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Earthquakes all over the world right now- It's as if the whole earth is shaking.

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posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:11 AM
As I was feeling an earthquake here in Ottawa, a few of the real time seismic display I pulled up started showing continuous activity.

See it for yourself, there's currently earthquakes anywhere from 1.2 to 3.8 all happening simultaniously.

I've made a quick site to list them on while I work on getting this thread organised, but you have to check it out right now and spread the word.

See this site...
Wtf quakes all over the place simultaneously

Is that normal?
edit on 12-11-2011 by Alkolyk because: bad link

edit on 12-11-2011 by Alkolyk because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by Alkolyk

If you go back over the last month or year you will see there are quakes happening every day almost all the time. Its perfectly normal and most of them are small.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:18 AM
i haven't felt an earthquake since feb 28, 2001. the nisqually quake, i live in vancouver, supposedly active area.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by tarifa37

Yeah but about 15 of them happening simultaneously at the same time related to different areas and plates?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:39 AM
This is normal behavior for the globe, small quakes happening like this are normal. Quit panicking.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:40 AM
you guys, its 5:35am and the house was shaking. i thought it was just my nerves and i thought, hmmm, maybe i should see if theres any quake in my area on ATS

and low and behold this is the first thread
i see when i type in ATS (i dunno why i havent bookmarked by now!)

so, the thread title scared the Shiite out of me!

anyways can anyone seismogically inclined here on ATS maybe indicate if there is a significantly increased level of activity in the earth. it feels faint but its definitely there, anyone else feel it. put your ear down to the grown (i tried this on the carpet and then bare floor) and heck, both are grumbly as heck.

it feels like 'something bad is gonna happen' =(

but then again, i'm an ATS fearmonger so thats just me.

someone, pls clarify whats goin on?

-goin back to bed...

edit on 12-11-2011 by ignant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by Alkolyk

I have not noticed any here in the UK, i think your title is a little misleading to the point of trying to fearmonger, i get so bored of these sensation headlines that do not hold water. So to re iterate, i have fe;lt nothing out of the ordinary here in the uk for the last 42 years, so please be a little more ralistic with the thread title, it is silly.

Earthquakes happen day in and day out, nothing new in it at all. Get a grip.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:50 AM
Yes that kind of thing is normal, when you live in a planet with active tectonic plates that are shifting all the time.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:58 AM
Run the numbers from USGS or ESMC. You will see that we are at roughly 170% of the average. Of course the avergae consists of highs and lows yearwise. Take it for what it is worth. I "feel" this is significant though.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by jcord
Run the numbers from USGS or ESMC. You will see that we are at roughly 170% of the average.

nearly 200% thats..

rather significant!

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 05:55 AM
Oy vey.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 06:29 AM
I am an avid believer in ECD theory, and I am in good company, for example da vinci. I think these smaller quakes we arw seeing are not all related to fracking but are a precursor of things to come.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 06:32 AM
I've looked at the Earthquake map daily for the last 7 years. It looks normal. I've seen more earthquakes happening at once, that's for sure. The Oklahoma area is interesting. That's a bit unusual.

Here's an easy one to look at:
edit on 12/11/11 by RainbeauBleu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:35 PM

Earthquakes all over the world right now- It's as if the whole earth is shaking

Anyone would think we were living on a crust that is constantly moving as its floating on a liquid core...

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by ignant
so, the thread title scared the Shiite out of me!

anyways can anyone seismogically inclined here on ATS maybe indicate if there is a significantly increased level of activity in the earth. it feels faint but its definitely there, anyone else feel it. put your ear down to the grown (i tried this on the carpet and then bare floor) and heck, both are grumbly as heck.

it feels like 'something bad is gonna happen' =(

but then again, i'm an ATS fearmonger so thats just me.

someone, pls clarify whats goin on?

Ok first off.


Secondly, don't just assume a website or random guys youtube blog claims are always the honest truth. It pays to dig around and see what you can come up with yourself. For example, a link to a graph was posted on a recent thread, showing a seemingly ever increasing trend of earthquakes each year during the last century. Seems pretty serious
Then some 'stats' are presented showing damning evidence of increasing large magnitude quakes also. Or so it seemed...
Source of the graph.

this trend needs to be understood in relation to the increase in seismographs. Certainly, in the last 25 years, more lower intensity earthquakes have been noticed because of a general increase in the number of seismograph stations across the world and improved global communications. This increase has helped seismological centres to locate many small earthquakes which were undetected in earlier decades.

This explains why we see an upward trend in records of quakes of all magnitudes, as we can detect quakes better than ever before. Yet large quakes have better records since they are more likely to get detected. Here's what the site says about the record of 7.0+ magnitude quakes. The formatting isn't great, but I've bolded the presented number of earthquakes for each period.

--------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------
1863 to 1900 incl 38 yrs 12
1901 to 1938 incl 38 yrs 53 Reference list 1901 to 1938
1939 to 1976 incl 38 yrs 71 Reference list 1939 to 1976
1977 to 2014 incl * 38 yrs 164 (to Mar. 2011) predict >190 in total. Reference list 1977 to date

For the most recent period (1977-2014) they list this and wikipedia as a source. They neglect to mention sources for the other periods. The source link states that the list consists of "Selected earthquakes of general historic interest. ". These are selected quakes of historical importance, not actual statistics of earthquakes.

Now if you take a look at this database, which is one that USGS references for quakes before 1973, you can search for actual statistics of quakes, and the numbers are vastly different

Period_____No of quakes greater than 7.0_________________
1901-1938: 378
1939-1976: 372
1977-2014: 300

As you can see, this is far different to the values presented on the site. You may also note that there is no increasing trend of large (7+) earthquakes at these time intervals with this data. In fact, if anything there is a slight downward trend in large quakes if you follow the trend. Between 1901 and 1976 there were an average of 9.87 large quakes per year. With a constant trend, by 2011 there should have been 335 quakes, yet there is currently only 300 recorded on this database.

There are earthquakes every year, every month, every day. Small ones are actually quite common and are generally nothing to be concerned about. A lot of them won't even be felt.

In saying that, the danger of our planet is ever present, and we shan't take it for granted. It pays to always be aware of the risks, whilst remaining vigilant. I try not to get too worried about whether something bad could happen, and focus on what good can happen

But much like the recent YU55 carry on, I wouldn't worry too much about a title. Take a look inside and see what you think of the content before freaking out. Knowledge is power.
edit on 13/11/11 by Curious and Concerned because: format

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