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11 Shocking Things You Now Realize To Be True

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posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:23 AM
Natural News, and especially Mike Adams, is nothing but a bunch of sensationalist, tree-huggin', vegetarian nutbags. They routinely take bits of truth and use them to push some crazy-ass stance to create traffic to their site. All it takes is a relatively intelligent human being to read through 2 paragraphs of any article on that site to see the blatant lies and truth stretching. It's gross.

That said....

"Natural" foods and cereals are routinely made with genetically modified ingredients

The term "natural" is an ambiguous term that's not clearly defined by the FDA. I can make a chemical cocktail and add a piece of strawberry and slap a label on it that says "All NATURAL!" and get away with it.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:24 AM
I tried to read this article with an open mind but I noticed a couple things before I read few members point them out:

- No links work and I'd have to go through and find each one myself
- Only a couple of the stories in there are true and it all sounds biased.
- The "sources" look to point to the website itself and prison planet -- not such a "credible" source in my opinion

And not to mention the fact that some of the things are widely known and others are downright false. And to see the first reply be that generic reply where one sees it and goes "If u dont believe your a sheeple so you can go back to sleep" is just fleh? I just can't take this seriously.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:33 AM
Life is not ideal, must be a NWO plan, I occaisionally get sick, must be a diabolical plot. Humans, and more specifically Americans, live long and fairly healthy lives with very little true discomfort. There are yet some groups left in the world who would be quite happy to have access to our water, food, vaccines and many other things that we have and take for granted. You should go live in a place with no vaccines, modern water treatment facilities, access to food and such, your eyes would be opened. Having said that, I support you in your truth seeking quest and hope that your efforts make the world a better place, I always find it quite interesting when people talk as though we are all dying of the measles and our teeth are rotting out of our disfigured and sick bodies. We live very well in the USA, go to some developing countries and see some "natural" living people and see what they deal with.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

#3 - Flu vaccines often contain live flu viruses and actually cause the flu as a way to worsen the flu season and scare more people into buying vaccines. It's also true with MMR vaccines, which cause the measles. Flu vaccines are the greatest medical hoax that has ever been perpetrated on the world:

1976: Ford Orders Swine Flu Shots for All

Mass vaccinations started in October, but within weeks reports started coming in of people developing Guillain-Barré syndrome, a paralyzing nerve disease, right after taking the shot. Within two months, 500 people were affected, and more than 30 died. Amid a rising uproar and growing public reluctance to risk the shot, federal officials abruptly canceled the program Dec. 16.

In the end, 40 million Americans were inoculated, and there was no epidemic. More technically advanced examination of the virus revealed later that it was nowhere near as deadly as the 1918 influenza virus. The only recorded fatality from swine flu itself was the unfortunate Pvt. Lewis.

well as a Movie shows Truth to conspiracy's

#5 - The United States government openly trafficks illegal guns into Mexico as a way to cause gun violence in the USA. It all seemed so very clever until they got caught, and now it just seems flatly criminal. So why can the federal government run illegal guns and nothing happens to them, but if you or I do it, we go to prison for a long, long time?

the Government uses a Independent Arms Dealer

Sometimes its embarrassing to have his fingerprints (president) on the Guns !
sometimes he needs a Freelancer to supply Force's he cant be seen to Supply

Anyone Remember Iran Contra Oliver North? that was surly Embarrassing

Lord of war "Let me tell you whats gonna happen"

Lord of War - Nicolas Cage's Speech Intro and Outro

. #6 - Prestigious U.S. hospitals are widely engaged in black market organ trafficking and organ transplants And why not? It's profitable, and they can claim they're "saving lives!" Make no mistake: the organ transplant industry is steeped in dark, psychopathic criminal activity.

