posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by AllUrChips
My GrandFather died at 11 o'clock on the 11:11:1948 at Calvary Hospital because of injuries he sustained in WW11. (Rememberance Day)
My Mum is a war baby.
Edwin was Canadian(from Nova Scotia) and my Nanna was English, she served as a plane spotter with the gatling guns.
Anyway, as it turned out, he died and Mum ended up being his only child. She went over and met all the Canadian family couple of years back.
My Nanna ended up marrying a War Ambo and he adopted my Mum and happy la la.
When Mum showed me pics of Edwin's tombstone, I was like, oh wow, we wont forget that in a hurry.
anyway, how wonderful that a child has been born on Rememberance Day.
edit on 12-11-2011 by Thurisaz because: time