While reading through some of the older 'quake "expectation" threads earlier, a different idea came to mind about why it seems that all of the
major faultlines in the US ( Cascadia, New Madrid, San Andreas ) are overdue for a major quake. WARNING: lots of circumstancial evidence here, nothing
concrete, but it does make for an interesting picture that MAY explain alot of things, including why some of the lesser known faults east of the
Rockies are rupturing ( Virginia, Oklahoma, Texas ). This might also tie in the of the "tremors" that alot of people feel and sense.
I apologize ahead of time for not being able to post clearly, I have not figured out how to cut and paste articles correctly yet, so I will just
link them for you all to follow at your leisure
I have tried to limit links to "reputable" sites that lean more towards news and science than
conspiricy. Facts only for this bit of conjecture
To start with, the past-due quake zones:
New Madrid
San Andreas
Now, with all of these MAJOR areas that are overdue for a large quake that could easily be a 8+, and in the Cascadia and Alaska areas 9+ potential,
doesn't it seem odd that we are seeing many other older faultlines becoming active in a larger way in the Eastern US? I don't think I need to link
to the info on the Virginia and Oklahoma quakes, as they are pretty current and should be fresh in everyones minds.
Here is where we leap off the known, and into the area of speculation! But if looked at correctly, there seems to be quite a bit of evidence for
What if.... HAARP isn't what we think it is. ( Yes I can hear it now.. OMG he said HAARP, stop reading! But please.. bear with me a moment. )
What if instead of being a trigger for earthquakes like many suspect that HAARP is, but instead, it is a way to help release the "pressure" as it
were, of the large known quake zones. Take for instance the harmonic tremors that are quite evident here along the Cascadia zone.
There has been alot of discussion ( Thanks Westcoast!
) about the tremors in Washington and Oregon, and alot of ideas about what they are. I tend
to agree that they are a release mechanism for stress in the subduction zone. What if HAARP is what is causing these "tremors"? What if, instead of
HAARP being the doomsday device that everyone thinks it is, is instead a way to keep a major quake from happening in the densly populated west coast
area? I find it hard to believe that HAARP could generate enough energy to CAUSE a large earthquake ( like Japan ), but enough energy to allow a
slight constant slippage? Now that seems much much more likely.
If a major quake were to go off on the west coast, leaving out the loss of life, what would the economic impact be? What if a major port closed
down, think SF, LA or Seattle. Those 3 are ALL major hubs for shipments from Asia. Do you think that would kill the economy pretty quickly? Wouldn't
the government try to keep that from happening in the interest of "National Security"?
Now, what would the side affects of this be? If we allow tension to slowly ease, or stop it from easing all together in the major fault systems,
the energy has to go somewhere. How about old faults activating? How about in the past 10 years we have had 3 MAJOR quakes on the Ring of Fire at 3 of
the 4 corners of the Pacific plate ( Chile 8.8, Sumatra 9.1, Japan 9.0), but interstingly enough, NOT one in the PNW or Alaska area? So energy release
on every part of the plates surrounding the major US faultlines, but none on the faultlines themselves...corelated with older faultlines producing
record size earthquakes in previously unknown and low activity areas, makes for a pretty interesting picture in my mind. Admittedly this is
conjecture, I really have no science to back me up that I have been able to find in a quick look, but "what if?"
Go easy on me