posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:38 AM
Ireland's so called Neutrality is a joke,
The concept of neutrality means staying out of foreign conflicts in the first place.
it does not give you an automatic license to run a blockade held by a foreign power.
Eamonn De Valera was hedging his bets in WWII in case Germany won, declaring neutrality but interning stranded Luftwaffe personell while
British/Allied pilots were allowed to slip back into British territory. How many US warplanes and troops on their way to war in Iraq and Afghanistan
have stopped over in Shannon since 2001?
I am not Anti US or anti Israel or anti Hamas and do support humanitarian aid to Gaza but doing it expecting privilege under a false concept of
neutrality is ridiculous. Sitting on the fence means that you cannot touch the ground on either side, nor expect help if you fall. The Middle East is
a powderkeg and a potential war zone in the making, do we really need a boatful of Irish Neutrals getting people on edge and agitating an already
tense situation and then crying Neutrality! when it all goes wrong.
It made me laugh when the Irish Government (Who can barely afford to turn the heating on) issued warnings to Israel in the past over its actions
regarding Irish people who inserted themselves into the situation.
I'd say the IDF was sh***ing itself.
I'm not saying it is right or wrong its just the hypocrisy of Irish neutrality that I am ranting about.