posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 06:37 AM
I posted earlier and tried to be a little discreet in my description of the pagan origins of Xmas Trees, the Xmas Wreath, the Yule Log, etc.
The pagan rituals were mixed with Christianity by way of Constantine and making Christianity the official religion of Rome. A very good example of "
if you can't beat them, then join them",,, and they did. A host of holidays or Holy Days were incorporated and twisted and distorted to blend
Christianity and pagan themes.
Ever wonder why we have an Easter Ham when Jesus and Chritianity had it's origins in Judaism? Jews don't eat why the Easter Ham? Why get up
eggs and have an Easter Bunny? Its all fertility rites and orgies to make the spring planting season productive by worshipping Ishtar...Easter. The
man in the moon can also be seen as a bunny...look at it and you can see the rabbit...what do rabbits do? Breed... and Why is Easter tied to Lunar
phases instead of Passover....pagan.
The Maypole.. everyspring a boy and girl are stood up against a pole and a group of peers sings as they go around the Maypole with ribbons tying the
pair to the ancient times.. it would have been a tree or cedar or evergreen trunk and an orgy/ fertility rite would have ensued.
And Christmas...celebrated at the time of the winter solstice and the birth of Mitrea/Mytria... when the description given in the Gospels actually
point to the birth of Jesus being around flocks in the field, the cycle of Judaic religious ceremonies in place, etc.
The Christmas Tree... I tried to be subtle, but here we go...the star on top is symbolic of Nimrod...original king of Baylon. He died/was murdered and
reborn and resurrected...the Yule log dies and is reborn as the tree...yes, the balls and tinsel are male symbols of fertility...aka testicles and
ejaculants...the tree was a symbol of sacrifice...literal of babies, gifts, offerings... the female counterpart was the wreath... think about it..
/\ fits into O.. the ceremonies evolved and were disturbing with sacrifice and sex intermingled into a belief of life through death and the Biblical
scriptures only allude to the severity of such ceremonies but always forbade them...go and read the Old Kings and Chronicles and Isaiah
and Jeremiah...the sex was just too much for the Hebrews and Israelites to refuse.
Of course, it was all toned down as it was intermingled with the Church of Rome and Constantine... but even back in Paul's day and the early church,
such pagan traditions and temptations wove their way into the church. In some of the early Christian church founded in ...I believe Corinth...
fertility rites and worship found their way into the church, where there were actually temple prostitutes/ church deaconesses and deacons that would
take the "offerings" of the male and female members... basically have sex and pay/give your offering. It was so twisted that the white male
ejaculant was seen as good...white being good... go and read some of Paul's letters and see how he was fighting for the soul of the church and true
I am a Christian and most Chrisitans do not even know these things. When you offer up Jeremiah denouncing the "Christmas
Tree"...they seem flabergasted.
For me... I am torn both ways...but to me... a symbol is what you make it. To native Americans and other far east religions.. the Swastika is a symbol
of light, sun, peace, and harmony... the flow of life. It has been forever tarnished by the Nazis. Likewise, a Christmas Tree is a thing of beauty,
love, child-like wonder and excitement, and a family tradition to be enjoyed.... if you want to make it something else, that is your right... just not
in my house.