Coma [1978]

( The Organ Harvest Victims )

COMA "Morts Suspectes" 1978 The Jefferson Institute

edit on 12-11-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:40 AM
This article originally titled "The Secret Covenant" was sent anonymously with an unusable email address to www .Bankindex. com, a financial advisor dot-com company located in Florida, USA. Initially I was unable to located the original English version of this article in bankindex. com. Somebody translated the article into Spanish and placed it in www. I translated the Spanish version into English and published it in this website. From a reader I received later on the original English version which I compared to my translation for accuracy. Here is now posted the original version which has replaced my translation.

Google the secret covenant.

Possibly, and I only say possibly we are at war, a covert war, a war that is so secret and hidden from plain view most are not even aware of it.

I simply bring this information to you to consider..................laugh, throw it out or consider all the dangerous frap we're being polluted with.

The choice is yours.

Me, personally - I simply yet don't know, yet I wonder.

Now, for trolls or those that want to retort, "nonsense' kindly please use your time and energy well and move along to another thread that you can constructively contribute too.

A closed mind and proud heart gathers no knowledge...............ofhumandescent.

Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers..........she who cannot be named on ATS.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:50 AM
It gets to the point where the evil and deception and secretiveness is so all pervasive and occurring on so many fronts, that to pinpoint each example almost misses the point. As the Bible says, it's about principalities. A force of some kind is taking over.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:51 AM
This is why some of us keep thinking the best thing that could happen is the foretold big ole comet or asteroid would hit us and stop the horror show!
I see no end to it, no way it will get "fixed" it can only get worse as the population gets higher and the power is in fewer and fewer sick hands!

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:52 AM
I find it hard to believe that CPS steals children to sell in to sex slavery. Can someone point me to a source for this? I'm not saying it isn't possible...just hard to believe.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by MrsBlonde
good post

David Icke and others have been sounding the child sex exploitation bell for a decade
linking it to an underground Luciferian Sacrificial Cult ,I believe that he is right,(because I have had contact with victims)

so much wrong with the dominant paradigm ,it's hard to figure out where to dig in

I would add Prison Industrial Complex and War On Poverty to that list! it isn't nearly long enough

In the 80's when I went to incest survivor meetings in Boston I met some satanic ritual abuse survivors. Since then the 'enlightened' liberal media has assured us that the uncovering of the magnitude of child sexual abuse in the 80's was a 'witch hunt' that never really occurred. I know this stuff is real. I know that no one wants to deal with it. Oh well.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent

Now, for trolls or those that want to retort, "nonsense' kindly please use your time and energy well and move along to another thread that you can constructively contribute too.

Ya know... If there's a troll in this thread, it's the link to Natural News. That site gives a bad name to all alternative news sites. The amount of B.S. on that site would rival that found in a cow pasture in Texas.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by stephanies-chase
I find it hard to believe that CPS steals children to sell in to sex slavery. Can someone point me to a source for this? I'm not saying it isn't possible...just hard to believe.

Read the papers. Do they really protect children? No. Do they even try? No. I'm not surprised.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd

Originally posted by ofhumandescent

Now, for trolls or those that want to retort, "nonsense' kindly please use your time and energy well and move along to another thread that you can constructively contribute too.

Ya know... If there's a troll in this thread, it's the link to Natural News. That site gives a bad name to all alternative news sites. The amount of B.S. on that site would rival that found in a cow pasture in Texas.

I don't know, Devo. Natural News is just like any alternative website. It's going to have shocking revelations, and those in the mainstream will be quick to dismiss it....

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

This is in reference to the sex slave trade... how many of you know that you can get a virtual lap dance???? it is easy, all you have to do is go to any of the porn sites where they offer "live girls" where they are either stuffed into a cubical and possibly forced, or some of these girls seem to do this from the comfort of their own home... all they need is a web-cam.. and they dance for you for a charge by the minute much like the way the 1-800 numbers operate....these sites should be the next target for anonymous or any other activist group.. it is odd, and making someone very wealthy
edit on 12-11-2011 by ntzeret because: added the info about web cams

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by James1982
And, after all of that.....

Those of you who claim to be awake, but don't do anything to fight these issues, are the biggest suckers of all.

