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How to harden against EMP or Solar Flare

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posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:00 AM
And the next thing is:

You survived whatever (SF, EMP, CME etc) now your happy taking out your equipment, maybe some power generator, too. When the next event hits, your whole efforts go down the drain. How do you know its safe to take them out?

If I were a evil Person, I would do the first strike, wait until most backup systems are running and then hit again to make sure theres no appliance spared to get destroyed.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by verschickter

Having a case that's hardened against EMP is much better than, not having a case that is hardened against EMP. I get the image of Homer Simpson taking his ipod out of his hardened EMP case, and Mr Burns using his evil EMP machine to try to mess with him. "DOH! Can't have nothing!"

What are you going to do, live in a Faraday cage forever?

Nice thread rocket, gonna add this to the list of must dos. Nothing like a working lap top, ipod, and whatever other stuff you can cram in there, to make you a popular person in the next world.

I would only take the items out and use them when I really needed to, and only one at a time. It gives a better chance of detecting and avoiding future EMP spikes or the dreaded repeating one.
edit on 20-11-2011 by Evolutionsend because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Evolutionsend
reply to post by verschickter

Having a case that's hardened against EMP is much better than, not having a case that is hardened against EMP. I get the image of Homer Simpson taking his ipod out of his hardened EMP case, and Mr Burns using his evil EMP machine to try to mess with him. "DOH! Can't have nothing!"
What are you going to do, live in a Faraday cage forever?

Oh dear, but this case is not hardened against EMP my friend

Also I never said something like I would not use one. I indeed wrote that I would use one that functions.
And said that, we both know why you are contributing to this thread. What about giving a simple answer in your own thread before start stalking me?

edit on 20-11-2011 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

BTW, if SHTF you can use your IPHONE or whatever as a letter weight, as soon as traditional post is working again.
edit on 20-11-2011 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by verschickter

The thickness of the metal shield around the Faraday box isn't of much concern, either. This makes it possible to build protection "on the cheap" by simply using the cardboard packing box that equipment comes in along with aluminium foil. Just wrap the box with the aluminium foil (other metal foil or metal screen will also work); tape the foil in place and you're done. Provided it is kept dry, the cardboard will insulate the gear inside it from the foil; placing the foil-wrapped box inside a larger cardboard box is also wise to be sure the foil isn't accidentally ripped anywhere. The result is an "instant" Faraday box with your equipment safely stored inside, ready for use following a nuclear war.

Copper or aluminium foil can help you insulate a whole room from EMP as well. Just paper the wall, ceiling and floor with metal foil. Ideally the floor is then covered with a false floor of wood or with heavy carpeting to insulate everything and everyone inside from the shield (and EMP). The only catch to this is that care must be taken NOT to allow electrical wiring connections to pierce the foil shield (i.e., no AC powered equipment or radio antennas can come into the room from outside). Care must also be taken that the door is covered with foil AND electrically connected to the shield with a wire and screws or some similar set up.

Many government civil defence shelters are now said to have gotten the Faraday box, "foil" treatment. These shelters are covered inside with metal foil and have metal screens which cover all air vents and are connected to the metal foil. Some of these shelters probably make use of new optical fibre systems--protected by plastic pipe--to "connect" communications gear inside the room to the "outside world" without creating a conduit for EMP energy to enter the shelter.


According to that he has the right idea. What do you contribute to prove that it will not work?

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:37 AM
well, then read the very first page and stop trashing others threads, even when they fail. You quoted my source....
I contributed that it will not work because there is no conducting connection between the box and the top of the lid. Duct tape isnt conducting.

So I provided a thousend times more then you, because you are here because I am on your foe list and not because the topic is of interest to you.

Edit: An if a person post a "How to harden against EMP or Solar Flare" then the poster better knows what he does (this is not he case here). So I dont have to proof him wrong, he has to proof his box is working
edit on 20-11-2011 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by verschickter

Why don't you go SHOW us how to make one? Arm chair generals don't go over to well here.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Evolutionsend

Well, I did, if you cared to read the first page, you would know. But it tells a lot about someone that abandons his own thread because he cant read/deliver a answer and then stalk someone into other threads and troll there. Because in every post I made here, I contributed, you just want troll.

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