are essentially him anyway? The reason you don't have a clear understanding of history is because you're not meant to. The only understanding you're meant to reach is an understanding of you, as God experiencing himself as you.

Civilisations rise and fall but there are more people on the planet than ever before. Do you really think if you were part of civilisation which had lasted for 10 or 20 thousand years it would really help you with your understanding of you anyway? I guess you could hang out with some Australian Aborigines in the desert if you wanted to try it. Their culture has remained more or less constant for nearly 100,000 years....

Enlightenment is an inevitable process for all. Focus less on trying to be spiritually superior and more on what makes you feel happy.
edit on 12/11/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 06:50 PM
Enlightenment means not in the dark, you could be in a dark car park, a dark torture room, a dark nursery, a dark zoo, a dark political room a dark cinema it doesn't matter. Each person will see more and more in the dark till one day the effect of darkness is not effective, it will last no more.
the light is in us.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by oneness86

I suspect and imagine that beings in blissful domains are anxiously awaiting their transition over to this world, where things are much tougher. It's probably prime real estate for souls who wish to learn and grow, because of all the pressures and challenges.

It's an honor and a priviledge in other words, in spite of appearances and emotional reactions and responses.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 07:14 PM
If I asked you what the opposite of 'light' was, most everyone would say 'dark'. But to be an absolute opposite it would have to have all the same properties as light, it would have to be equal with light to be it's true opposite. So if you went into a totally dark room, and you turned on a beam of light from a flashlight the room would be illuminated would it not? But if you took a well lit room that was filled with light and turned on a beam of dark what effect would it have? If you sit down and look at what you think is opposites, and really study them you will find that there are no true opposites, only certain realities. Does love have an equal opposite in hate? What do you think would win out, love or hate? What is the real reality? Trust the easily attained facts that love and light will always carry the day. Stay with that. It will never ever steer you wrong.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 07:50 PM
i tend to enlighten my shamanic self and awaken my dormant soul to venture off in the real world with magic mushroom tea

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 07:54 PM
All paths of this nature lead to the ONE, the Source, The ALL, higher consciousness, God, whatever name you wish to use. The path is long so enjoy it, discover, let Truth resonate in your heart, learn from mistakes and do not repeat.... But whatever you do, Follow Through to the end with an open mind & heart


posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:25 PM
This is the reason you believe that you need to be enlightened:
The reason life feels so heavy and how to feel lighter.
edit on 12-11-2011 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by oneness86
Obviously as humans we follow the circle of life being born and eventually dying.With all respect to peoples opinions on what happens after death; whether its reincarnation or what have you, once we are born we seem to reboot our awareness and start anew. It seems to me that as spiritual beings this process seems to inhibit our growth and evolution. I know that a person is supposed to have what everyone calls "faith", but i find it hard to believe that a "God" or a higher being is really helping us with this current cycle. I think it would be beneficial to have a clear understanding of our history as race and teachings to help us move forward. I just feel like this is more of a prison planet than anything and we are doomed to continue this idiotic cycle.

Also, the planet in which we inhabit is constantly cleansing itself over and over again with storms and shifting tectonic plates. Civilizations and ancient teachings are lost taking a part of us with them. We do not have a clear understanding of who we are! Earth does not seem like a good starting place for humans to reach spiritual enlightenment.

Any thoughts on this?

Generally speaking, those who have obtained higher levels of enlightenment during their past lives become enlightened and aware of their past lives much earlier in their future lives. This is why people like Jesus knew he was enlightened very early on during his life, since he, is an ascended master of enlightenment. I became aware of my enlightenment when I was 26, where as others may not recognize theirs until way later in life. The age of your soul also helps aid in when your enlightenment in future lives will occur.
edit on 12-11-2011 by Zarxx because: added material

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Zarxx

I was 26 also.
edit on 12-11-2011 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:30 PM
Ultimately I always come back to the certainty that the meaning of life is "To Create."

If we had access to past lives we might fall into a trap of past friendships, past patterns and past ideas. If everything were handed to us on a platter, life would be boring. There would be less incentive to invent, create or innovate. Imagine a bunch of lazy slobs eating peeled grapes in a gilded Barco-Lounger. How boorish.

I believe God created this world as a 3D animated universe-ity full of good and bad, full of choices, opportunities and traps. Eventually we shall be given the chance to create our own worlds, infinite, unlimited and completely up to you.

Each of us will be judged by how many other souls want to give our universe a try.
edit on 12-11-2011 by zarp3333 because: Spellink

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