Why? Because ignorance is bliss, as they say. And if your goal in learning the "truth" is to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT then that's great, if you just want to learn the truth and then bitch about it on internet message boards, your just making yourself miserable for no reason.

So fight it, or quit bitching. This goes to all of those who piss and moan about a violent uprising. HINT: Nothing can be done by standing around the street, writing letters, or voting. It's the only option. If you aren't up for it, then go back to sleep, because your accomplishing nothing.

So what exactly do you suggest? We all take up arms and run into the White House and congress to attempt a takeover...
Plz... you need to chill and let the intelligent people beat them at their own game... Loopholes...

You act like your part of a militia or something ready to bear arms and die fighting a battle that can only be won by beating them at their own game... your leadership would get everyone killed... you have to infiltrate and dominate, just as they have been doing for thousands of years that lead up to today's troubles.

The problem is they have set the ground work for all this and have all the pieces in place, prepared... The general public has only became aware of this scheme in the past century...

I just hope there is time left to recover before it's too late...

As for people like me... Single parent working any job to pay my bills... I can't do much out there so I try and educate the simpleminded audience and repost to my fb account and chat about it with my buddies... I'll let the people who know what and how to do it get it done... My kids need me at home so don't say that we need to get off our butts because even the people in the background can make noise...

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

They DO have some good articles. But they tread too much, in my opinion, on sensationalism. They purposefully cherry pick half-truths and portray them as "Breaking News That's Hidden From YOU!". I mean, many of those in the list you provided... I agree with. But.. When I see Natural News, my shield is up. And it's just based on the numerous articles, mainly by the editor, that are borderline propaganda.

I don't mean to shoot your efforts down, Virt. I know you posted this with the same intention that I would have posted this. And, honestly, I routinely post things of "provocative" nature that stirs the proverbial health pot.

It's just...every time I see that fools face above an article on that site...I can't read it.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:22 PM
I would say that this is a list of 11 things that there is definitely some truth to...some more than others. There has definitely been a near-total media blackout on Ron Paul, no doubt. However, I am from central Pa and have had experience with the Child Services there and, like much of the rest of the population, those in the CPS field run the gamet from somewhat hapless and over-burdened to arrogant and self-serving, (much depends on the pay-scale.) I really don't think that there is some kind of conspiracy to exploit children- what is going on up there, however, is an unaddressed undercurrent of child abuse on many different levels throughout the population that people have been turning a blind eye to for many years.

I really hope that these latest revelations will serve to make a difference, but I suspect once this all becomes yesterday's news, that things will just revert back to status quo. A lot of people in Pa (and elsewhere) consider children to be a kind of 'property' that they can do with as they's very very sad.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

They DO have some good articles. But they tread too much, in my opinion, on sensationalism. They purposefully cherry pick half-truths and portray them as "Breaking News That's Hidden From YOU!". I mean, many of those in the list you provided... I agree with. But.. When I see Natural News, my shield is up. And it's just based on the numerous articles, mainly by the editor, that are borderline propaganda.

I don't mean to shoot your efforts down, Virt. I know you posted this with the same intention that I would have posted this. And, honestly, I routinely post things of "provocative" nature that stirs the proverbial health pot.

It's just...every time I see that fools face above an article on that site...I can't read it.

I understand what you are saying. With that being said, they are still more credible than FoxNews.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:34 PM
#3 is just beyond obvious. The flu vaccine contains a weakened flu virus. When introduced to your body you fight the weakened one off, creating anti-bodies, which fights off the full strength flu should you be introduced.

Yes, sometimes it backfired and gives you the full flu. But this has never been a secret and I don't think any doctor has ever tried to deny what is in a flu vaccine.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

Hey OP, I agree w/ 4, 5, and 10 but If your so concerned with food then grow your own. As far as child sex abuse goes, though it's VERY disturbing 2 me personally... The age of consent, in Mexico, is 12. This is a GLOBAL forum and as an American I'll not choose to push my values onto other nations or other value sets.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

I'm pretty sure watching foxnews leads to herpes. In the eye. So, I stay away from that fo sho. :p

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